Danny Owen Roberts Bye Fatty-ma;) have a good time in dickhead land;Lx
Valerie Harris Sittin here watchin CNN and I'm hearin that now, the slaughter of horses is to be a normal thing in the near future! Wtf!!! Owner of a clydesdale...not sure if that's how u spell it...say's horse meat is very similar to beef, but much more tender and has a sweet taste to it. Eeekkk! No thank you! Not cool!
Darrell-Courtney Porter Hates when you get the "Your JUST a Mom?" or "Do you ever work?", Uhhh yes, I am a Mom! That makes me an alarm clock, cook, maid, waitress, teacher, nurse, handyman, security officer, photographer, counselor, chauffeur, event planner, personal assistant, ATM & I scare away the boogie man. I don't get holidays, sick pay or days off. I work through the DAY & NIGHT. I am on call 24/7 for the rest of my life. And that's just with my job... BEING A MOM!! I may not be anything to you, but I am everything to someone! Re-post if you are a PROUD MOM!! ♥ and if you don't think it's a job try it for a week!! And if you are a mom & dont feel this way... maybe you're not doing it right
Kellie Cartwright Fatima.. Ur only famous for trowing a friging stick lol
Odomero Gbobodo Am Experiencing the Experience'' what a great night i wish you were here with me......
Maren 'Michaelsen' Humphrey Wow. I would not be surprised if somebody called DHS on me today. Some days I swear Molly is determined to get herself abducted/killed and does everything she can to keep me from preventing it. What a two year-old.
Makayla Chance lls #rs if u and a person break up and he tlk shit and tlkin shit and constinley tlkin shit he thinkin bout u 2 much and its turnin in 2 anger and he want 2 tlk shit now imma classy gurl, meaning imma keep my mouth closed so i wont ruein my rep but wen u c were as thought idgaf u u tell my boyfriend a lie u 2 busy worryin bout meh like boy get ran ova by a dar get shot in ur face fall of a cliff idgaf but dnt lie 2 my boyfriend cause u want meh bac so bad and dnt make up shit drop dead and leave it alone
Dorian G-ster Im in hell's kitchen wearing an apron an a hairnet, devl on my shoulers, the lord as my witness, so on my libra scale I'm weighing sins and forgiveness. What goes around comes around like a hula hoop karma i a bitch well just make sure that bitch is beautiful. Life on the edge, I'm danglin my feet. I tried to pay attention but attention paid me.
Jackie Burkhart Knabe We are looking for a coat for a coldwater friend - women's size 4XL. Please let me know if you have one to donate. Thanks!!
Quentin Jones Now he the kinda guy tell you, you gon make millions But he's a petifile on the low he fuck his children
Amanda Roybal Is beyond disgusted with all these people killing their children now a days.... How can anyone harm an innocent beautiful child and top it off its your own... So sad for all these angels losing their life because their nasty egg and sperm donors dont know how to handle life
Dawn Lynn Johnson Taking a break from school work, time to get some grub and maybe watch a show on netflix, i'm thinking white collar lol, what can i say i'm obsessed
Lisa Estrada Wow...Child support services of solano county is a Fuckin JOKE!!! Maybe if these losers that make these babies actually took care of they babies I wouldn't have to deal with them Fuckin people!!!! I'm just pisssssssssed
Sumaria SmileyyFacee Sowell But as long as you live,
There will be hardships and pain,
But I know a man, Who brings peace to the storm,
He can solve the Rain. He Can Walk On Water.
Dont look to the left, dont look to the right.! Focus on the light.!
My God Can Walk On Water.!
Katie Truman ✩ Had a great day today ive
got a fab new job a fab bf fab friends and fab family what more could i want? Xxx
Emily Watson First speeding ticket today. I think bath fitter just doesn't want me to have a car
Kate Denton Wright Going to the White house for a tree lighting ceremony on the 17th for the fallen what do you wear to something like that?
Pavan Shesh Wat to say ! Had a wonderful pastry blast at midnight , wake up call frm Family at 4 am (lol) and and NTF all the wonderful + unforgettable wishes from friendzz here ....superb !!! and dont know wats to be there in the eve nw..........................Thx again :-):-)
Davy Baumgartner I need earmuffs and a scarf and a Ruana and Russiam fur hat just to look at this Wintery scene...
Christmas designs and more on Venice Art Walls Dec 11th. Filmed by Name On Rice.com
Arlene Harper Goes straight for the blow up doll: Desiree Dutcher
Buys a sexy negligee: Lisa Roling
Tries on stripper heels: Cheryl Lynn Schmidt
Buys stripper heels: Allyssahh Marie Mcfarland
Checks out the whips & chains: Susanna Kailee
Spilled the lube: Mike Schraufnagel
Appalled by everyone's behavior: Nikki Love
Buys condoms for everyone: Heather Harper
Streaks through the place & goes to jail: Chelsea Harper
Sits in corner hugging the toys: JoHanna Skildum
Rhonda Lynn Sparks Babies r home all A's, Hailie had 2 B's. Starting dinner....
Cookie Monsta Listen UP fellas: Never take a good woman for granted cause one day she's going to have a REAL MAN that appreciates what you didn't...the fact of the matter could just be why there's so many single WOMEN just waiting to be LOVED!!!! #STAR
Stanley Flink A righteous G-d we know that do not sacrifice His siblings. Make promises of salvation and return later to still make provision for another heritage.While we all must know everything created by Yah is of solid PROVENSTONE. WILL NOT BE RETURNED OR RECALLED. Throw to THE ground all deception with might. A HAILSTORM OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Juanita Wilson I've come across some interesting words that I'd like to share...mansperate: adjective
1. feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that there are no suitable men to date or sleep with.
Glenn Chase What's this lady smoking??? Why should this be a problem for any citizen??? What it would discourage is any ILLEGAL ALIEN from attempting to vote.
DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) says the Republican party is trying to disenfranchise and "suppress" the votes of minorities and other groups in the Democratic voting bloc by enacting laws requiring a valid I.D. at polls. "It's very transparent who they're trying to block from t...
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