Steve Pennington Its been a wild week but no this you have made it awesome
Thainaraa Pereira Tomaz Amigos, o amor é melhor que a raiva. Esperança é melhor que medo. Otimismo é melhor que desespero. Então vamos amar, ter esperança e ser otimistas. Assim se muda o mundo.
Hector Pelao Con Flow espn deportes a las 5 el pesaje de COTTO & MARGARITO
McKenzie Hayes Today is a bluegrass kind of day.
Aiden de Bruin I only have a laugh with Brandon pollard ,and Zia DH Smith and george Baker thanks guys
Lee Ann Diffee Just have to pass this along.... I have so much going on in my life right now... I need a blessing and cant afford to not pay it forward... so here ya go... If you have taken a minute to read this... God has seen YOU struggling with something. God says its over. A blessing is coming your way.... If you believe in God send this message on, please don't ignore it, you are being tested. God is going to fix two things (BIG) tonight in your favor. If you believe in God… drop everything and re-post it. Can't hurt...I Still Believe in Miracles
Lammie King Lakers season starts in 3 weeks. What changes r being made?? Last I checked we got our ass kicked & got a new coach. #angrylakerfan
Amber Jean Louise Dowdall-Assiniwe My name is Chris, I am three, My eyes are swollen I cannot see. I must be stupid, I must be bad, What else could have made, My daddy so mad? I wish I were better, I wish I weren't ugly, Then maybe my mommy, Would still want to hug me. I can't do wrong, I can't speak at all, Or else I'm locked up, All day long. When I'm awake, I'm all alone, The house is dark. My folks rent a home. When my mommy come home, I'll try and be nice, So maybe I'll just get, One whipping tonight. I just heard a car, My daddy is back, From Charlies bar I hear him curse, My name is called ,I press myself, Against the wall. I try to hide, From his evil eyes, I'm so afraid now, I'm starting to cry. He finds me weeping, Calls me ugly words, He says its my fault, He suffers at work. He slaps and hits me, And yells at me more, I finally get free, And run to the door. He's already locked it, And I start to bawl, He takes me and throws me, Against the hard wall. I fall to the floor, With my bones nearly broken, And my daddy continues, With more bad words spoken.'I'm sorry!', I scream, But it's now much to late, His face has been twisted, Into a unimaginable shape. The hurt and the pain, Again and again, Oh please God, have mercy! Oh please let it end! And he finally stops, And heads for the door, While I lay there motionless ,Sprawled on the floor. My name is Chris, I am three, Tonight my daddy, Murdered me. And you can help, Sickens me to the soul, If you read this, And don't re-post it. I pray for your forgiveness, You would have to be, One heartless person, Not to be affected, By this Poem. and because you ARE affected, Do something about it! So all I ask you to do, Is re-post this on your wall! If you don't then you obviously don't care about child abuse ♥
Doug Smith Santa Claus is comin' to town with a set a flannel sheets !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO Been a good boy this year. (Well for the most part)
Sabria Dinkins Such a very proud parent today. This is my baby's first report card with letter grades and she received a 4.0 :) the first of many more to come! I'm so proud of her.
Hayley Williams love getting a huge bill from the hospital because i had to get emergency c section fml
Rachael Lawrence Gonna try to get a lot done tonight.
paradeeeeeee tomorrow . <3
Sentaria Moss inbox me numbers 4 a:
wht i like bout u:
wht are we:
we should:
Reggie Cliffhanger Brown Throat hurts, nose stuffy, and a headache best day ever
Highst Pets Shepparton Shepparton ONLY A COUPLE OF BABY COCKYS LEFT
Juliana Camargo O ano está acabando, e uma nova etapa chegando, fale 10 pessoas que marcaram seu ano de 2011. Quem foi marcado deve fazer a mesma coisa(se quiser): Julia Fernandes Paulo Victor Bruna Costa Letícia Cicchelli Marina Ayumi Lara Jorge Lima Louise Passuello Guilherme Oliveira Lucas Henrique Lima Rodolfo Santos
'Arii Lubs Yoohh Fuqck ethh i aint gonna be crying foo u like a dumm ass no moe quesz u aint mahh otha half i wonder if i should be sinqle and lewk foe some one that treas me better:)
Cee Jay Me n Lil man going out to him a new fitt n new shoes.... He is lookin for a lil bussit
Clay Widdifield i can go out every night of the week, go home with anybody i meet. But its just a temporary high. But when i close my eyes im somewhere with u
Eva Cerda well lost something thought I wouldnt ever loose had a talk with my mom things are replaceable just need to be more positive about things
Shahpour Nosrati-Fard Early PMWF3 adopters Get a $1200 mail-in rebate if U buy the SCL-Z18X140 power zoom lens btwn 11/1/ 11 & 12/31/11
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Jay Parker 90 a zone
Kavonte Rogers rollin rollin rollin eyes red iz habit gone off da henn dawg feelin like a savage
Arnoux Pierre Couché dans tes bras de miel,
je ne respire que du parfum
qui m'a transporté au ciel d'amour.
Goutté le nectare de ton souffle,
tu deviens ma folie; mon Berger
Aides-moi à vivre pour toi
et à être ton esclave pour toujours, JESUS.
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