jamba juice inc hey is this a kewl feature or what? 1322864930
Dog farts and makes a funny face -hold your breath this ones going to stink-Super Britney my funny Weimaraner making some of the funny faces we caught on vid...
Seanlonda Jackson Ok...I need to eat...think I am going to Golden Corral...got a taste for a steak and a baked potato
Harriet J Helman I finally got to Snowflakes today with some friends. This really is the best ice cream I have EVER had. It was a dipped chocolate cone with a scope of fabulous maple walnut, and as per Lenny's suggestion, one scoop of cherry pistachio. OOMMGGGGG! When we got to the Coach outlet store, the manager told us that the stand next to it sells the best homemade Mexican food anywhere. That treat will wait until next year. For you Snowflake fans, Sunday is their last day open until March 1st...SO HURRY!!!
Ale Esparza Ja! Ps no k segun iva a caer nieve.. Ja ja ja donde esta la nieve????
Jesus Vega Jr. Yo why is that wen im having a awsome day somehow and someway, somebody gots to fuck it up....wonderful >:(
Velvet Hallmark ok guys, need some input. according to my husband, after 22 years now everything i cook is trash! and i don't fold his clothes right! and all of a sudden me having a beer starts a series of low down remarks. ( he drinks every day.) ( on the down low) 2 weeks ago he asked me if i wanted a divorce. am thinking he wants one. if he throws me out he has to pay alimony, and give me my car. lol but if i leave him he don't have to pay nothin. if he doesn't want me here why not just say so. any advice?
Dani Montgomery i cant wait for this year to be over.. i need a fresh start after everything thats happened
Vernon K Johnson RT @Az1Promotionz: #follow @JasmineRhey she is a nominee for "R&B/Soul Artist of the Year" in the Az 1 Awards voting starts 12.19.11 http://t.co/PDUhqSbZ
Abigail Zarate Likkeee My Status :& Mee && Kelly will makw you a video (Not Doing all ) [: <3
Eleysha Scheuring After a mild case of food poisoning and what can only be a sinus infection, the latter half of my week was a little grim. Slept most of today and took a shower and am feeling better.
Jessie Luvz Yeww Men's opinion: knights in shining armor ... Fact: smart-a$$es in tin foil ...
Hassunal Bannah The following Emirs have rulled in Zazzau since 1804.
1. Malam Musa 1804-24.
6. Sidi Abdul kadir 1853.
9. Abubakar 1871-74.
13. Aliyu dan sidi 1903- 20.
2. Yamusa 1821-34
4. Hammada 1846
5. Maman sani 1846-53
8. Abdullahi 1857-71 1874-79.
11. Yero 1888-97
12. Kwasau 1897-1902.
14. Dalhatu 1920-24.
15. Ibrahim 1924-36
16. Ja'afaru 1937-59
KATSINA DYNASTY(Katsinawa house).
3. Abdulkarimu 1834-46
10. Sambo 1879-88
17. Muhd. Aminu 1959-75
18. SHEHU IDRIS 1975-
7. Abdussalam 1853-57.
By Hassan A. Sambo no.25 anguwan iya zaria.
Yajaira Cortez Ugggh Biggest TurnOff When A Guy Calls You "Mami" Ewwwww Gayy!
Evan Owen Thats what happens when yu touch a toad
Beverly Agee i am tired as hell i guess i got lazy being off work the last couple of months thank god i got a job because i drive myself crazy thinking about everything that sucks in my life if i am not working. sometimes i guess we need to stop and thank god for the things we do have.
Blaine S. Callahan Karma! Ain't It A Mother F*%ker! Hahahaha
Maria C. Karnes Schirf . . |. . . . |..Lighting a candle for our Family,Friends and Loved ones..
. . |. . . . |..who are not here with us at Christmas ~
. . ♥ღ./.ღ♥..Please keep the candle burning
Hakeem LaFlaré All the hoes real women and want a real man now lol!
George Pemanuel so I'm rite here across da street frm. tailor skool ain't doen shit so I decided to write this. bored out my mind.aaaahhhhhhh. FRIDAY fuck man finally shit. my sons talkem about sonthin but I can't pay attention I'm spaced out on two hours of sleep.boom beerrrrttttt smash on da XBOX. flash...in da car with my girl chilln so SEXY FLY CHICK...MY YOUNGEST baby got a blood shot n tinker bell stickers....pore baba...
Lou Lopez Que verguenza es. Decir yo sou hombre cuando nunca has sabido el de la palabra hombre no es aque que 2 o 3 mujeres o aquel que tiene himos regados o el que dice en mi casa mando yo y le pega asus hijos asu mujer es "hombre " para mi es un cobarde porque nuca aprendio ni aprendera que el viene de una mujer la cual sufrio el abuso de otro "hombre" al ver el abuso del cual su madre era victima en el cual sigue su ciclo le pido al señor que sus hijo miren el abuso que su madre esta pasan y de esa experiencia aprendan que la mujer es lo mas balioso que la mujer nos a dado de la cual probenimos la cual nos cuida cuando estamos enfermos la cual nos alimenta cuando tenemos hambre la cual con las miserias que el hombre les da hace milagros para asegurarce que asus hijos nunca les falte aunque sea un migajon de pan para levarse ala boca mientras el "hombre" disfruta de lujurias y loque la vida le porque nunca sabra el significado de la palabra (HOMBRE) la cual le queda muy pero muy -GRANDE......................HOMBRE ......................... jajajajajajajajajajajajajajjajajajajajaj,,,,para mi (PARA MI UN COBARDE)
Shelby Shilo Hitchcock Getting prepped for a night in. Popcorn, a cold one and watching the rodeo finals. Yep life is good!
Curtis Aaron Laird About to board this flight. Everyone have a fantastic time without me. Also everyone keep there ears out for someone trying to unload some FREe (32 33 34) suspension.
Judy Rose Wow just received the most up lifting phone call thanks for being a special friend and fan
Anne Stewart big fatima had a COCKROACH up her nose??????? bets that the first cock that she has felt apart from her own lmaooo
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