Dirk August ha ha ha! o Maritimo a estragar a nossa festa do dia 21, mas fico contente!
Kimberly Schewe +10 Likes & ill do my
ABC's (:
A-Available: yess.
B-Birthday: january 21st.
C-Crushing on: no one anymore.
... D-drink you last had: cokee.
E-easiest person to talk to: uhm. Kaja Lewandowska
F-favorite song: i have alottt. but right now "we're all no one"
G-grossest memory: idk.
H-hometown: uhm here i guess. lol.
I-in love with: justin bieber.
J-jealous of: Mila kunis
K-killed someone: plently times. on cod.
L-longest relationship: 11 nonths, i thinkk.
M-milkshake flavor: oreo.
N-number of siblings : 4
O-one wish: um. to meet justin bieber. ;)
P-person you hate the most: i don't really hate anyone ..
Q-questions you're always asked: are you single? hahah. and "are you bi?" -___- no.
R-relationship status: single obviously
S-song you last sang: everyday i'm steppin on the beach. :D
T-time you woke up: like 630
U-underwear color: blue.
V-violent moment you last had: um idk haha.
W-worst habit: biting my nails i guess. and eating when i'm bored.
X-Xray's had: teeeth. and tummy.
Y-your last time cried: like 2 or 3 days ago
Z-zodiac sign: aquariussssss
Breana Richardson Everytime i blink somebody else i knoe is pregnant 0.o
Iam Dastar Studio is back open. $20hr. located in Clearwater, fl 1409 N. Betty Lane. Bread Getta's Ent. Contact Dastar or O-Dizm for booking and/or info. 404-322-5429/ 727-851-5085
Ben Villana Alos que ya tienen su arbolito de navidad ..... Si mañana despiertan y no tienen foquitos o estan fundidos NO FUI YO !!!
Mpendulo S Mkhabela `thanks a million O`Lord my righteousness, for bringing me into the life of glory in Jesus`Name Amen.>>>yawning>>
Amaechi D'Guy Godsent o God please dont give up on us... We need forgiveness and a lot of love... Please i beg you on behalf of earth's pathetic race
Molly Gray 5 likes and i'll do my ABC's
C-crushing on:
D-drink you last had:
E-easiest person to talk to:
F-favorite song:
G-grossest memory:
I-in love with:
J-jealous of:
K-killed someone:
L-longest relationship:
M-middle name:
N-number of numbers in my phone:
O-one wish:
P-person who called me last:
Q-question your always asked:
R-reason to smile:
S-song you last sung
T-time you woke up:
U-underwear color
V-violent memory you had:
W-worst habit:
X-x-rays you've had:
Y-your last drink:
Z-zodiac sign:
Daniel Sousa da Silva Confusooooo ... O que fazer ? :S
"Estica a loona!"
"Joga áááguaaaaaaaaaaaaa[...]aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!"
"Joga água, joga já ♪"
"Augusto Limeira HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY ♪"
-Dança do siri
-Dança do açougueiro
-Dança do grilo
-A voz da Marília Gabriela (que eu sei imitar HÁ)
"véi...." (BOLA)
"nossa velho"(BOLA)
"vai chubiar" (EDU)
"... eles não vão conseguir, porque eu vou dirigir com óóódio..."(BOLINHA)
"Diretamente dos estúdios da RedeTv, está no ar mas um Pânico na... TEVÊÊÊÊ"(BABI)
"Arrego.." (SILVIO E O RESTO) *-*
Ricardo Macedo "A penalização, na realidade, serve como mecanismo de uma economia das ilegalidades, que promove o controle social, concentra lucros e territorializa a cidade."
Descriminalização das drogas: tábua dos 10 argumentos. | Quadrado dos Loucos - Prosa, crítica, cruel
Por tudo isso, nenhum droga deveria ser assunto de polícia, mas de saúde pública. Como o cigarro e a bebida alcóolica.
Oladipupo Yinka Omolola Gud 9it my friend swt dream. A ji ree o (aman)
Priscila Indy Campos piada do dia: o rapaz estava na casa da namorada, e ficou com vontade de fazer coco, mas na casa de sua namorada soh tinha um banheiro, e sua namorada estava tomando banho. A vontade foi apertando, ateh que ele avistou um cachorro e pensou, "vou fazer aqui mesmo e vou dizer que foi o cachorro" e assim ele fez. Quando sua namorada saiu do banho, ela avistou o coco e perguntou pro namorado " O que que eh isso?" e ele logo respondeu " foi o cachorro que fez isso" e sua namorada olhou pra ele e disse " UEH MAS ELE EH DE PELUUUCIAAA!!!" kkkkkkkkkkkk trelassss
José Sousa Pela boca morre o peixe...
Académica, o Marítimo está à vossa espera.
Shirley Gambling Stark Collier THE FATHER,S HAND, While though this changing world below i would not choose my path to go, Tis Father,s hand that leadeth me ,Then o how safe his child must be.Sometimes we walk in sunshine bright, Sometimes in darkness of the night;Sometimes the way i cannot see,But Father,s hand still leadeth me.Sometimes there seems no way to take ,But Father,s hand a way doth make, Sometimes i hear him gently say, "Come , follow Me, this is the way." Why should i mind the way i go? His way is best for me, i know. He is my strength, my truth,my way,He is my comfort,rod and stay.So on we travel hand in hand,Bound for the heavenly promised land.Always through all Eternity,I'll praise His name for leading me.`Was send to me by some very good faithful friends .And i think them so much
Preethan Dhara http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1mj3bd5uas
One of Shankar Tucker's most famous works. For updates, follow us on http://www.facebook.com/mtvroots and http://www.twitter.com/mtvroots
Christian Martinez Shhhhhytt Mrs.Jones Is Back!:O IGotta Put A Stop To This!(: Jk!
#Spider-Man AND Buzz LightYear(;
Efrain Angel Longoria III Senior ball I'm going ;) o hell yea going to be fun next month
Rodrigo Assumpção É tão bom ver que pessoas que te julgava,que se diziam e se passavam por santas nos bancos de igrejas sujas com o próprio cuspe que cuispiu para o alto... Antes de tirar o cisco do olho do seu irmão,tirai o tronco de vossos olhos.
Fabio Loezer Sabe aquela sensação que o dia foi bom, que agora você só quer a pessoa que gosta do lado, pijama, vinho e esperar o dia terminar bem? Pois é ....
Aliás, é o que vou fazer! Boa vida pra vocês ai !
Aram Lipsius You're a 19 year old kid. You're critically wounded and dying in The jungle somewhere in the Central Highlands of Viet Nam .
It's November 11, 1967. LZ X-ray. Your unit is outnumbered 8-1 and the enemy fire is so intense from 100 yards away, that your CO has ordered the MedEvac helicopters to stop coming in. You're lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns and you know you're not getting o...ut. Your family is half way around the world, 12,000 miles away, and you'll never see them again. As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day. Then - over the machine gun noise - you faintly hear that sound of a helicopter.
You look up to see a Huey coming in. But . . . It doesn't seem real because no MedEvac markings are on it.
Captain Ed Freeman is coming in for you. He's not MedEvac so it's not his job, but he heard the radio call and decided he's flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire anyway. Even after the MedEvacs were ordered not to come. He's coming anyway. And he drops it in and sits there in the machine gun fire, as they load 3 of you at a time on board. Then he flies you up and out through the gunfire to the doctors and nurses and safety. And, he kept coming back!! 13 more times!!
Until all the wounded were out. No one knew until the mission was over that the Captain had been hit 4 times in the legs and left arm. He took 29 of you and your buddies out that day. Some would not have made it without the Captain and his Huey. Medal of Honor Recipient,Captain Ed Freeman, United States Air Force, died last Wednesday at the age of 70, in Boise, Idaho May God Bless and Rest His Soul.
I bet you didn't hear about this hero's passing, but we've sure seen a whole bunch about Lindsay Lohan, Tiger Woods and the bickering of congress over Health Reform. Medal of Honor Winner Captain Ed Freeman Shame on the media !!! Now . . . YOU pass this along.
Honor this real hero
François Costa q lindinhoooo
um morcego órfão de cauda curta levado para o santuário e tratado por voluntarios
Kalli FitzSimmons One of the worst days at school EVER!!!!!!!!! So much k-oss ! One o my bff's is now my enemy to me and EVERYBODY else and my friend amayia is going through some trouble with her brother and a fourth grader......... another definition : BAD DAY!!!!!!
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