Chase Mccarty S I N G L E or N O T put this asyour status and see what colorpeople inbox you!(:Black : I want a relationship. ...White : I wanna hang out withyou. Green : I'm falling for you.Purple : I miss you....... Orange : I reaLLY like you.Pink : I love you!Red : I miss how we were...Yellow : Kiss me. Blue : Your SexyGrey : We need to talkBrown : I want another chance If you don't want to tell me overcomme...nt you can inbox theanswer.Don't be afraid to sayany of these colors!(=S I N G L E or N O T put this asyour status and see what colorpeople inbox you!(:Black : I want a relationship. ...White : I wanna hang out withyou. Green : I'm falling for you.Purple : I miss you....... Orange : I reaLLY like you.Pink : I love you!Red : I miss how we were...Yellow : Kiss me. Blue : Your SexyGrey : We need to talkBrown : I want another chance If you don't want to tell me overcomment you can inbox theanswer.Don't be afraid to sayany of these colors!(=
Eugene Thomas I EAT LIKE A FAT KID
Slim Snow So .... I Didn't Wanna Meet Up With Dude Or Give Him My Number And He Deletes Me As A Friend ....... LMFAOOOOO LMFAOOOOO Dwl
Sandy Cruz Candy bar candy bar yay I got a diet candy bar geez lol now if I can only find diet sherbert for my lovely soda sherbert thing I love so much we be in good business my body will actually have a good understanding lmbo
Robert Barcenas Hello Facebook buddies and buddiettes. Earlier I posted an angry rant against the person responsible for running over my Chihuahua. I'd just like to say that it was ugly and wrong on my part to wish that person wrong. He can't undo what he did. Hopefully he'll get an eye exam and a conscience.
Max Randal Peeples Couple in a relationship (can go either way, just gonna pick this one for example):
At beginning:
Girl: You need to do this, and change that about yourself
Boy: ok, i'll try.
Later on,
Girl: you need to do this too, and change that too,
Boy: ok i'll try these changes too, just for you.
Later on.
Girl: who are you, you've changed. What happened to the person I fell in love with.
Boy: ........
It's a little message for those, who call themselves upper class people or who humiliates people from other castes. We seriously regret if the content of the...
Betini Bokime were ever u go 4 da rest of ur life,u must show dat u're a man!
Monica Arreola Gracias a todos! Thks all!
Kelsey Jones you guys its keiths birthdat today today he is a teenager now he is thirtteen today i love u buba happy b day!!!!!!!!!! wish u hugs and kisses
Lynette Kipta is hungry enough to eat a whole hog! Bring on the bacon, pork chops and ham!!
Beth Pangle-Vaupel I'm so annoyed and confused. We have been receiving ArKids (state insurance for our son) and SNAP (food stamps) since May. Both are run by Arkansas Department of Human Services, and require you to resubmit your information twice a year, so I had to resubmit proof of income back in October. Today I get a letter from DHS about the ArKids saying that we reported a decrease in income, so would not have to pay as much out of pocket. I also got a letter from DHS saying that we now made too much money to continue receiving our food stamp benefits. Huh? And while I am going down there next week to ASK about it, I don't think I want to file an appeal, because when they inevitably rule against me, I'll have to pay them back for any benefits I used in the meantime. Le least I still have insurance for Ell (and me while I'm preggers), and WIC (for at least a few more months).
Adesanya Seun I have a nice kiss 4 u all
Anna Briggs What a jerk
Brent Will-vote For-RonPaul Jacobson How long before a certain NFL Team that happens to reside in Brown County decides to do this?
Comprehensive World Soccer news, scores, standings, fantasy games, rumors, and more
Toni Seay So tired of things going wrong....havent had this vehicle 17 days and already having transmission probs. Lost 11 hrs of wk today cause of this crap. I need a long vaca from troubles......
Rashiid Taylor I haave a wonderful woman.(blessed)
Mancane Smolz Sibanda Gs l dsv a proper rest after a long 9yt guys
Courtney A Macer Can't always get what ya want. Darn. But there are plenty more study abroad scholarships out there to apply to! God's got a plan.
Denise Penix The world lost a beautiful person today , I love you and miss you all ready Mom ,,,Sleep with the Angels
Angel Donaldson "We’ll do a little frog giggin, cow tippin
How bout a little skinny dippin, bass fishin
Take it easy on the shine"
Dede Campbell Ugh it's safe to say I'm not getting a class at PCC the way things r looking considering my date in is FREAKING JANUARY! never take a semester off this is what happens -___-
Kelsey Marie Howell All A's and B's this quarter! Ill take it :)
Adrian Gomez Rockin her boots and a pretty short skirt she came to visit me at work! :)
Donna Fultano Pollander sick as a dog...
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