Michael Abraham A reminder to all my Facebook friends… I have been writing seriously for almost three years now. I have three books currently on the market (2 non-fiction and 1 fiction) and another in the works. I am writing for several regional and special interest magazines. I write a regular column in our local News Messenger. I also blog on my website at www.bikemike.name, where you’ll also find sample chapters of my books, ordering information and reader feedback. Please visit my site often. I appreciate your patronage and urge you to support all the musicians, artists, craftspeople, and yes, writers, in your area this holiday season!
Based in Blacksburg, Virginia, I explore and write about our wonderful region of the central Appalachians. I love to ride my bicycle, ride my motorcycle, and hike. I've been known to make stained glass panels, watch birds, explore caves, cross-country ski, and fly kites. I love to travel (Who doesn'...
Andrea Goodfellow-Pugh Hate when you get the " You're JUST a mom? " or " Do you ever work? " Uhhh yes, I am a Mom ! That makes me an alarm clock, cook, maid, waitress, teacher, nurse, handyman, security officer, photographer, counselor, chauffeur, event planner, personal assistant, Atm & I scare away the boogyman. I don't get holidays, sick pay or days off. I work through the DAY & NIGHT. I am on call 24/7 for the rest of my life. And that's just my first job.... BEING A MOM !!! :) I may not be anything to you but I am everything to someone ! Re-post if you are a proud mom ♥
Bennett Matamela I really cannot sleep in da house cause of da damn smell...I rather go nd spend da nite with my dog in its kennel.
Quentyn Caracciolo I love penis
Tholakele Mofokeng beautiful day i had.
Dolores Orton Riley I don't need an angel on top of my tree, I already have one in heaven looking down on me ♥..More than one.!!! Put this as your status if you have someone in heaven you wish could be here for Christmas.
Darryle Ford I love Pgh can't wait 2 get back, Hommies! lol
Emma Brownlee Wanye Rooney in the new fifa advert ...... Looking lush I must say <3
Ivan Beltran :D Not bad at all, that feeling you get when you just hear good bands you hadn't heard before. I've had that feeling everyday for the last 2 weeks =]
Rhonda Foster May Going to get groceries on this cold rainny day..at least I have great company. My sis and randy..cant get much better than that
Shelby Bass do i rly have to leave my house today??? blahhhh
Shauna Tapscott I is well board and I regret what I have done :( this person should know who they are love ya alwaysxxx <3 xx
Mary Williams Saturday was the best day I have ever had!
David Thomas can the Redskins be good for 1 year and maybe get a quarterback that doesn't blow? i would like that Dan Snyder
Rosanna Alvarez My monkey started crying when I left. Couldn't take a pic of him didn't want to prolong my stay there and make it worse.
Brian Neuman although I do not agree, Ron Santo gets elected to the HOF, time to reevaluate the entry procedures!!
Riana Advincula-Carambas Image of strength, miracles and fearlessness. May your soul ever be as full and jolly as your distinct laugh and figure that I remember :) May you continue to shower nothing but smiles and happiness down upon us as we embark on the journey with you now above us. Tita Anali I LOVE YOU and thank you for the memories and teaching me to never be afarid of laughing as loud as the heavens can hear.
Arion Roby Its A thin line Between Blessed and Lucky and Im in the Middle so I guess a Nigga stuck here!
Samanthadoinme Penick you kno wat you can talk your shit nd tell me im not going to get over you but guess wat??..... I DID!!!! i dont need you to make me happy all i need is me nd my fam n friends....you just need to forget me forreal....go be with her i dont want you anymore you lied n cheated n treated me like crap...nd i kno im better than tht.....
Elizabeth Dawn I never get jealous when I see my ex with someone else, because my parents always taught me to give my used toys to the less fortunate.
LaKeisha Downing I don't know what happened but my crackberry lost all my contacts and phone numbers etc. So if you are a personal friend or relative and you have my number please text me your name & number again thanks! Maybe it's time to get a new phone smh!
Elsie Candelaria Dear Santa for Christmas I would like ...... Actually forget that..... Get on your sleigh go to Afghanistan and Iraq collect all our troops and take them home to their families ... They're the ones who deserve the presents.. Put this as your status to show your support for our Armed Forces....— with Elsie Candelariaand Rhianna Tavarez.
Julian Sosa Moi S-O-U-N-D-T-R-I-P #NP Who Do You Tell -Tamia...
Hina Matsuri close all those memories and will never return.....>< i hope i can ... >< sigh
Katie Kearns having a feast for lunch, work @four. I need sunny weather!!
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