Lizzy Nwodo Are u willing to do what God says even if it means standing alone.
Masong Certain Do U sometimes feel that the world is passing U by. that U R not part of the action, that U R a spectator?? There's a simple way to get in the heart of the action. U want to hear how?? Simply make some one feel special & U will become special too. Let's open R hearts to those around us & then we will have joined the REal world of recovery. I love you, I do, I'm gary c.
Mathews Chavunya Lord Jesus u know how crucial this period is for me. I there4 bind this flu in your name. I believe that I'm healed in ur name!
Subhajit Roy when he kneels down before her just 2 say "I LOVE U",do u feel he is loosing his self respect?? he is not..insted he is gaining her respect....
when he mocks & irritates her,do u feel she hates it??bt no she silently enjoys it...when he is sick & she careing 4 him,,do u think she is doing just her duty??no,bt dying herself just 2 see him alr8..
when smthing bad happens 2 him & tears roll 4m her eyes,,do u feel they r just tears???
no dey r nt.,,itz her soul melting 4 him....dats true love...
"love & be loved"
Something informative.
Share with your friends
This information is useful.......
Have U ever heard abou...t LPG cylinder's expiry date....!!
Do you know that there is an expiry date (physical life) for LPG cylinders? Expired Cylinders are not safe for use and may cause accidents. In this regard, please be cautious at the time of accepting any LPG cylinder from the vendor.
Here is how we can check the expiry of LPG cylinders:
On one of three side stems of the cylinder, the expiry date is coded alpha numerically as follows A or B or C or D and some two digit number following this e.g. D06.
The alphabets stand for quarters -
1. A for March (First Qtr),
2. B for June (Second Qtr),
3. C for Sept (Third Qtr),
4. D for December (Fourth Qtr).
The digits stand for the year till it is valid. Hence D06 would mean December qtr of 2006.
Please Return Back the Cylinder that you get with a Expiry Date, they are prone to Leak and other Hazardous accidents...
The second example with D13 allows the cylinder
to be in use Up to Dec 2013.
Kindly pass this on,
for creating awareness.
Nishitha Lakshmi Wen u strt giving 2 mch importance 2 sme1 in ur life,u tend 2 lose ur value in their life.
Morena ImOn-aBoat LoaPe That ''hlhlhlhl'' moment wen u step into kfc , hopin
2 get an oreo krusher 2 restore essential bodily fluids wich u have lost earlia on durin tha day , n afta requestn for it .. tha words tht cum out of tha woman behind tha counter r '' alaaaaaammm ooonaaaa lafooooonwaaaammooooolalaaa aaaassssssssaaaalaaaammmm'' n u go ''fuck it'' cos in fast motion , wat she said is ''askisi , mara muchini wa di ice cream ha o sebetse'' mxm
Andrew Haymes
They totally botched that Beast of Vodall fight :P.
Jack and Adam make their way through the third Flashpoint in Star Wars: The Old Republic, "Athiss." Watch them fight their way through bad guys and murderize...
Tiffany Lynn u give me the tightest hold me ever seen in my life!! - gyptian
Oluwasegun Gbenga Days are empty when I dont hear somthing from you.
Just a simple hello and my worries are through.
why I feel this? I think I have a clue.
I am glad I have a friend like u.
Mika Too Much Johnson Father : hey Son! why is your mother sitting so silent today?
Son: nothing Dad. She asked for lipstick and i heard " GLUE STICK "
Father : God bless u son !! :D:D
Dre Brezzy who a asks who cares about P.N.P & J.L.P??? I care if u don't care ur problem dat lol.....shout ur mouth
MillionDolla Lewis WHO HAS NOT YET DOWNLOADED MY MIXTAPE ( MILLER HIGH LIFE ) ?? .. PLEASE DO... ITS FREE.. AND U GET 23 SONGS !! BY MillionDolla Lewis .. # YEA BUDDY ... <----download for free ! 23 NEW SONGS ... <---THANK YOU .. P.S.... TELL YOUR FRIENDS ..!! TOO !!!
Julie Mburu If u take my child Lord,give me rain for grass will grow!
Sandra Stead sarah everyone is sayin the rds are bad don't think u should b drivin about u should go see ur dad x
Camagwini Gqibitole jst heard tht Kenny nd Chante Moore r divorced #hurt,sad* if u thnk u gna find luv ncama ngok cz akho-hope *ekhathazekile#
Charrisma Promise Ppl cn say bad tings abt u nvr mind jst tnx God,knw dat de power of de LORD it upon u n it nt de end bt it whr lyf strt,u hv a value in lyf.luv u ppl as God luv us be strng dnt fear in lyf walk tol.
Zak Lambrou I got "51%" on the How Ugly R U? quiz!
O amor é a única flor que brota e cresce sem a ajuda das estações. - Khalil Gibram
Khabo Nkili Tjo ke xala ho bona lane e kalo ko masepala ya batho ba isang di cv, ke hore ha e le jwalo e batla motho a tshowele teng ka meso, le makgowa ntata.. re fola ka ho fela o tsebe ho thata ha o se ho le jwalo.
Jackie Evancho amazes the crowd with her powerful opera singing during the America's Got Talent YouTube Special.
C Jeanette Conner spelling "work" so many times. now it looks funny to me. wooooork. i think the "o" should have been an "e" at least.
anywayssss, back to the hunt.
Senzeni Ndulini Niyainviter anicomment nithule nje kanti kwenzenjani ngisho kuwe wena o...kwaaa kwaaa kwaaa lolest how are my friends,sisters and brothers ?
Flavia Ramos O Natal e Ano Novo esta chegando, encomende ja seus quitutes para as festas de final de ano,tudo feito com muito capricho e amor para voce, EMPADAO, SALPICAO,ARROZ DE FORNO,SALGADINHOS,TORATS SALGADAS VARIADAS,PUDINS,QUINDAO,RABANADA,E MUIIIIIITO MAIS entre em contato e veja tudo que temos,para fazer suas festas mais pratica ;-)
Crystal O'Connor This wee's call will get you clear & focused while discussing some of the technical pieces you will need to set up systems in your biz and life! (Wordpress & other cool tricks!)
FREE Training call on December 8th- 7 pm cst /8pm est/ 5pm pst Make More Money in your Life and Business Get clear about what you want, how much income you need/ want and I’ll tell you exactly what
album borax /37T8ZX5EC5A2/
Amarc Brasil Rádios Comunitárias MATO GROSSO DO SUL GUARANIS KAIOWÁS: MPF vai responsabilizar o Estado por conflitos contra indígenas
João Komka Sorteio Universo Paralello #11
Nessa semana o 5uinto sorteará 1 ingresso para a 11ª edição do festival Universo Paralello, que acontecerá do dia 28/12/11 ao dia 03/01/12 em Pratigi, na Bahia.
Para participar, compartilhe o 5uinto dessa semana em seu mural. Clique no link compartilhar no evento (, ou cole esse mesmo link em seu mural . Após compartilhado, vá até o mural do evento e confirme a ação.
O ganhador(a) será anunciado(a) na quinta-feira.
Mais informações sobre o festival, acesse:
Thursday, December 8 at 11:30pm, Club 904 (Clube da ASCEB - 904 Sul)
Felipe Galvão Quero ver! quem segura essa barra até a hora q eu voltar... Vou sair pra preencher o vazio do peito tô meio sem jeito d falar... Quero ver se eu cair agora quem é q vai m levantar... Ja pedi ao sol...ja pedi ao mar ... Já pedi a lua ... As estrelas do ceu ja pedi quase tudo q consegui eu ganhei da rua...
Brandon Henry Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long -Psalm 25:4-5