Xristos Mixantasis i run to prevent the fall To escape the wounds The unanswered calls Just put it all to sleep Lay it all to rest I need to rid the doubt To believe again To even breathe in the same way But someone needs to show me how I always thought that i would know That when things were broken it would show
Somehow i though i always knew The difference between the lie and truth I always thought i'd live a little longer To have a chance to grow a little stronger
"This is the video for our song Wrong. Once again Patric Ullaeus and the Revolver.se film- crew made 5 stupid guys from Sweden look like a million dollars, w...
Anthony Yambamungude if you dont take a step to leave where you are right now! you will never grow in dis life.
Audio Vandals *jingle bells tune*
Dashing thrugh the snow, on a V8 wondersled, crashing into trees, coz I am off my head,been smoking Santas pipe, a dozen beers or more, im heading to the red light zone to get my self a whore, oh jingle bells, jingle bells Santas smoking weed, mrs clause is on the floor shes over dosed on speed, blitzens fucked, all the elvs are too there tripping off there heads, if Rudolph snorts another line that twat will end up dead!
Holly J. Chadwick A really good version of my favorite song of the season from two of last years best Idol's!
Music video by Haley Reinhart, Casey Abrams performing Baby, It's Cold Outside. (C) 2011 19 Recordings, Inc.
Paul Mills If I had a nickel for every time I said "if I had a nickel every time...," I would be rich.
Sherry Hines O HEAVENLY FATHER I come 2 U 2day n thanks! Thanking U n advance calling those things that r not as though they were! Thank U 4 me being the lender & not the borrower! 4 making me the head & not the tail of all my situations! 4 giving me temperance so that wont do harm 2 those who do harm 2 me! 4 giving me peace that pass understanding! 4 the strength 2 climb & move mountains that get n my way! 4 when im lonely giving happiness beyond measure! 4 giving me patience that endure all things! LORD I thank U bcuz U R my true friend thats what U R! My only true friend U R my star cuz when i need U UR always by my side! When troubles r my fears & im all alone U give me a song 2 sing r when my world turns upside down & i cant c the ground ur love keeps me strong & free! LORD I just want 2 say from the bottom of my heart THANK U! If i had 10,000 tongues i couldn't thank U enough 4 U been soo good 2 me! N JESUS NAME AMEN!
Nikki Giddens (I couldn't resist)...
A man can be happy with any woman, as long as he does not love her.
Erin Molloy Today is World Aids Day
Sister organizations (RED) and ONE have come together to create the 2015QUILT, a digital patchwork of photos and images made by people all over the world who are pledging to join the fight for an AIDS Free Generation by 2015. Check out the website to learn more.
1,000 babies are born with HIV every day. By 2015, that number can be nearly zero. Add your panel to the (2015)QUILT from (RED) & ONE and let your voice be heard. The beginning of the #endofAIDS starts with you.
Tamie Jnbaptiste The main reason SANTA is so joLLy is because he knows where aLL The bad qirLs Live ... Thanks 2oo us, we make CHRISTMAS so Merry 4or The qood qirLs, and we save SANTA a LiL Less sTress... : )
Norah Gold Enjoyed Panoply's Disco Cave last night! What a spectacle!
Jo Baird overly frustrated w lack of performance by coworkers, it's giving me a headache.
Marie Buskey-Redmond ~*~ Don't piss me off...I have a wand & I ain't afraid to bibbity-bobbity-boo Ur ass into a pile of shit... So go ahead sweetheart make my freakin' day!!! ~*~
Shonleeka Coward Wow, sweet, bad ass hell, nice, laied back, silly ass fuck, smart ass hell. But she will teach you a lesson. Number reason not to fuck with her alice is. . .
Hardheaded definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!
Yd Anacortes Need some tooting? We got a tutor! Come see Christina from 2:15-3:30 at 2410 J Ave (YD building). Today!!
Bessem Barhoumi Ma belle,mon adorée,je m ennuie de toi à mourir. tout est vide je n ai que ton peluche à embrasser. ton corps tes yeux ta bouche toute ta présence me manque. tu es la seule, je t aime de toute étérnité. toutes ma détresse que j ai subie ne sont rien. mon amour notre amour les brule. quand tu reviendras, je veux te parer merveilleusement. je veux pour toi tout ce qu il est possible d avoir,tout ce qu il y a de plus beau. reste le moins possible absente. reviens vite. sans toi je ne suis plus rien. <3 je t aime <3
Shannon Montanye Nothing like having charges on the check card that you didnt make. Now I gotta try to live without a card till the new one arrives.
Kimberly Brimer- Meister Sorry i'm not very social.... Thank you everybody that wished me a Happy Birthday.
I took the night off and Scott & I went out for dinner. We had aBLAST....
Tyler Charpentier Going to burger king then dropping the dog off for a doctors appointment :
Kris Segarra My deadbeat-ass father approaches me and says my mother is concerned about my behavior lately and they think something is going on. He asks if I'm being "bothered" or "threatened" or "picked on". Umm. I'm 20, don't attend any school or work anywhere, and you'd have to be stupid to "pick on" someone with a black belt. Go back to your little "Out Of Touch" corner, you clearly have no idea what's going on in my life. And you never will.
Cirena Miller Free tacos for cirena = having a great day :-)
William Brian Michael Roach My professor is probably going to be a little concerned that I've sucked at everything in his class except skeletal trauma and firearms.
Marisol Camacho today is a day for compassion but also a day for strength
Elisha Janeway A fun-filled day of studying, but on a better note...my mac is here!
Matthew Frazier Dear Lord,
You know the temptations that I am facing today. But your Word promises that I will not be tempted beyond what I can bear. I ask for your strength to stand up under the temptation whenever I encounter it. Your Word also tells me you will provide a way out of the temptation. Please, Lord, give me the wisdom to walk away when I am tempted, and the clarity to see the way out that you will provide. Thank you, God, that you are a faithful deliverer and that I can count on your help in my time of need.
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