Mariah Leija We found love in a hopeless place.
Anna Descharme Wow! almost blew away today in this crazy wind outside! my hair looks like a tornado hit it!!...Lol
Shauna Moll Ohhh my goodness GREAT day! We made the talent show!!!! Me and Eric AND me and April!!!! Yayyyyyyyy <3 So excited. Aladdin rehearsal a little laterr.
Kristy Thomas Time for work, 4:30-8:30, hope it goes by really fast! Got a headache, in foul mood, really dont want to be bothered, but I know I probably will.....
Gary Nicholson To the Honorable Jay Inslee:
On Monday the Occupy Movement visited the state capital. I was there. I am part of the Movement for two very good reasons: There are many things wrong with this country; Wars, budget cuts, unfair tax laws, the list goes on . . . Being in his group I am mostly concerned with the College Students; bright young people in their early twenties or older who should have bright future but their futures are threatened. There were two Senators who were willing to speak to us, which was appreciated. I don't have much to say for the other legislators, including the Governor who are unwilling to face the issues. The protesters are ordinary people and some of them bring their children and dogs to these rallies and are only their to plead with their so-called representatives just to give the a decent consideration. This letter is long enough for now so I'll tell you the second reason I'm in the Movement. It is Peaceful and sadly enough if it becomes any but Peaceful I will have to relinquish my support of it. Sad because the Issues are vital.
Sincerely Yours
Gary Nicholson
P. S. Please do not continue the policies of the current Governor
Mellisa Martin Powerpoint...Finished :)
15 chapters worth of biology flashcards.. DONE!
Four classes completed... Almost There
Meditation workshop With Amanda Pfentner.. Completed
Seven page paper started... yes!
Work all night...dreading.
It's been a pretty successful day!
James Parshall damn im goin have a good party tonight!!!!!!!!!!
Mohaneed Ahmed let's make a challenge between Real Madrid and Barcelona if you like Real Madrid comment i love Real Madrid and if you love Barcelona say i love Barcelona share it every time to the world to see it
Randy Nelson All you people! Post what would be a good christmas gift for you!!! Naow lol
Dennis Drennan okies, so i'm trying to lessen the stronghold diet coke has on me...with that said been drinking a ton of H2O, which actually is not as bad as I once thought, believe it or not. so i get home today and go to pour myself a big ole glass of water, put 3 ice cubes in it, and then proceeded to pour rum....REALLY!!!! ugh, well if it's already, Well, I guess there's water in the drink, lol - ice. lol dammit
Kearabetsoe Kaybee Rasentsoere This was all a lie!!*crying*
Kayla Blair had a nap, woo!
Austin A Romero Recuerdo aquel dia que te conoci fue como ver un angel mandado para mi, brillabas, no sabia que hacer encontre valor te queria conocer Me dijistes tu nombre empezamos a platicar Senti que encontre mi otra mitad La mujer de mis suenos imposible de creer Pero no fui el unico de sentirlo tambien Tu amor me prometiste tu corazon me diste Como un loco enamorado Te crei lo que dijiste Quien dice que no que nuesto amor imposible Aunque seamos diferentes nuestro amor es invencible.
Despues de varios meses empezaste a cambiar Fue derrepente me dejaste de hablar Por que eres asi Por que me haces sufrir Tu sabes que te amo y necesito de ti Nunca eh cambiado me conocistes asi y asi te enamoraste Te hice feliz Y ahora tu me dices que tu familia no me quiere Que busques a otro que conmigo no conviene Preguntales a ellos si se acuerdan del amor Diles que me quieres que no aguantas el dolor No es justo que me dejes de querer Nuestro amor es eterno es dificil deshacer.
Y ahora lo que encuentro es la soledad sin ti a mi lado es dificil aguantar Me levanto en las mananas sin ganas de vivir Te quedastes en mis suenor prefiero yo dormir Solo asi regreso a tu lado otra vez A sentir caricias a sentir tu piel A sentirme completo a sentirme derecho A sentirme como hombre es lo que merezco Por que me has dejado en la ruina emocional Como amar a otra como volver a confiar Ya no tengo alma Ya no tengo fe lo unico que queda es tu figura en la pared....!
Caitlyn Catino hahhaahahahha i just found a really funny picture!!!! lol
Jake Stephens takin a break from studying for a few minutes
Michael Hines Everybody make a birthday cake for jesus on christmas.
Dawad Joseph I was just thinking... If Sex didnt feel the way it did.. Where would we be as a species? Think about that.. If the sensation from sex wasnt wat it is.. Would we percieve life differently?
Taylor Sullivan Dear other Brother...@Dylan gunna try and make this long like trents.. we used to get along well and everything. and you used to be an AMAZINGG athlete. remember all the cookouts and everyone playing basketball and football and racing around the block?..yeah i miss those times. and i miss you.. i wish you and dad hadnt gotten into all those fights and i wish you hadnt changed into the person you are now. everyone agree's...hopefully soon you will realize you need to go back to school and get a job while you still have the chance. last weekend was good at moms im glad i got to see you.(: but you need to start talking to me and karlie more..i know you talk to trent enough...(: love you(:
Queen To celebrate World AIDS Day the Mercury Phoenix Trust has launched the Freddie For A Day Market Place. This is your chance to get your hands on some truly exclusive items that money simply cannot buy in aid of The Mercury Phoenix Trust. See what is on offer!
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Jube Samuel Owonibi A true friend is the most precious
of all possessions and the one we
take the least thought about
Mindy Owens having a good day!!!
Maria Rogers Heil You can't escape karma ... It is what it is. It doesn't judge, it's neither good nor bad like most people think. It's the result of all the actions, positive and negative--a constant balancing act of events--cause and effect--tit for tat--reaping and sowing--what goes around comes around ... However you phrase it, it's the same in the end."
-ALYSON NOËL, Shadowland [464,42]
Matt Doyle If you think I am crazy for not being a fan of the Beatles, like this status.
Ukponahiunsi Hystar Noble Osamudiamen My mum is d greatest woman on earth.she is a role model,she is evry tin 2 me.if am 2 chose b/w my mum n my spouse.dare is no 2ways abt it.d ans is my mum,dare is only 1 mum on planet earth.i luv u mum.
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