Shawnna Rogers-Gest Looks like it's going to be XBox/Wii wars here tonight!
Zach informed me of "Change in mall. Everyones coming here to hang here!?! Modern Warfare... O Joy!!
Bree informed him "I'm playing on big.....sorry!"
Think I need to go.... lol
Second thought, not good idea to leave bunch of 15&16 year olds to over see the crib!!! ;) Guess I will make Brownies
Rakeaf Sheppard i feel some kind o way wonder why
Gabriella Thais Quando a Lua tentar me encontrar , diz a ela que eu me perdi , Na neblina que cobre o mar , mas me deixa te ver partir , Um instante, um olhar, Vejo o sol acordar por de trás do teu sorriso me fazendo lembrar , Que eu posso tentar te esquecer , mas você sempre será , a onda que me arrasta que me leva pro teu mar ♪
Marlene Biaes O tempo todo Deus é bom....
Olamilekan Adekunle o da ro o ,,,,
Lolo Sello Haaa..i dnt care gor a ga o replae my smses,se se salan ke got u sin dm,lega oka di deleta osadi bala se se saln ke gor u saw gor ko sendets sms...ok ok i lyd abt the i.d.c part,i do care hey...#sad,teardrop#
Paul David gud 9t o!
Melissa A Nunez leaving mt sac && going home, damnn Im gna be sooo bored, im still w/o power ughhh stupid wind -_____-
सुसान सुसान सीएएल देखें So everyone knows o sent a friend request to my 12year old sister i am going to try my hardest to be appropriate and hopefully all my friends do to or else ill have to hit the delete vutton quick!
Isabel Kwok But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and penteous in mercy and truth. - Ps. 86:15
GeneralAnslem Okpilike Beauty is in d eye of d beholder!lo i tell u its beta a babe luvs u more dan u luvin her more cos u ll worryless of unfaithfulness.....o di bu echie
Mia Cuesta ry this:!
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
......pasa mo 2 sa 5 group o tao
... ... ... ......then post mo sa profile mo
tapos press F5
magugulat ka lalabas
ung crush mo at birthday nia
Keiaronne Luther Virginio Hi Every body..... ^o^v
Joel Hutfilz Ok i have seen some wierd shit on tv but watching a guy take his pet buffalo for a ride in his car just about tops the wierd shit o meter
Jacob Léveillé New Liskeard Athlete Of The Week ? tought that wasn't possible :O
Hanna Purcell 10 likes and i'll do my ABC's. ♥
A- available? Nope <3
B- Best memorey? to many to choose from (:
C- Craving? Tacos (:
D- Drink you last had? Mountain Dew
... E- Easiest person to talk to? Cora
F- Favorite song: i have alot (:
G- Grossest memory: My big brother shaven his legs :/
H- Hometown: Richmond
I- I love: my life <3
J- Jealous of? NOTHING !
K- Kissed first:HUH??
L- Longest friendship: The one im in now
M- Milkshake flavor: chocalate
N- Number of siblings: 3
O- One wish: Mhhh To FLY ! (:
P- Person who last called me: Cora
Q- Question most people ask you: How old i am .
R- Reason to smile: Everything
S- Song you last sang: Blunt Blowin
T- To who you last spoke with on your cell: Hunter Cole (a text)
U- Ur shirt color: White with orange Tanktop
V- Violent moment you had: ALOT
W- Worst habit: bitting my nails ! :(
X- X-rays you've had: ankle and wrist
Y- Your favorite color: lime green and baby blue <3
Z- Zodiac sign: Aries
Davi Francelino Muito massa, principalmente o Andry Birds.
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Intarmah Michael Lord pls 4give mi 4 nt goin 9th Vigil,am very weak rite nw O Lord come to needx nw,O lord mi soul is willin bt mi body is weak help mi Lord.In d name jesus I no I'm heal,Good 9th frdx and remeber to pray b4 bed.LG
Longtime Borders Jr. Blood money' comin to the Dot!.Longtime Coming!! O Let go!!!
Thayná Tolledo O melhor amigo é aquele que entende e tenta suprir sua dor, quando todos os outros viraram as costas.
Lizbeth Sanchez :) :( ;) :O :/
Mack Mane jux gave one of mi puppys away...smdh didnt want to cause that lil bit mean af.....o well i got 5 more hahahahahaha
Mashudu Sengani Vha2 vhanga muvhi o dzi fha maanda
Jamal Alandijani تعليقات الشعب السعودي المقلع في تويتر عن الإماراتيين :
عندنا امراء يسكنون باجار .. ما عندكم انتم ؟ ههههههههههههههههه >> ييياقدمه عبدالرحمن بن مساعد \=D/
ياليتني من دبي ولا من العين وأبوي جمعه ومسميني خليفه ماشفتني ياسعود ميت من الدين لاحافز يجيني ولا لي وظيفة سعودي مسكين3
بالسعودية الواحد يقدر كل سنه يستاجر بيت يختلف .. عندكم دايم ببيت واحد .. الله يعينكم:)
ايها الشعب العظيم جولتنا خسرانة مع الامارات، زي لما تكون مباراة بين برشلونة والرائد (y)
100%؟ قال ايه قلت عطوكم اراضي؟قال ايه فابتسمت ابتسامه ماكرة وقلت : طيب عطوكم اجازه ؟ قال لا فـ قهقهت ضاحكاً عليه =))
إذا عندكم آل مكتوم،،، عندنا الشعب كله مكتوم:x
إرتفاع حرية الكويتيين ١٠٠ ٪ ارتفاع رواتب الاماراتيين ١٠٠ ٪ ارتفاع ضغط السعوديين>:O
في السعودية ينام المواطن ليرى أحلامه، في الإمارات يستيقظ ليراها أمامه :'(
اقل شي حنا على قولة وزير النقل: أقل نسبة حوادث قطارات بالعالم! قابلني كان هالشي عندهم! (y)
لو تجمعون كل رواتبكم المدبلة هذي ما قدرتو تفكون فرع واحد للبيــك عندكم .. نعم هذي حقيقة أخرى مرّة ! *nerd*
شعبكم لابغى يحس انه هاي
Sara Kaulitz "Valorizam troféus quando o importante mesmo é o caminho que o vencedor fez."
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