Alexis Wester []like you
[]like u(as a frand)
[]hate u
[]love u(as a frand) or more depends on who u are
[]use to like you
[]still do like you(as a frand)
[]never will like/love you! Srry xD
[]wood date you(shhh its a secret!)
[]i like you like you but not enough to date you! srryxD
We are
[]best frands
[]mega best frands
[]forever frands
[]we kwn eachother since kindergarden
[]dont really knw u tht well...srryxD
[]why do i even bother with you?
[]i dnt even care abt u enough to even answer this one 4 u
You are
[] i cant even look @ u!
[]butt ugly
[]a tiny bit cute but not tht much
[]yur cute (no homo)
[]yur cute
[]yur hot
[]yur smokin hot
I want you to
[]be my frandxD
[]love me
[]like me(as a frand)
[]be my forever
[]put this as yur status so i can like it
Kaybee Moyo If u listen to d voice of thunder,you will not be soaked with d rain.
Ricardo Tito Quinones Its funny hw people talk shit like they really aint got shit to lose. Over a phone and fb shit. But lil do they knw they aint tha only 1. I got u lil bitch niggas. Lmao
BG Hustlehard Plair From experience, I'm sure that when you just start going out with a girl & they say "You gonna hear stuff about me but It's not true.", It's all 100% true. (It's da easy way 2 admit be a hoe) Mean while u thinkin like "Damn, my G is serious, I hit it in 2 days?." lmao she was just da freak from da start brah (We Love Ya Tho)
Parte Williams dat akward moment u see a regular ol' flip fone n thought dey all went Extinct ... lol
Samantha Groshong Ugh....why is it when u ask for help noone will help they are too tired or they dont want to cuz they work.. 2day is starting to be a bad day... :-(
Onwe Emeka many of my friends are expectin me to come and celebrate xmas wit them,. U guys are wait 4 my champagne aabi
Happy Odion Pls i can play foolball very pls u people help me footbal is life am from nigria pls pls help
Mia Jackson Can u believe how cold it is outside
Terri Maine now that we have no aid....we are trying out for the school play....finally after 2 and a half years we are back to being a normal kid....its been long and nerve racking but we are coming above all of it....luv u kt
Erin Girard ...and if u was a car gurl u'd be a phantom
Wally Bartlett each person who reads this... reads this for a reason; KNOW that I am COOL w/ YOU and if YOU might " think " otherwise hahaha that's deff on u! smhaha
TexasBilliards Bar Count Down to HAPPY HOUR after work. We have $2.75 U Call it drinks and shots like Crown, Jager, Goose, SOCO, Tuaca, Curvo, JD, JACK, Bac. Rum, Etc and down 4pm-8pm. Bring in your work buddies. We have a great menu. Get food to go also. FRee Pool tonight 7pm-9pm.
Ilemona Sule Guys tomorow Election is going to be Hot! U know why?? No u ask me again.
Tatiana Haynes ugh i dont lik wen u go overa there jus so many bad thoughts go threw my head:/
Nomthandazo Nqulunga Gudnyt ma ppl Luv u all bt nt tht way
Delvon Dontae Hudgins im not wastin my time on u no moe freak u im finna move on ta da nxt one tired of bein hurt so im jus gon wait fa da right one ughh tired of da bs
Aleksandar Nedeljkovic Suvise ti dugujem!!!
Ja nisam kao ti da bih prihvatio kraj bez rijeci utjehe i bez ijednog pitanja I moram biti jak da podnio bih to i da vrata otvorim za neka nova svitanja Ref....
Gregg J-Mellow Adams certain ppls priorities r really fucked and they have no purpose n life and and should not breathe life anymore...Kill Yourself so i wont feel bad about u leaving....smh lol crazii how i dnt feel bad about saying tht
Toem Alohun Your spirit is a powerful tool u can use to change the world, Build it, Protect it and use it wisely.
Kyla Blair Wells How could someone be so rude so steal stuuf out of someones locker and post it on facebook! That bulliing and you can go to jail for that. Honestly u kno who you are......
Dillon Santhuff pleasuring a man with a socked foot one time does not make u gay
Jason GoGetta Dean Mane, its friday, u aint gottta job, we aint got shit to do, so let get HIGH, and see how far we can FLY tonite.... HMU, well find shit to get into.....haha
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