Gathering Place Orlando Gathering Place Games Lakeland is now open......Check our facebook page for our hours. Our phone number is 863-686-1200 and we are located at 1226 E. Lime Street in Lakeland...Help us pass the word around by re-posting this. If you mention seeing us on facebook you will receive a discount off your purchase. We have Yugioh, Pokemon, and Magic the Gathering in stock as well as game accessories.....Other games such as WOW, D&D, and Naruto are also available upon request
Ágatha Brandão Em pleno lab de informática fazendo prova e descobrindo que vou reprovar em Mídias Digitais
Nathália Weiss Veja qual personagem do Chaves mais combina com você
É só tirar o mais, e comentar
Devan De Freitas Subject I got music
Teacher: Ms.Miya ew
Do I like it: only when Ms.Miya doesn't talk
Who I sit beside: Alex e and Elvin
Fele Nyonyo Siska M off 2 bed nw ka pelo e thabilen,ke raa le di nitmrz dia go nkutlwalela hela.nyt yall,ka le rata lotlhe,nd god luvs u all.nyt.
Roa Arvin Drop muna ako d2 , kz gusto ktang makta e. . . .Go0d morning myfriend § hav a bles saturday morning . . Mis'n you.
Mamiza Muteia Ih, tem uma garrafa de agua na minha casa que tem espíritos John... ja caiu na minha roupa, no meu cellular e no meu computador... Ih
Viviane Sá "Fecho os olhos pra nao ver passar o tempo... Sinto falta de vc!"
"Detalhes tao pequenos de nos dois, sao coisas muito grandes pra esquecer..."
"Se chorei ou se sorri, o importante e que emocoes eu vivi..."
" Jesus Cristo, eu estou aqui..."
Caramba nunca pensei que aos 34 anos, a minha vida seria uma coletania de musicas do Roberto Carlos...
Madison Leigan Mecila [L I K E] <3 if you charge your phone 5 minutes before we leave because you think it will make a difference(:
Rebeka Isabela Mann num acredito que a minha bebe Caroline Costa, e tao cuzona assim!!!!fala ae (Ariana Silva)HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH` RACHEIMANN!
Adib Jorge 'Eu sei que às vezes é foda, da vontade de parar
Mas se eu parar quem vai ter história pra poder
Lisa Davis-Robinson Ho! Ho! Ho! Come join the Leopard's of Serenity Red Roses Christmas Dacne Saturday December 10, 2011 at the FIREMEN'S BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION HALL 201 E. Yukon St. Tampa Fla. 33604 corner of Florida Ave. and Yukon St. across from Home Depot Time: 8pm Donations includes Buffet & ALL Drinks 25yrs & older Red, Black & Leopard attire (if you wish)( Dress to impress) Door Prizes and entertainment plus enter in style down the Leopard carpet this is a non-profit orgainzation which enjoys helping grandparents who are raising there grandchildrens for the Holidays, fir more informations call Lisa Robinson @ 813 928-4074
Thais Vidal A carência é tanta que eu me arranho e sinto tesão . SALÇKSÇALKÇSLAKSÇLAKÇLSAKÇLSASA
Sean Finnerty A- Available:Yes
B- Birthday: June 10
C- Crushing On: personal
D- Drink you last had: Grape juice
... E- Easiest person to talk too: Taylor
F- Favorite song: wobble
G- Greatest memory: 1st grade where everyone liked me
H- Hometown: Zanesville
I- In love with: still personal
J- Jealous of: No one
K- Knocked someone out: Not yet
L- Longest friendship: I think Caden
M- Middle Name: Thomas
N- Number of siblings: 2
O- One wish: To go back to first grade or kindergarten were I was loved
P- Person who called you last: Caden
Q- Question you're always asked: Why does everyone hate me?
R- Reason to smile: I don't really have one
S- Saddest moment: I have a lot
T- Time you woke up: 6:45
U- Underwear color: personal
V- Very best friends: Kassey, Kirstyn, and Caden
W- Worst habit: IDK
X- X-rays you had: IDK
Y- Your last trip to the hospital: Last time I visited my grandpa idk when it was
Z- Zodiac sign: I don't know
Aline Cristina o mais tenso , é passar o fds em casa ! :S TEEENSO !
Reneilwe Carol Mphahlele Bup'umnanderrrrr?ziyawa e da monkey,ng'funa la ba zo ngi joina k'sasa.cnt w8 4 da dawn.wena?ai hlogoloza,uya bona senzani
Giselle Araujo [LISTA ABERTA:]
# Domingo, é dia de Sol,Praia e muita gente Bonita no ENGARRAFAMENTO! Apresentando o @Feijão Folia 2011.2 - A melhor Abertura das Férias com Muita Proibida Liberada e um impecável serviço de Buffet de Feijoada Liberado!
Ao som das Melhores Bandas:
Gustavo Gomes É ir para academia para ver se esse frio passa
Joyce Thomas Try ur name in Japanese!A=ka, B=tu, C=mi, D= te, E=ku, F=lu, G=ji, H=ri, I=ki, J=zu, K=me, L=ta, M=rin, N=to, O=mo, P=no, Q=ke, R=shi, S=ari, T=chi, U=do, V=ru, W=mei, X=na, Y=fu, Z=zi.
Post ur Japanese name below! Copy&paste to ur page2see other's names. Mine Is
zu mo fu mi ku ..... LolZ
Rafaela Marques Saudade das minhas Thais e Lu ):
Mariana Andrade [LISTA ABERTA:]
# Domingo, é dia de Sol,Praia e muita gente Bonita no ENGARRAFAMENTO! Apresentando o @Feijão Folia 2011.2 - A melhor Abertura das Férias com Muita Proibida Liberada e um impecável serviço de Buffet de Feijoada Liberado!
Ao som das Melhores Bandas:
Shola Olasunkanmi Ogunleye S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ tired may God help ♍ε̲̣.
Jessica Brito [LISTA ABERTA:]
# Domingo, é dia de Sol,Praia e muita gente Bonita no ENGARRAFAMENTO! Apresentando o @Feijão Folia 2011.2 - A melhor Abertura das Férias com Muita Proibida Liberada e um impecável serviço de Buffet de Feijoada Liberado!
Ao som das Melhores Bandas:
(forgive the crassness, non-comics facebook friends!)
Though I've always turned up my nose at the TV sales ads where people are going CRAZY slashing prices, that's exactly how I felt when I was doing the prices for this sale. CRAZY! Laughing with glee and incredulity at my own prices! Have I gone Crazy? MAYBE!!!
For the next 9 days, all of the original art for sale on my website is marked WAY, WAY DOWN! This is the first time I've ever done this (I'm usually not a fan of this sort of thing, because I feel like it's kinda rotten to the folks who payed full price for stuff, AND I don't want people to think "well, I should wait until he has a sale." But the people who paid full price got one-of-a-kind items that they hopefully really wanted that likely wouldn't still be available to them now, and as for another sale? This isn't gonna be a regular Christmas thing or anything. As far as my plans go, barring any horrific unforeseen financial disaster that requires shortsighted penny-counting, this is the one and only sale like this I'll have for the next few years. We certainly could stand to fill our family holiday coffers, and also I want to make sure that I have plenty of room for the original art for 'Crogan's Loyalty' when it comes out.
The prices are CRAZY! The original drawings and pinups are marked down anywhere from like 80 percent of the original price to something around like 30 or 40 percent (I'm bad at math! I don't know! Like I said, these prices are CRAZY)!
Original 'Crogan Adventures' pages are a staggering FIFTY PERCENT OFF! That's right. Instead of $100, they're only $50! If I knew how to make flashing 90s' internet text, this is where I'd do it. THESE PRICES ARE CRAZY! If I had the time, I'd make a commercial.
If you have ever wanted to start collecting original comic art, or if you know someone who likes 'the Crogan Adventures' and want to give them THE VERY BEST GIFT EVER, Now's the time!
The sale goes from now until 11:59PM, Eastern Standard Time, On Sunday, December 11th. I'll mail all packages out on December 12th! Have 'em by Christmas!
Just a reminder - these are ONE-OF-A-KIND items. That means that someone may beat you to the piece that you want. Whoever's payment comes through first gets it, and anyone else will get a refund. If you want things personalized, please leave me a note or shoot me an e-mail!
Holiday Sale!!! From now until December 11th ALL ORIGINAL ART IS ON SALE!!! Prices INCLUDE SHIPPING for US customers. Canadian customers add $3 to final order, and overseas customers $5. All orders will go out on December 12th. The sale will end and prices will revert on December 12th.Don't foge...
Victor Franklin E a merenda naa escola na hora do intervalo com a Gabriela Gouvea, Evelin Tieli Yamada, Jacqueline Robaina e Karen Abe, vai deixar saudades do macarrão com almôndegas....
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