1 Who was the last person you texted Savannah
2 Where was your profile picture taken Study33
3 Have you ever lost a close friend My stepdad3
4 What song did you last
Jordan Mcelroy 1. Who was the last person you texted? Savannah
2. Where was your profile picture taken? Study<33
3. Have you ever lost a close friend? My stepdad3
4. What song did you last listen to? Glamorous lmfao(;
5. What's your favorite color? Green everything green in lifes good technically speaking
6. How Many siblings do you have? 1
7. What are your siblings names? Ben
8. Where do you wish you were right now? 352<3
9. Ever had a near death experience? A couple actually
10. Something you do alot ? Cuss :o
11. Are you currently angry at anyone ? All the time
12. What's stopping you from getting with the person you like? He's not here ):
13. When was the last time you cried? Cryings for pussies(;
14. Is there anyone you would do anything for ? Absolutly
15. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Alyssa & Shanna
16. What is your favorite song? Smoke dope & rap ;)
17. What are you doing right now? Being grounded fml
18. Who do you trust right now? Not too many people thats for sure.
19. Where did you get the shirt your wearing? No shirt loll.
20. Have you done your hair the past week ? Yupp :D
21. Who's your friend that lives the closest to you? I kinda live in bumfuck egypt lmfao.
22. Describe your life in one word. EXILLIRATING!
23. Who are you thinking of right now? Nobody in perticular.
24.What should you be doing right now? Not sitting here thats for damn sure.
25. Who do you listen to the most? I listen to errrrythang.
26. Who was the last person who gave you a hug? Shay Momo & Kurr<33
27. Who was the last person who yelled at you? I don't get yelled at(:
28. Do you act diffrently around the person you like? Depends.
29. What's your natural hair color? The same as it is now i dont die my shiiiit.
30. Who was the last person to make you laugh? Zack.
31. Who was the last perosn to make you sad ? It wasnt a someone.
32. Have you ever drank beer ? Hah try everyweekend before i came to this shithole.
33. Has anyone ever called you "HOT" before ? pffft ;D.
34. Do you have a bestfriend? I got a few of em'(:
35. Have you held hands with a boyin the past three years? Haha yup.
36. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehical? Maany times.
37. Are you happy with life right now? Nawwh but theres not much i can do so i mine as well smile :)
38. Are you currently jealous ? ALWAAAYYYS.
39. What jewlery are you currently wearing? Sillybands and My necklaces.
40. What were you doing on friday night? Its better unsaid lol.
41. Have you ever had your heart broken? Still is q;
42. Have you ever broken someones heart? Naawh i dont think so.
43. Who is your newest friend? Friends are for nikkkah.
44. Ever dated someone longer than a year? Dont do relationships there L A M E(;
wooooowww i have no life i actually just took my time to do this i hate being grounded /:
A HEART Touching Story <3
A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call asap, changed his clothes & went directly to the surgery block. He found the boy's father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor. On seeing him, the dad yelled:
"Why did U take all this time to come? Don't U know that my son's life is in danger? Don't U have any sense of responsibility?"
Th...e doctor smiled & said:
"I am sorry, I wasn't in the hospital & I came as fast as I could after receiving the call...... And now, I wish you'd calm down so that I can do my work"
"Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would U calm down? If your own son dies now what will U do??" said the father angrily
The doctor smiled again & replied: "I will say what Job said in the Holy Book "From dust we came & to dust we return, blessed be the name of God". Doctors cannot prolong lives. Go & intercede for your son, we will do our best by God's grace"
"Giving advises when we're not concerned is so easy" Murmured the father.
The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy,
"Thank goodness!, your son is saved!" And without waiting for the father's reply he carried on his way running. "If U have any question, ask the nurse!!"
"Why is he so arrogant? He couldn't wait some minutes so that I ask about my son's state" Commented the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.
The nurse answered, tears coming down her face: "His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was in the burial when we called him for your son's surgery. And now that he saved your son's life, he left running to finish his son's burial."
Moral-Never judge anyone..... because U never know how their life is & what they're going through"
Don't Foregt To Share Dis SPREAD HUMANITY :)
<3 @[117391411707482:274:Somewhere There is a Pain in My Heart] <3
Nurul Rizky Amalia Minggu uas telah tiba,siap bertempur..semoga semester ini sukses.semangat..(з´⌣`ε)
Annabel Garnham got told by an oceana cloakroom attendant if i can't afford to be here I shouldn't be here - cheers babes. All time low / don't charge me twice for my coat- e gits
Kévin Jocktane JEU
Choisissez le mois de votre naissance :
Janvier : je suis parti avec
Février : j´ai passé la nuit avec
Mars : j´ai tué
... Avril : j´ai chatouillé
Mai : j´ai giflé
Juin : j´ai volé
Juillet : j´ai mangé
Août : je me suis marié avec
Septembre : j´ai battu
Octobre : je me suis habillé comme
Novembre : j´ai enflammé
Décembre : j´ai dormi avec
1 : un robot
2 : mon professeur
3 : Un mécanicien
4 : mon meilleur ami
5 : Un éléphant
6 : Un ordinateur
7 : Un homme
8 : une chaise
9 : Un chat
10 : une souris
11 : une fille
12 : un connard
13 : un babouin
14 : bob l´éponge
15 : une carotte
16 : une infirmière
17 : un criminel
18 : un enfant
19 : une banane
20 : une petite merdeuse
21 : Mr je sais tout
22 : pikatchu
23 : un hamster
24 : un pokémon
25 : un alien
26 : une baleine
27 : un chat noir
28 : un fantôme
29 : une danseuse
30 : un mec
31 : un zombie
A : pour sauver le futur
B : car je le(la) déteste
C : et j´aime bien ça
D : pour seulement 5 DH
E : Car je n´aime pas ça
F : Et je me trouve beau / belle
G : Pour être satisfait / satisfaite
H : Et c´était bizarre mais cool
I : pour me donner de la valeur
J : et je trouve ça drôle
K : pour aucune raison
L : et j'ai célébré ça avec maman
M : pour être un héros
N : car j´aime faire ça
O : car j´aime la vie
P : pour m'amuser tout simplement
Q : et ça m'a fait mal
R : car Abdelmoula me l'a demandé
S : pour mon copain / ma copine
T : et un chien m´a foncé dessus
U : car je suis fou
V : et je me suis en fin calmé ....ooof
W : car je n´ai pas d´ami
X : et je sens une odeur venant de mes pieds
Y : et sa me rend heureux
Z : et c'est un secret
Alors ca donne koi?
Sandra Docarmo O querido telespectador Elvis fez uma pergunta sobre o dom de línguas em 1 Coríntios 14:13. Respondi-o e achei importante também disponibilizar a questão neste espaço do blog:
Que bom receber sua pergunta aqui no blog do programa! Será uma grande satisfação lhe ajudar.
Os irmãos da igreja de Corinto estavam fazendo o uso errado do dom de línguas. Quando lemos especialmente o capítulo 14, percebemos que eles:
1) Não usavam o dom com o propósito evangelístico, pois falam de maneira que os estrangeiros não entendiam – versos 9 e 11;
2) Preocupavam-se mais em “aparecer” do que edificar a igreja – versos 22 e 12;
3) Quando alguém falava em línguas (no grego, o termo significa “idiomas”), tal pessoa não sabia o que dizia ou não possuía um intérprete para ajudá-la – versos 13 e 27;
4) Usavam o dom de forma desordenada – versos 27, 33 e 40.
Com base nesse contexto fica mais fácil compreendermos 1 Coríntíos 14:13. Paulo está dizendo, em outras palavras: “se não há uma pessoa que interprete o dom, então, você que fala em línguas, ore para que Deus dê a você a capacidade de traduzir para os estrangeiros que assistem ao culto a fim de que eles entendam a mensagem e aceitem a Jesus como Salvador”.
Embora alguns cristãos creiam que o dom de línguas em 1 Coríntios 14 seja diferente, ou seja, de uma forma “estática” e “ininteligível”, acreditamos ser ele da mesma natureza de Atos 2, Atos 10 e 19 (assim como em Marcos 16:17) por vários motivos, entre eles:
1) A expressão grega para “língua”, usada em Coríntios é a mesma utilizada em Atos 2: “glôssa”, que significa “língua de nações” ou “idiomas”;
2) O verbo grego “falar” – “laléo” no mesmo capítulo refere-se à “linguagem humana usual”, do “dia-a-dia”;
3) Na expressão “línguas estranhas”, o termo “estranhas” não se encontra no original grego, contrariando assim a ideia de alguma manifestação incompreensível do dom. Veja a tradução da Nova Versão Internacional: “Pois quem fala em uma língua [ou outro idioma] não fala aos homens, mas a Deus. De fato, ninguém o entende; em espírito fala mistérios” 1 Coríntios 14:2..
Desse modo, o dom de línguas de 1 Coríntios 14 (e de outros textos) era o mesmo dado pelo Espírito Santo na ocasião do Pentecostes. E, o problema na igreja de Corinto girava em torno da forma desordenada como o dom era usado.
O dom de línguas tem propósitos evangelísticos. Se o evangelho não for compreendido, as pessoas não serão salvas.
Biblicamente, há apenas um tipo de dom de línguas: aquele pelo qual as pessoas entendem a vontade de Deus para a vida delas.
Espero ter lhe ajudado. Conte comigo sempre que precisar – ok?
Um abraço,
Leandro Quadros
Jornalista e Consultor bíblico
Até o Jô Soares que não é "teólogo" ENTENDEU, como pode alguém que "lê" a Biblia não entender essa grosseira contradição Neo-Pentecostal? Quem quiser realmen...
Giulio Medrado A música até que é legalzinha, pena que é muito melosa. Mas gostei desse trecho:
If I could hold back the rain, would you numb the pain.
Because I remember everything.
If I could help you forget, would you take my regrets.
Because I remember everything.
I feel like running away, I'm still so far from home.
You say that I will never change, but what the FUCK do you know?
I'll burn it all down to the ground, before I let you win.
Please forgive me, I can't forgive you now.
I remember everything.
This song to me reminds me of my childhood. Growing up in a broken home. It also takes me back to 9/11 and our U.S troops. When I hear this song this is what...
Matilda Rose Pierre Misses my Momma Edna Peters and Erik E-Rock Peters and Jackie Wells and Donald Peters and Daniel Peters and papa and Audie and everyone at my Mom's <3
Laís Leão Estou precisando conhecer pessoas novas, mudar meu ponto de vista sobre algumas coisas, olhar o mundo de uma outra forma e me impor mais.
John Pritchard Attention Grover Cleveland Science Department-- Please check you home/school e-mail for a note from me.
Sara Khan Always start your day with a lot
of... S E X S - SMILE E - ENERGY X -
XCITEMENT so make S E X a daily
habi...good morning frnds
Giane Faria Martins Triste coisa é querer bem à quem não sabe perdoar Renato Russo.
DeJanae Rachel Gaines i had a Gr8 time at the dance with Aniya Anderson Kyla Ridiculos Primas Canaan Reed Krista E. Gonzalez(work it girl) Raisha Bailey Jacinta Davis Jenna Manos Ziani Jones Tyasia Moss
Janelle Modica Never been so bored... like & I'll do whatever your facebook name starts with (:
A: Tbh?
B: First impression.
C: Rate.
D: Dear, ___.
E: Best feature.
F: We should?
G: A [ :) or <3 ] on your wall
H: Would I ever date you ?
I: Smash or pass
J: One word that describes you.
K: A wallpost.
L: Opinion of you.
M: Paragraph.
N: Me+You=?
O: What are you to me?
P: A picture with a sentence.
Q: How old do you look?
R: Truth is...
S: Comment on my favorite picture of you.
T: I think...
U: I'll "Like" some of your pictures.
V: First thing I would do/say if i saw you?
W: Should we talk more?
X: Like/Dislike.
Y: NGL...
Z: Ask you a question.
Cilomar Coelho Ontem fui assaltado no big gago da cohama, alerta a todos, qualquer estabelecimento sem seguranca e perigoso.
Erica Machado ""A Bíblia é Deus falando ao intelecto humano. Falando por meio do homem, falando como homem e falando a favor do homem; mas é sempre Deus falando.
E no Seu cuidado com a raça humana, diz:
“Dar-vos-ei pastores segundo o Meu coração, que vos apascentem com conhecimento e com inteligência.” Jeremias 3.15""
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