Amie Jazmine Brown I got "59%" on the How Ugly R U? quiz!
Kavina Juglal Sumtimes we look at life & think dat we re down & out, but dats where life begins. From da hard times, u learn respect, appreciation, humility and 2 focus on getting what u want. If u want sumting, get off your butt and go get it, it wont cum 2 u.
Emovon Theresa Treat everyone with politeness even those who are rude to u...not b/coz they are not nice...but b/coz u are nice
Michael Kimani Thanx mom 4 ua luv n care i luv u 2 mom n dats why they address mi as KANJERI am proud 2 b associated wid u mom.
Physiryour Holurhotimy Tel me frnds.Who on dis planet earth luv§ cares beta than christ?i'm a living testimony of His luv§kindness.thank u Jesus.
Jerry Davenport yo, thanks for all the birthday wishes, big ups to u all!!!!
Gearzon Manlapid god bless u all mrming slmt advnce meri x-mas take care olways tnk u so much miss you ol :)
Kulie Malambile Yersterday I met a stranger......Today hs stranger is my frnd.Had I nt tkn the tym 2 sy halo,or return a smile or shake a hnd or listen,I would not have known this person.Yersterday would hav turned into a 2day or our chance meeting would b u all
Ayoo'Pooh Gotti To My Ex We Had Good Run Bt Nw U On 2 Yo Next , I See U Doin It Big It Is Wat It Is I Guess , U Had MarcD Bt Neva PoohGotti , 4 Yo Luv I Was Dwn 2 Catch A Body
Olajide Latphar Something on my mind....pls will ų here ♏e̶̲̥̅̊ out ?
Reynold Napolean Carvalho CLASSIC Definition of a "Life Partner" : "Someone who will stand by u thru all the troubles, which you wouldn't have had if you had stayed SINGLE"
Brandi Flores Happy Anniversary To THe Best Hubby, Daddy, And Best Friend in the World I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH BABE and im so happy your all MINE, No matter wut God Puts our way we always manage to come out on top thank u for aways being there for me!!! MARRIED FOR 2 YEARS TODAY AND TOGETHER ALMOST 4 YEARS!!!!
Zanele Mkhize Zoe Dear khumbulekhaya, lol ngicela ningifunise umngani wami u Nonhle shinga abanye bathi uyabonakalo bhobhoyi
Jestine Gerber I have listened to pray.... 59649 times in two days. I see u JB.
Refilwe Relo Lephakga *DeadByLaughter*...Ai u should love my Granny maan Yoh!!! A re: "Ntate enwa o mobe bao etsetswa mokete wa badimo"....Lmao! Ngi Yam' Thanda Ugogo MaLephakga!!!
Charles Chada Hw do u feel if lost someone u lv in yr lyf angles
Riza Atienza Hope u love me as i luv you.
Bunty Shah Many many happy returns of the day dude to both of u kaushik and shailesh
Jane Liam Mama's baby were r u?got some kul whispers 4 u.
Sameer Sheikh All idiots stand up,
A boy stands up.
Teacher: So you Are An aidiot?
Boy: No I Coudn't see U standing alone
Never marry a "TESTING" girl since she always DOUBTS U .
Never marry a "DATABASE" girl since she always wants her husband to be a UNIQUE key.
Never marry a "C" girl because she always have a tendency to BREAK the things and EXIT from house.
Never marry a "C++" girl as u may encounter some problems in INHERITANCE.
Never marry a "JAVA" girl since she always throws EXCEPTIONS.
Never marry a "VB" girl since she has divorce FORM with her always.
Never marry a "UNIX" girl ,she always dump u with a CORE.
Never marry a "PASCAL" girl ,she always scolds u as RASCAL.
Never marry a "COBOL" girl since she may be very good in DIVISION of families.
Never marry a "NETWORK" girl since she may be very good in SHOOTING PROBLEMS.
Conclusion: Better marry a girl not belonging to SOFTWARE FAMILY!....................................R.C....<3 <3 <3 <3
GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY REACHED BY U........
Thembelihle 'botho' Dlamini hai ezinye izinto zinhle if u confess it ,I think I love politics there is smthng always interest me whn it comes to it *Miss Lindiwe Mazibuko WATCHOUT*lolest
Lisa Argo Bragg Every woman deserves a man who calls her baby, Kisses her like he means it, holds her like he never wants to let her go, doesn't lie or cheat, wipes her tears when she cries, doesn't make her jealous of other women instead makes other women jealous of her, Is not scared to let his friends know how he really feels about her, and lets her know how much he really LOVES her. RE-POST IF U AGREE
Hlamie Eve Mcwhite I'm hungryyyyyyyyyy eish!! Cumin back frm work u tshe u sweka swaborha ni lava ku teka imani a lavaku ku teka hi mina lol
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