Matt Clark heated. i love how i don't have the ablility to count on any of my 'friends'
Lynda Barker Thank you my beautiful granddaughter. I Love you
Derek Webeforeme Leitner just got back from interview....Think it went great....I did my part now its all in The Fathers hands...
Lisa-Scott Janse Van Rensburg oh come now 15th so i can go on leave yay no more work
Nally Jnasty Brown In Order For Me To Bite Down I Gotta Be Able To Tell What Soap You Use *Bends Down Sniff Sniff * Ohh Yea That's Dove Lmaooo
Christine Williams chylln with my sis n zaymiya, zaymiya dead b telling me stories now, n shez wild fiesty like ummmmmm i see u ma lol
Halie Smith Well I cancelled the apt for B-ham today, they said my OB can just discuss the results with me tomorrow and save me a 4 hr car ride! Gonna take Logan and Taylor to the doc to see why their colds are being so stubborn and not going away.
Jennifer Beau-Catterson A big thank you to my hubby, Jim! I work long retail hours and he spent his weekend putting up the Christmas tree and all the house decorations while I was at work! Love you Honey!
Casey Buck I love how fake people can be sometimes...but trust and believe they will sweet talk you to death when they want something...may God have mercy.
Michale Clark Andrews so scriptwriting is not my forte, but I must've hit a milestone today because my Conceptual Storytelling teacher, the woman that is NEVER impressed EVER, told me that not only am I getting there(wherever there is), but that my story is, and I qoute, "riveting" and that it "could be a great thriller"
(i'm king)
Timothy Wilkinson I wish I could be your tear drops,
for what more could anyone
ask for then to be
conceived in your heart,
born in your eyes,
live on your cheeks,
and die on your lips.
A Ryan & Marissa video I made a while back about how Marissa felt lost before Ryan came along and how she feels extremely grateful to him for all that he's d...
Charles Hawkins Jr. This is a sad story of young children being exploited for gold. I'm so thankful I live in the USA!
Rock Center with Brian Williams - Digging for gold, children work in harsh conditions, paid with bag
By Jessica HopperRock Center Samba Diarra, 15, journeyed 200 miles to live in a plastic hut alone and work in an artisanal gold mine in Mali.
Rachel Denise Hickman dont u just love waking up know u have to study for exams... although college is better... there is WAY more information to learn.. which i guess makes to not much then high school..
Starr Smith I don't ever be trippin off of , what ain't mine.
Ella Williams Praying that my sister-in-law gets to feeling better soon.She helps so many people (myself included).She is truely a good person and I hope all goes well at her
doctor's visit.
Katelynn Wable Yay at the Doctors for my back problems. When I really want to be in bed sleeping. The pain is really bad today
Amanda Thompson Dear Santa, I don't want much for Christmas, I just want the person reading this to be happy. Friends are the fruit cake of life --- some nutty, some soaked in alcohol, some sweet, but mix them together and they're my friends. At Christmas you always hear people talking about what they want & bought. This is what I want: I want people who are sick with no cure to be able to be cured. I want children with no families to be adopted. I want people to never have to worry about food, shelter & heat. I want peace and love for everyone! Now, let's see how many people re-post this....I have a feeling I am gonna see almost no re-posts. PLEASE prove me WRONG
Carl Johnson As for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord will save
Kareen Warner CONFESSION: My coworker dats from Pakistan is real cool..but ever since Bin Laden died I be beating him up & slamming him around @ work #dontjudgeme
Edith Campbell As you wrap your gifts for your dear ones, dont forget that person who may have seen your eyes asking...."Make me feel special".....may be a single mom, or maybe a fatherless boy or girl. Don't forget to wrap a gift for Jesus and give it to someone who may not have someone who will say "I LOVE YOU". We are all gifts from God to someone. Spread your smiles to everyone. Lovingly.
Dan Martell finally back in L double E D S, GET MAD! or not as I am tired as fuck :(
Simone Smith Even after living in PE for two years I still look at EL first when the weather is on haha
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