jamba juice inc hey is this a kewl feature or what? 1322864930
Mike Barrett Belated Happy Birthday JoCo!
Here it is my friends: This year's video present to Jonathan Coulton from us fans. Better late than never (darn job)! Big thanks to the rest of The Monkey Br...
Kirtan Ras Das "The upper portion of the body, though crowned with a silk turban, is only a heavy burden if not bowed down before the Personality of Godhead who can award mukti [freedom]. And the hands, though decorated with glittering bangles, are like those of a dead man if not engaged in the service of the Personality of Godhead Hari." Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.21
Molly Miller Really wiah olivias " Father" would answer my phone calls, n need of a break!
Kassie Stuemke Ddddaaaaammmmmmnnnnnn!!!! Did a little cleaning this morning then slept the day away :) must have needed the sleep huh!? Ahhhh yeahhhh!!!
Nancy Martin Had a very busy productive day, now I'm home relaxing in my recliner with my feet up, in the dark looking at the beautiful lites on my little mini xmas tree, laptop in my lap, reading all my emails, and sipping on a........."Frappe"......Life is good :)
Kara Schmidt Met a customer at work today with my exact personality and taste in jewelry... And her name is cara... How awesome :)
I didn't want to be weird and say we should be friends but it was neat to feel not so alone
Crystal Boyd I'm so proud of myself my power steering just went out on me on the high way I was able to get off the high way and pull into a mc Donald's now we must wait for the tow truck
Lorraine Watson Hate when you get the "Your JUST a mom?" or "Do you ever work?" Uhhh yes, I am a Mom! That makes me an alarm clock, cook, maid, waitress, teacher, nurse, handyman, security officer, photographer, counselor,… chauffeur, event planner, personal assistant, ATM & I scare away the boogie man. I don't get holidays, sick pay or days off. I work through the DAY & NIGHT. I am on call 24/7 for the rest of my life. And that's just my first job... BEING A MOM!! :) I may not be anything to you but I am everything to someone! Re-post if you are a PROUD MOM x ♥
Melissa D'Amico I graduate in two weeks. So excited :) Now to look for a job
Rose Snook My husband got me a new car alarm and the car detailed : ) not maby i need more meds lol
Cameron Jones Im a serious gamer so fuck you! I gotta get an aim bot though:)
**Killa Kam**
Emőke László-Ilona Kedves csíkszeredaiak! Holnap december 3-án 12 órától mindenkit szeretettel várunk a csíkszeredai autós gyakorlópályán (Poligon) tartandó MR. Mikulás autós ügyességi versenyre! Várunk minden versenyzőt illetve nézőt! by László Róbert
GodSon Mistah Looney There comes a time in your life when you gatta settle down & put away childish games..
John Mcdonald bout to check out a party in clinton fwm
Grace Phillips Phillips Dannii Stewart is a lez!
Rashaan Dinaj So i am mad people name trisha wilson and tata is just a a hater who sperd a romor but me that i ran from my fight and on monday will be puting trisha wilson and her number on ferlert so i have promblem of geting in another fight
Jeff Redman Read today and more than worth the few seconds it takes to read it.
WWJB: What Would Jesus Buy?
A little bread, a little wine, and a little quiet time to contemplate what is most important in life.
Jason Cunningham Ugh is the noise we as a people make when we see the commercials for Alvin & The Chipmunks.
On a lighter note, I have found my Chinese restaurant in Jacksonville :D
Christina So Focused I really feel bad for bringing my son into this world without a father! I feel as though I cheated him out of his future cause every child needs their father.... I totally blame myself and when my son is old enough to understand I definitely will apologize to him for my poor choice. God bless me and all the other single mother's that struggle hard to play the mother and father role cause it ain't easy! All I can do is pray
Grace Dadisman your perfect. im the one with the flaws. you heal with one touch i hurt with one word. you light up a room, i make it dim. it seems we cannot exist in the same place.
Zack Waldrip So i gave a like a 15 or 16 year old that i didnt kno i ride to his house.. And when i asked him if i was goin the right way he replied " yes sir" WTF?? like really??
Calvin Wallace got pocket full of money smke n da air wlk around da woorld without a worry ion care!!!!!!! n it feel so gud
Bryce Henry lms if you going to eat a Cookie tonight
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