~<3~ Staying in love is just hard work ~ Hang on a little longer it will be worth it ~<3~
Cute'Asx Karla Today Was Fie (: , Had A Great Day So Far .
Crystal Rose Got most of my chores and things to do done. Now I am going to sit back and relax while watching a movie with my honey :)
Lovie Sanders bn at da sch all day i registered fo my classes im tired as hell and sch aint even started yet ugh i have 2 cum up wit a balanced routine fo fam and sch
Lewis Moore who would win in a fight. fatima or chuck norris?
James Mcbride Q..??? To all u mothers out there. Do U Think Its Really Right if U Hate ur bd in a way u Never thought possible. That its Alright to keep his child from him?
Will Batchelor My last Friday Night show starts at 10pm tonight....hope you can join me for a fond farewell. I'd love to hear about the moment you discovered Father Christmas wasn't real, your favourite anecdote and your experiences of being poor!
Kenny Cross Ok my top three invites Kelly N Mitch Bowling House A concert with Clint Yarbrough or Ramada/Floydes With Kevin Layfield and Pc Russell
Alana Renee Carter It's a beautiful night and we're looking for something dumb to do hey baby I think I want to marry you <3...Bruno Mars has the most amazing voice ever!
Chantay Little Good afternoon fb. Wow what a time I had last night with Tajay,Slim,Lorriane,Sabrina,Pat basically a crew of us. And I was over saucy!
Sham Singh Happpppy Birthday to My daaddy, You areee the Best day that anyone can Have. You always thought me right From Wrong. Even though YOU yell at me For the Stupid things i DO, i Still Love you. YOUR THE BEST DADDDDY EVER. I wishh you a Happy happy happy Birthday & manny manny More Birthday To come (: (: (: (: <3 -From Swaste <3
Cedric Dolton Me and my boo, shorty a rider wherever I go she right there beside me: in my big paper voice
Greg Ellison "I can live through the cold and the being alone,
Away from my family, my house and my home,
I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,
I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat,
I can carry the weight of killing another
or lay down my life with my sisters and brothers
who stand at the front against any and all,
to insure for all time that this flag will not fall."
Antrinique Kinsey Everytime i give my opinion on facebook about a damn rap group somebody get mad or get offended i said it once and im gone say it again and don't give a fuck who get mad IF YOU CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT GET OUT DA DAMN KITCHEN...ya career must not be shit you gettin mad! get over it like really.#step ya game up
Christine Beriault "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." - C.S. Lewis
Jaime Short Reed I spent the day at Kaitlyn's school today, it was a great way for us to reconnect, since our lives have been so hectic lately. While spending the day with her she took a test on the states of the US and got 100% first try. Way to go K I am sooo proud of you and all your hard work. I love u!
Nicos Christodoulou Apla magiko......
Lyrics /Στίχοι: Nikos Gatsos - Γκάτσος Music /Μουσική: Stavros Xarhakos -Σταύρος Ξαρχάκος I will water with my teardrops Those bitter times, those sad summer...
Tara Murphy Tanner After going through 90 mile an hour winds that night before last and my yard and bountiful looking like a war zone I finaly have my power and heat back on after it being off for 29 hours.... ty ty to the power comp. It was so cold below 30 degrees in the dark, and my hubby and I made the most of it camping out in our living room, it was kinda fun. Thanks to my daughter in law Barbi for all your help....love you
RudeGyal Nikki Hype 〷◠‿◠〷 ♬ PARTY ROCKAZ IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT! ♬ 〷◠‿◠〷
FMI 954-8205256 | http://rudegyalzent.com/rude-videos/viewvideo/138/parties-a-events/rockaz-anniversary-promo-12211.html
Josh McCall oooohh tonight's gonna be one hell of a night.
Asia Stukes Whats that one song that comes on at a party or in general that makes u just wanna go off and dance like nobody around?
Krista Harju If the Bismarck Demonettes come to your house selling popcorn balls- BUY A DOZEN. Yum. :)
Jimmy Richards Am I realy that of Bad of a person, to be stuck on this top shelf in the far back of this dark and lonley closset??. Is it wrong of me to want passion and to be desired by someone??...Just asking!!...
Jazmiley Cassiiee Nieves Most girls expect for boys to make that first move but most boys need a girl to give them that one cluee
New Harvest Palm Springs 12 Step Recovery Bible Study tonight at 7Pm...
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next." AMEN...
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