Blake Rankin over trying i just am really going to give u nuffing i do is ever right so i think it time to move on to a beter place were there might be some hope for me
Andrew Palmer before you come to battle your PBS crap how bout i call up CPS about them kids on your lap FOO!!!
Ervin Melosantos I know a way we can save money at work .....don't run the A/C when its 65°.....
Daisy George Can't sleep thinking of the concert! God in Your Hands I trust that all will go well. Thank You Lord!!!
Kylea Keatts Can't wait for tomorrow night to get here!!! It's going to be a blast!!! I miss my boo!!! :)
Ramona Deckard-Salazar I have the worst headache ever;and to top it off Desi is sitting behind me crying because i wont let her brush my hair....
Shay Hammons Dont feel good AT all :(
cant keep nothin down or move
i need some soup and 7up FO SHO.
Babyj Martinez I heard your a player, nice to meet you; I'm the coach<3
Pajazit Ramani ne cdo pamje ti me jep force te jetoj dhe pse jam i lenduar,...{p%s
" Toygar Işıklı - Sardunyalar. "
George Murdaugh I can honestly say i have been attacked by 2 shrimp...They left me with a fat lip. lol.. now thats a new exprerience for me..
Allysa Gouvia ok so i by these war heades chewy cubes and it says extreamly sour so i was like uh oh im scared i put one in my mouth they arent sour 2 mins later the after tast is lol
Jerry Dudding Wherever I may roam, where I lay my head is home...carved upon my stone, my body lies but still I roam
Kasey Summers-Hall Thank you Brittany Lu for turning me in to a lush! lol Just got my Grey Goose and Green olives!! annd threw some verdi in there for good measure!! lol Now if i could just have sushi delivered......OH I can here! hahahaha yep im in a gooood mood! Hope everyone has a great day!
Wilbur Nkohla Damn Face Book can be dangerous, this lady walked straight into a pole with a smile on her face as she was busy updating her status and she fell flat on the pavement as her Blackberry rolled over 2 the middle of de road. I got her on her feet and picked up her phone and at that very moment a response 2 her status says. "Lol". And concluded by: "Just now via Blackberry". GPY (Gilikidi Phantsi Yintsini )
David Lee WOW I cant believe that you can see who is viewing your profile! I just saw my top 10 profile peekers and I am SHOCKED from who is viewing my profile! You can also see WHO VIEWED YOUR PROFILE here:
Deejay Scoopz Why You gettin MAD because i called you a hoe?? Your The one who forgot to put on CLOTHES this morning!
Hillary Espinal So I'm headed to the library just because they have amazing coffee and once I'm there I remember they only take cash and R U express. I only have y card -__-
Tina Marquis NEEDED: Someone that knows how to put a dryer belt on so I can finally do laundry again... I need help please...
George Smalls No need ta worry about everything they talking they ain't nothing just a bunch of jealous niggaz stalking Hawkins ima bout that paper so I keep my eyes open and see em all later fuckin HATERZ
Niyah Knight Yeh! Im losing weight. Before I got pregnant I (mind u I am 5' 9" tall) was 207 but now after having Nisaa I am 204. Before u know it i will be 175-wat I weighed when I met my ex-husband and then before u know it I will be down to my target weight of 155 before the summer! :-)
Brett Doyle Gosh I just dont know anymore. I mean sorry girls i turned down. I'm just lookin at somebody else so....... terri lena and jeweleya you can unblock me and maybe i'll forgive you guys and we can be friends but until then have a good day :)
Jamie Evans A blonde just texted me and asked "What does idk stand for? " i said " i dont know" she said "omg! nobody does!!"
Bijan Jackson First I wana thank God 4 no school lmao jk but #i.thank.him.trully.4.waking.Me.Up.this.morning.&starting ME on my way
#the ~~~wind ~~~was going in Last night !"
Michell King Lets start del ppl lol where do i start
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