Jarod Tsosie Wanna get a tatt. But wanna get it somewhere that's good. And isn't too expensive. Any one know of a place?
Jason Nelson i just wasted 2hrs of my life... Watched cowboys vs aliens. Pure crap with a shitty ending. Infact if u watch it and its ur new fav movie, delete me as a friend!
Jeffrey Breeding whats a matter
Jeziel Flores Like for a like :p Yup that bored..
Deigo Mothafukin Sandoval Single or not put this as your status and see what people inbox you with !! (It's all a secret)
Black: I want a relationship(;
White: I'm trynna smash (;
Green: I'm falling for you :]
Purple: I miss you 3
Orange: I really like you(:
Pink: I love You <3
Red: I miss how we were
Yellow: Kiss me :*
Gray: We need to talk <=
Hot Pink: I want another chance (:
Halie Holley HEY PARTY OVER HERE AT 1407 s boundary any1 can cum it a BOB an bring GIRLS
Mitchell Werbenjagermanjensen yes i am a 15 year old sitting home watching power rangers dino thunder! >:D be jealous fuckers!!! >:3
Sabrina Crum Facebook is a total drama starter! If u say something and the other person takes it the wrong way well ur screwed because then they freak out on u and u get mad at them... Facebook is so stupid and sometimes i just HATE IT
Katrina Strickland The weekend is off to a good start!! A good clean house and kids ready for bed.... Tomorrow is Sabrina's 1st game to cheer!! Let's go MCS!!!
Ujjaval Trivedi Gd mrng frndzzzz
have a nice day....
Phadarius Hughes All Females That Has There Own Place Or A Place We Can Smoke In &&d YHU Wanna Smoke LMS
Nick Vivier thanx to all who wished me a happy B day
Laurie Thiboutot Your life is a success when you can look in the mirror and love who and what you see. - Alan H. Cohen, bestselling author
Scott Gresham HAPPY ANNIVERSARY SARA. It's been a wonderful 6 months and I can not wait to see what the future brings us. I LOVE YOU!!!!
Sharhonda Nibblett Man I got a headache feeding my babies so we can go to bed!!
Tonya Jenee Garrison Hampton Si no vas a hacer tiempo pa mi, no te enojes cuando no hago tiempo pa ti
Looney Chavez Yo i preciate ALL da luv dat im recieving fo my b day. I feel da luv frum all n it showz me who be relly der fo a nigga forealz. Much luv bak to ALL n hope da bestfo yaz. Pero i sayn enough wit da wordz now shpw sum real luv n cum n get a nigga FUKED UP. Cum on.
Breanna Flood After all that... I need a drink :-)
Jane Payne This is OUR election. It is the lifeblood of our country. Things have gotten so out of control that we can't get any fact based news coverage anymore. If we can't control our elections Nothing will change ! The media flat out LIES. They exist to convince people there is a 2 sided coin and they tell you what those sides consist of. Meanwhile the government agenda continues untouched and unchanged. How are we different than a 3rd world corrupt country? Anyone else see it, hear it ? What are we going to do about it ?
Deanna A.
Featuring some of the best photos from Facebook fans every Friday!
Dustin Harrison Brandi and Emma are on a GNO (girls night out) so Miley and I are on a date. Dinner (Chic-fil-a) and a movie.
Heather Border So I walk in the door from a long day at work and I pick up Abbi to hi. She gives me a hug a kiss and tells me she loves me..... WOW!!! Isnt life amazing....
Rj Gowaskie I know I'm a dork but I have to shop great new app key ring it takes all your bonus cards for stores and you just scan your phone not all those cards cool app and it's free!
HaShonda Webb Thanks for hanging out with me and the brat pac, at GC Sierra Blessed Wilson!!! It was a blast!!
Yogendra Shelke Good mrng my lovingly facebook frndz........Have a nice day an take care....