Jeff Fain Here is a thot for you Immanuel Baptist when you think about giving up or you are too far behind the Bible reading schedule!
Have mercy upon me O LORD, for I am weak; O LORD, Heal me for my bones are vexed Psalm 6:2
Mahmoud Heiba أخطر 6 كلمات تستخدمها البنات ..
عند الغضب .. !! O_o
... ... ... *
1- طيب :) :
هذه الكلمه تستخدمها المرأه كي تنهي النقاش وآنت لازم تسكت
و نصيحه اذا قالتها البنت ,, لازم تختصر
2- ولاحاجة :| :
هذا الهدوء الذي يسبق العاصفة و هاذا يعني انو في حاجة كبيرة X_X
واذا سمعتها لازم توقف على رجليك
3- لا عادي :
وهي من اخطر التصريحات اللي يمكن ان تقولها المرأه للرجل
و تعني ان المرأه تريد التفكير مطولا و بعمق قبل ان تجعلك تدفع الثمن غاليا
و وقتها أعرف ان الوضع أبدا مش عادي زى ما بتقول
4- براحتك :) :
هذه كلمة تحدي و تحذيرية و ليست إذناً X_X.!!!
بالعربي يعني اذا انت راجل و في على وشك شنب اكسر كلمتها وشوف
5- لا شكرا :) :
يعني انو الغضب قد وصل حده وقرب الانفجار
وسوف تحل عليك اللعنة قريبا ان شاء الله >:O !!
6- اهااا 8-| :
يعني انها كانت شاكه فى حاجة وانت أكدتها
يعني حاول تلطف الجو قبل ما تجيب أجلك
Raul Cruz Brayan Cruz
Deleting my facebook.. Wanna know why? Go down. ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ........ ............... ............... ............... ............................. ............... ....... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............... ... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ..... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ...... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ..... ............... ............... ............................. ............... ............... ............................. ............... ............... ............... ............... ....... ............... ....... ............... ............................ ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... .......... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ........ ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ....... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ....................... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ........... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ....... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ...................... .......... ............... ............... ............... ............. ............... ............... ............................. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ...... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............. ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ......... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ....... ............... ............... ............... ............................. ............... ........ ITS PRETTY FUNNY THAT YOU OPENED THIS BECAUSE ... in the next seven days you will: 1. Have someone fall in love with you 2. Find a $20.00 bill on the ground 3. Go out with the person you like :3 ... But first You gotta repost this and see how many people will go down. LMS IF U REALLY WENT DOWN
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Me gustaYa no me gusta · · El miércoles a la(s) 21:23 cerca de Kansas City · A 5 personas les gusta esto..
Alexa Olvera The Going Out With A Person Just Happened To me Just Noww! Is Ur Amigo JH Jeje
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El miércoles a la(s) 21:30 · Me gustaYa no me gusta · 1.
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Play the Wheel of Fortune SLOTS game on facebook today!.Blanca E Ramirez Vega jugó a Games..
Marcelo Cortazio Holly shit!!!
.*. EU ACREDITO NO SENHÔR DEUS .*. Quão bom e quão suave é que os irmãos vivam em união. Sonhe como se fosse viver para sempre e Viva como se fosse morrer am...
Cathy Fornash Justin and Max were ticked off at Alex and they began to hate her . and had to live as normal people working in the subshop. They got into a fight where the dad decided to sell the sub shop . then they started to work together to save it . And then it was back to the compitition they were taken cause it was o nly a test . they ran in the maze and had to find their way out the 1st one who came out 1st was full wizard. At the end it was Justin who came out 1st . he was about to be come full wizard when he looked at alex and he told them that Alex was to be wizard not him . They did a flash back on why and Justin got his foot caught in some weed in the final tunnel alex chooses to help her brother. and that is why justin came out 1st . Alex is now full wizard and she has the powers . and Professor Crumb decided to retire and he appointed Justin his job so Justin is the big honcho in the wizard world and Max will be haveing the Subshop . that will be his .so everyone is happy
Exung Princezz Kyong Dun fel prud f ah sy tat u ar cute,lovli o beautifl etc etc cuz itz nt da beauty tat mkz u cute,lovli o beautifl bt itz ua HEART tat mkz evritng beatifl wch z in u.....:))
Krishna Tanha Acharya You think you're alone, but you're not the only one. gud morning my frndsssssss :'-(:(:<>:-(:-Q:-s8-o:-/:-|
Jema'a Williams J......O......E!!!!!!!!!!!
La Changa Shannon Jimenez porque todos sabes quien es yo no importa es amigas o amigos sabes yo siempre estare a tu lado cuando es bueno o malo
Chad TheShow Gratton gettin safe then gettin the swell on ... o man this is gonna be a treat
Annie Coffman computer privleages prolly spelt that wrong but o well today for me is a brand new life for me met some pretty awesome people who seem to be doin it for the better gonna cut some outta my life but life is full of changes and great things
Saulo Sarmento "O pensamento em si não é o problema. O problema é concentrar minha mente em torno desse problema."
Panagiotis Kazakos Η αλήθεια είναι ότι μου έχει λείψει λίγο το γραφείο μου στο σπίτι και ο χαμός που επικρατεί πάνω του!
Joshua Aiden Allison so i randomly get attacked on demon souls not once but 8 GODDAMN BLOODY TIMES >:O however i burned them all to the ground :D *throws firebombs around randomly* :D
Bibiana Goncalves A Song of the going up. When the Lord made a change in Zion's fate, we were like men in a dream.
Then our mouths were full of laughing, and our tongues gave a glad cry; they said among the nations, The Lord has done great things for them.
The Lord has done great things for us; because of which we are glad.
Let our fate be changed, O Lord, like the streams in the South.
Those who put in seed with weeping will get in the grain with cries of joy.
Though a man may go out weeping, taking his vessel of seed with him; he will come again in joy, with the corded stems of grain in his arms.Psalm 126
Siva Pathiwada ఓ సారి శ్రీకృష్ణులవారు,సాత్యకి,అర్జునుడు అడవిగుండా ప్రయాణిస్తుంటారు;
రాత్రి కావలి వంతులవారీగా ఉండాలని అనుకుంటారు.మొదటి ఝాము సాత్యకిది ;
సాత్యకి కావలి ప్రారంభించినంతనే..ఓ చాలా చాలా చిన్న ఆకారం ప్రత్యక్షమై సాత్యకిని విపరీతధోరణితో యుధ్ధానికి కవ్విస్తుంది...సాత్యకి పట్టరానికోపంతో ఆ ఆకారంపై యుధ్ధానికి సన్నధ్ధుడౌతాడు...ఆ చిన్న ఆకారం రాను రానూ పెద్దదౌతూ పోతుంది...సాత్యకి కి నీరసం విసుగు వస్తుంది..ఇంతలో రెండవ ఝాము సూచన రాగానే అర్జుని ని లేపి తనపాటికి తాను విశ్రాంతి,తీసుకుంటారు..!!
ఇహ అర్జునులవారిది వంతు..తనూ ఇలాగే విపరీతమైన కోపంతో రెండుఝాములూ విపరీతమైన క్రోధావేశంతో ఆ ఆకారంతో యుధ్ధంచేసి ఇహ నిలువలేక కృష్ణులవారిని నిద్దురలేపి తను విశ్రమిస్తాడు.వేకువనే మెలకువ వచ్చిన సాత్యకీ అర్జునులు కృష్ణులవారిచేతిలో ఇమిడి ఉన్న ఆ ఆకారాన్ని చూసి ఇదేం మాయ అంటూ విస్తుపోతారు...
దానికి కృష్ణులవారు చిరునవ్వుతో చెప్పిన సమాధానం..ఈ ఆకారం పేరు కోపం మనలో అది(కోపం) ఎక్కువయ్యేకొద్దీ దాని బలం పెరుగుతుంది మన బలం క్షీణిస్తుంది...!! ..దీన్ని ఏరకమైన ఆయుధాలతోనూ జయించలేము ఒక్క చిరునవ్వుతో తప్ప అంటారు...!!
చిన్న కథలరూపంలో మంచిని పంచే పిట్టకథలు మనకు అనేకం...!!
Peter Cushing Telugu-"త్రాగుబోతులును తిండిపోతులును దరిద్రులగుదురు. నిద్రమత్తు చింపిగుడ్డలు ధరించుటకు కారణమగును. "
English-"Because they that give themselves to drinking, and that club together shall be consumed; and drowsiness shall be clothed with rags. "
Malayalam-"കുടിയനും അതിഭക്ഷകനും ദരിദ്രരായ്തീരും; നിദ്രാലുത്വം പഴന്തുണി ഉടുക്കുമാറാക്കും."
Hindi-"क्योंकि पियक्कड़ और खाऊ अपना भाग खोते हैं, और पीनकवाले को चिथड़े पहिनने पड़ते हैं।"
Tamil-"குடியனும் போஜனப்பிரியனும் தரித்திரராவார்கள்; தூக்கம் கந்தைகளை உடுத்துவிக்கும்."
Bengali-"এবং তন্দ্রা ন্যাকড়া সঙ্গে মানুষের ভূষিত হইবে মাতাল এবং পেটুক জন্য দারিদ্র্য আসতে হইবে." (প্রবাদ 23:21).
Gujarathi-"એ શરાબી અને ગ્લટન માટે ગરીબી માટે આવશે: અને સુસ્તી રાગ સાથે એક માણસ કપડાં પહેરાવવાં રહેશે." (23:21 ઉકિતઓ).
Kannada-"ಕುಡುಕರೂ ಹೊಟ್ಟೇಬಾಕರೂ ದುರ್ಗ ತಿಗೆ ಬರುವರು; ತೂಕಡಿಕೆಯು ಒಬ್ಬನಿಗೆ ಹಳೇ ಬಟ್ಟೆ ಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊದಿಸುವದು." (ಙ್ಞಾನೋಕ್ತಿಗಳು 23:21).
Albanian-"sepse pijaneci dhe grykësi do të varfërohen dhe gjumashi do të vishet me lecka."
Bulgarian-"Защото пияницата и чревоугодникът ще осиромашеят, И дремливостта ще облече човека с дрипи."
Danish-"thi Dranker og Frådser forarmes, Søvn giver lasede Klæder."
Dutch-"Want een zuiper en vraat zal arm worden; en de sluimering doet verscheurde klederen dragen."
Esperanto-"Ĉar drinkemulo kaj manĝegemulo malriĉiĝos, Kaj dormemulo havos sur si ĉifonaĵojn."
Estonian-"sest joodik ja õgija jäävad vaeseks ja uimane olek sunnib riietuma räbalaisse!"
Finnish-"sillä juomari ja syömäri köyhtyy, nuokkuu lopulta ryysyissä."
French-"Car l'ivrogne et le gourmand seront appauvris; et le long dormir fait vêtir des robes déchirées."
German(Luther's)-"denn die Säufer und Schlemmer verarmen, und ein Schläfer muß zerrissene Kleider tragen."
Modern Greek-"διοτι ο μεθυσος και ο ασωτος θελουσι πτωχευσει· και ο υπνωδης θελει ενδυθη ρακη."
Modern Hebrews-כי סבא וזולל יורש וקרעים תלביש נומה:"
Hungarian-"Mert a részeges és dobzódó szegény lesz, és rongyokba öltöztet az aluvás."
Icelandic-"því að drykkjurútar og mathákar verða snauðir, og svefnmók klæðir í tötra."
Italian-"ché il beone ed il ghiotto impoveriranno e i dormiglioni n’andran vestiti di cenci."
Latin-"quia vacantes potibus et comissatores consumentur, et vestietur pannis dormitatio."
Lithuanian-"Girtuokliai ir rajūnai nuskurs, o mieguistumas aprengs skarmalais."
Maori-"No te mea ka tutuki tahi te tangata inu raua ko te tangata kakai ki te rawakore; he tawhetawhe hoki te kakahu a te momoe mo te tangata."
Norweigian-"For drankeren og fråtseren blir fattig, og søvn klær mannen i filler."
Sweedish-"Ty drinkare och frossare bliva fattiga, och sömnaktighet giver trasiga kläder."
Thai-"เพราะคนขี้เมาและคนตะกละจะมาถึงความยากจน และความง่วงเหงาจะเอาผ้าขี้ริ้วห่มคนนั้น"
Ukrainian-"бо п'яниця й жерун збідніють, а сонливий одягне лахміття."
Tagalog(Fillipino)-"Sapagka't ang manglalasing at ang mayamo ay darating sa karalitaan: at ang antok ay magbibihis sa tao ng pagkapulubi."
Vietnam's-"Vì bợm rượu và kẻ láu ăn sẽ trở nên nghèo; Còn kẻ ham ngủ sẽ mặc rách rưới." (Proverbs 23:21).
Irish-"Óir lomann an pótaire is an craosaire iad féin, agus ní fhágann an mhíogarnach ach balcaisí ar dhroim duine." (SEANFHOCAIL 23:21).
Alkitab(Indonesian)-"Karena si peminum dan si pelahap menjadi miskin, dan kantuk membuat orang berpakaian compang-camping." (Amsal 23:21).
Arabic-"ﻻﻥ ﺍﻟﺴﻜﻴﺮ ﻭﺍﻟﻤﺴﺮﻑ ﻳﻔﺘﻘﺮﺍﻥ ﻭﺍﻟﻨﻮﻡ ﻳﻜﺴﻮ ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻕ" (ﺍﻷﻣﺜﺎﻝ 23:21).
Polish-"Boć pijanica i żarłok zubożeje, a ospały w łatach chodzić będzie."
Czech-" Nebo opilec a žráč zchudne, a ospánlivost v hadry obláčí." (Proverbs 23:21).
Kyroha-"انتكۅنى ىچكىچتۅر مۅنۅن اشىرا تويۇپ العاندار جاقىردانىپ كۅتىشۅت، ۇيقۇچۇلۇق جىرتىق كىيىم كىيگىزۅت. " (ناقىل سۅز. 23:21).
Mizoram-"Zu rui mite leh sa heh mite chu an lo rethei dawn si a. Nguinain puan chhia a sintir ang." (Thufingte 23:21).
Russian-" потому что пьяница и пресыщающийся обеднеют, и сонливость оденет в рубище."
Spanish-"Porque el bebedor y el comilón empobrecerán: Y el sueño hará vestir vestidos rotos." (Proverbs 23:21).
Nepali-"किनभने मतवाला र खन्चुवाहरू दरिद्र बन्छन्, र यस्तो लट्ठ्याइले तिनीहरू झुत्रे बन्छन्। " (हितोपदेश 23:21).
Portugese-"Porque o beberrão e o comilão caem em pobreza; e a sonolência cobrirá de trapos o homem." (Proverbios 23:21).
Uzvl(uzbekistan)-"Chunki mayxo‘r va ochko‘z qashshoq bo‘ladi,uyquchilik esa juldur kiyim kiydiradi." (Hikmatlar 23:21).
Thu Anh Thôi dừng lại ở đây thôi, nhìn tách cafe đã nguội cả rồi
Mian Bilal Assalam o alikum Gooo0oooD Morning to my all fb friendz.have a nice and cooool day...
Bruno De Souza Lessa Tive a alegria de encontrar uma grande pessoa a qual tenho muito apreço. O pai do grande Cb: Carlos Alberto!
January 6th – Can’t wait for Obamacare to kick in. You know, since our government did such a bang up job bailing out GM and subsidizing the Chevy Volt. 1) GM stock down 46.1% in 2011 2) Only 7671 Chevy Volts sold 3) Those 7671 now being recalled with a battery/fire problem 4) The estimated US taxpayer hit per car after considering grants, loans, rebates & tax credits - $250,000 5) The average income of Volt buyers ($39,000 price tag) - $170,000 6) And after all this, the proposed future location for Volt manufacturing – China But you know what’s my biggest concern? Sometimes O’s “green cars” can leave a huge carbon footprint! (photo) P
Brandon Jensen i should totally get unlimited text capabilities :O
this whole 250 texts a month thing really doesn't like me
Yessi Sandoval Falta 10 messes pa mis quince =O omg!
Amanda Bintencurtt Nossa era uma vez msm esse casal, odiei o final do filme ...tristeee
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