Olwethu Phomotso Mputla No metta wat its my tym 2 shine nd i mean it god is on my syd,shhhhhhhhh watch th space.....
Alexis Mcdaniels baby i can feel myself givin up.. ♥
Bret Beaudoin I got my new Samsung Galaxy SII epic 4 G phone...!!!!! Happy Dance...
Angelica Deleon ugh work is going so slow and i didnt get much sleep :( on the bright side i just found out T.I. has a new show airing on monday :D he is so hot lol come on 5 o clock i wanna go home :)
Doris Opuofoni Ave prayin 4 al my frds oh i want 2 atend wedin,bring d invitation.
Kim Calvin OK, I think that women want a date with a guy to be like this, be attentive, look in your eyes and tell you how nice you look, open the car door, hold your hand...And the guy just wants you to show show up NAKED with a 6 pack.
Kyle Wing Man i hate it when you do that shit!!
Jasmine Proudmommyoftwo Scott They say all men are dogs. I also heard all dogs go to Heaven. #the things men say
Ash Clarkk -Dude, I Swear I Hate That Place! :/ Bout To Take A Shower & Wash Clothes! Text Me!
Mary Contreras-Mendoza Looks like its a no go tonite :( .... Sometimes i feel like i dont do enough for audrey... Sucks:(... Next time... again
Fjoralba Fjori The more I try,the less is working
Cuz everything inside me screams...
Nozipho Ngidi I always wonder why imigwaqo yase Pretoria ibe namagama e Afrikaanse
Kristin Fauntleroy wow i was in shock when i saw this on ninas page
A small Kentucky church has chosen to ban marriages and even some worship services for interracial couples. The Gulnare Freewill Baptist Church, located in Pike County, made the vote in response to a longtime member who is engaged to a man whose birthplace is in Zimbabwe. Other pastoral leaders in t...
Breanna Allen Oh how time flies! A year ago today I was in the hospital waiting room waiting to see Chandler. You are such a bundle of joy! Happy 1st birthday:)
Annor Seth Finally finaly,Twepease circuit 2011 /2012 Sports competition-soccer has ended 2day.the final match was pld fenaso ladies n aboo ladies.aboo thus de team i coutched was eliminated on penaty shoot out.cochito papaapa.akyer3foo s3 wop3 kokyi b3hu me na me moa wo kakra.am waiting 2 hear 4rm u
Morgan Elizabeth Does anybody know how to drive anymore? Pretty sure I just passed at least 5 wrecks. Losers.
Crystal Day Knowlton I thought I could work out without stopping from exhaustion. Then I took a spinning class x_x
Emerald Fiberesima I FiGUrE LIFE is a GiFt & i doNt InTeNd on wAsTn it,U neVeR knW wat HaNd uRe gOnNa Get DeAlT NeXt;u LeaRn 2 tAke liFe aS
Brenda Banks I had a really good day at work i cant belive it got alot done....Cant wait for the weekend:)
Raul Vargas They say that time is the master, I want to feel in control n make it move much faster.. But I Rather Chace You Down!!
Sta'Chea Mzprettygurl Turner I need somebodiee tawhh getdd onlinee :)''
Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc I got the sweetest gift today... The hubs went to visit his favorite pawn shop. The owner is a good friend of his and he's got a laptop hubs wants to get me for Winter Solstice. While there, hubs spotted a sterling silver cat ring. The face and ears look just like my baby, Pooty, so hubs told the store owner. The man picked it up, handed to hubs and said, "Here, take it and give it to her." I'll NEVER take it off. It fits my ring finger and sits right underneath my wedding bands...
Roman Regalado Can I make a request? Is anyone willing to post this and leave it on your status for 1 hour? It is Special Education week & Autism & ADHD Awareness month, and this is in honor of all children who struggle every day, I know 99% of you
wont Re-Post this and I Know the 1% that will
Wanda Browne YOUR MOM IS YOUR MOM... Nobody can replace her... Nobody should replace her... Nobody can do half the things she does, or has done, for you... Nobody can compare to her... Only God can love you more than she does... She’s only one person... But she’s the person that matters the most... RE-POST IF YOU LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOUR MOM... No matter where she is... In Heaven... Or here on Earth! I ...love you mom.
Allen Smoak I need 3 references to put down on my state exam application. Volunteers? If not I'm picking you randomly from my phone!!
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