Emma Donnelly Baby massage classes :)
hi folks, im setting up an new Baby Massage business and am hoping with the help of my facebook friends to spread the word to new parents within the local area, if you can please share or tag yourself on this poster. i will also be setting up a facebook page within the next few days, but will keep you all posted...Thanks..xx
Terry Fox Wishing I could go to this tonight, but those hospitals are a calling so I have to work tonight. I hope everyone that goes has a wonderful time. It's on Channel 8 so I'll DVR it and watch it later.
Trijna Bos Thank you everyone who came out and celebrated my birthday with me last night. I had a blast. I'm so happy to have such great friends. Thank you all
Chris Brusoe okay..I am sitting at a red light and what happens? I get rear ended again...
Jennifer C Pearcy I don't care I'm gonna bitch, I have worked my ass off all day, working two doc's all labs and ekgs taking all patients back, checking patients in and now I'm getting charts ready for monday!! and still working patients. WTF okay. GET IT TOGETHER!!
Tina Ryczek VanBuskirk Wanted to call you today to say I love you , but your number is no longer in service.I tried the operator she said "sorry I have no number for you.'I tried to go to your house but you don't live there anymore.The post office has no forwarding address .I guess heaven is too far away. I Love You,I miss you. You are in my heart always and forever.Copy and paste in remembrance of Loved ones gone but not forgotten MERRY CHRISTMAS to all those in heaven! <3 I love you and miss you Daddy <3
Travis White Clinical One-Recruiter Weekend Plans-- decorating my house for CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Not because I have to compete with my neighbors.. but because I LOVE Christmas WAY more then they do!!!!
Sabrina Newman you know what sucks... when you think things are going ok then the fit hits the shan I'm pissed irritated and all I wanna do is cry fricken people suck
Minister Abolaji Muiz Abidemi ppl say i'm too controversial and i hit d roof easily. Hau true is dat? i wanna know plz.
Dalton Blake James "I got invited to a party on the 16th"... "hey me too, thats cool. its called the starkiller rave".. "maybe its the same one mines called the community office party"... "umm.. i don't think that's the same one. actually"... "ok"- Judy
Davona Tke Urgurl Kelsey I NEED A DRINK
Bradley Laney I need a ride to the store to get some stogie's!!!!
Daniel NoWorries Saunders I hate to say it but yea......
Gus Genco I really like finding ways to make some easy cash for FREE. I need 10 of my friends to get up with me so I can share this with you. Its pretty damn awesome.
King Monte Grant Who ever got lil bianca need to let her go and be with her family I praying for you
Staci Pixie Sharp I hate waiting , grr can he just see me now , as really do wanna see him :/
Frederik Emil Høyer-Christensen Af hjertet tak til Pia Cecilie Jørgensen... Nu er jeg ikke længere den eneste der linker op til denne out-of-this-world-agtigt fede opus, fra en af de ubestridte funk-maestros! :)
"If I Was Your Girlfriend" was the second single off Prince's widely-acclaimed 1987 double album Sign ☮ the Times.
Daniel Yaw Ndor How i wish u could look into pples faces&know what they are thinking,especially those who secretly admire u without u ever knowin or noticing
Billy Dalton so i spent my whole day at the DMV talk about a waste of a fuckin day
Rana Shahid hi frinds
i like u
Melanie Raye Kuppel just rung the bell for the salvation army, and you know when you get the people of walmart emails, well they all went to kmart today. There was a women that was big and had a half shirt on, well shes walking toward me and just when i thought it couldnt get worse, she has panty hose hiked up over her stomach and she turns around and theres her thong sticking out the back of her pants. Wheres Joan rivers, with the fashion police or what not to wear people when you need them?
Jeffrey Haynes I think its funny how ppl like me now that i got me tatt machine :/
Murphy Nchoeu Matlala LOL,friends ! I got my Top Boy stalker and Top Girl stalker of my Profile ! That's a so Sick ! check yours @ http://bit.ly/sl5CRG
Ricky Johnson I am a maniac do you get it???
Javon White "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Well you're not me, so shut up.
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