Friday, December 2, 2011

i sware every movie in America is the number 1 movie http:youtubeLQ08RYhoNYQ wwwyoutubecom © 2011 WMG O my god I trust in u: let me not be ashamed: let not

Jenna Petrucci
Jenna Petrucci i sware every movie in America is the "number 1" movie..
Laina Tiata
Laina Tiata
© 2011 WMG
Oladunni Tawakalitu
Oladunni Tawakalitu O my god. I trust in u: let me not be ashamed: let not my enemies triumph over me.
Amanda Weiss
Amanda Weiss Sorry Guys, Im not feeling well and the monitor is just all fuzzy and worbley to me so Im going to go lay down. I will be back on l8tr to help out w/ the games. Hope every1 is havn a good day!
Nicole Frances Childs
Nicole Frances Childs Ummm I'll clean my car windows whenever I feel like it. I'm pretty sure I own the car.. and it's under MY name.. Or next time you tell me to clean shit.. make sure it's more than an hour before I have to go to work. Sometimes you just.. SUCK
Asia Monee Ann Johnson
Asia Monee Ann Johnson dang if i go to jersey dhis week i cnt go ladystingss partyy sheesh i got lot think about and the week almost over
Alexandra LeRae Welter
Alexandra LeRae Welter I've finally decided I need to find a new hobby...All school and work and no play makes Alix a dull girl.
Junior Sh'khonah Nuugulu
Junior Sh'khonah Nuugulu My memory is full of nonsense things in past. How can I reset ? Want to gt rid of ths please help
Elizabeth Watkins Clary
Elizabeth Watkins Clary I need a decorator! Help!
Dustin Bell
Dustin Bell Should i get the Mission X bowling ball. it looks bad ass!
Shyanne Thies
Shyanne Thies Staying home is probably the worst thing I did
Josh Lantzy
Josh Lantzy If anyone needs a genuine smile on their faces, I strongly suggest the muppet movie.
Ashley Ayres
Ashley Ayres Home cut French fries cheeseburgers and peas. I think yes!
Susan Allen
Emma Ling
Emma Ling Is very happy to say that I passed my OSCE woooooohooooo :) xxxx
Debby Powell Morris-Hubert
Debby Powell Morris-Hubert ATTN: CHICAGO & surrounding IL area: I wanna invite you to see what ya DON'T wanna miss! Ambit presentation to let ya see the business from a Dynamic Business Builder!
Billy Hewitt
Billy Hewitt I'm fixin' to tell ya'll something about being Southern. Being Southern doesn't mean that I'm not educated. I may say "ain't" and "y'all" and call you "Sweetie" or 'Honey" and I might "bless a lot of hearts" and I might even "piddle around". I'll greet you with a big "Howdy". All soda pop is "Coke" and I might refer to my grocery cart as a "buggy" and by golly, that's okay. I'm polite and say "Ma'am" and "Sir". And if you hear a Southerner say, "Oh, hell no!!", you'd better run! If you're proud to be a Southerner then click 'LIKE' on my status. Then go up yonder and copy & paste to your status
Nokuzola Zola
Nokuzola Zola I knw 4 a fact tht im crazy abt u bcz whn u driving me crazy im stil crazy abt u
Messi Erdisat
Messi Erdisat orge Messi: "At school they laughed at Leo" -The father of the Argentine star confesses in the book 'Educated to win', written by journalist Sique Rodriguez -The work also includes the confessions of the parents of Xavi, Iniesta, Piqué, Cesc, Pedro, Thiago and Fontàs "I looked like another bug pit."So remember Jorge Messi, Barca star's father, the first few days in Barcelona after arriving in Argentina in the book 'Educated to win', written by journalist Gairí Sique Rodriguez, director and host of 'Joc Fora' ( Ona FM), and edited by Ara Llibres . Messi's father abounds even in the difficulties that Leo spent at school: "At first the children suffered because they were cruel. It is normal. I looked different. Came out, had different customs and, besides, he had growth problems. They laughed at him and went wrong, but Fortunately, it was beating. " Jorge Messi's story is one of the many secrets to discover the book released today by even Rodriguez, who, with the invaluable assistance of Albetsen Adrià, has also spoken with the parents of Andres Iniesta, Xavi Hernandez, Gerard Pique, Cesc Fabregas Pedro Rodriguez, Thiago Alcantara and Andreu Fontàs. Carles Folguera, director of La Masia, has written the foreword and has attended this morning's presentation of the book saying that "if behind every great man is a great woman behind great athletes must have great parents."
Kevin Durr
Kevin Durr Last test for work is on OB/Gyn. Let's hope i do better than my OB quarter in school
Ruthlilcious Ngobza Louis
Ruthlilcious Ngobza Louis Girl: Talk to her.. Boy: She won't like me.. Girl: She will.. Boy: How do you know? Girl: Because you're amazing.. Boy: I love her., but she won't love me back.. Girl: Just tell her.. Boy: Okay.. I love you.. Girl: I love you too.. Are you gonna talk to her? Boy: I just did.. ♥ ♥ ♥ " Like if you Love Someone "♥
Rowen Renee Spangler
Rowen Renee Spangler my name: Austin. Do I know one? yes, a few Have i ever liked a Austin? Lol yes. Ever dated one? HA. no. LMS for a name(:
Shavonne Draughn
Shavonne Draughn No love for a broke nigga,cause if i ask yu for sumthing&cant get it thats a NO NO!! #I WEIGHT TOO MUCH..
Mary Helen Castro-Mota
Mary Helen Castro-Mota back.....this bitch is back okay who im i gonna make cry and who i am gonna get pist off and befriend me lets see ......
Ashley Rivera
Ashley Rivera I need to go food shopping

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