Deionna Williams #What kinda MAN wuhd leave someone who does fa them , tuu someone who does ABSOLUTELY nothin!! ii mean tuu mee it make no sense.... s/o tuu all tha good men / women... this chick iis desperate tuu have my big bro baqk cause he iis whidd sum1 who does everything fa him & whidd him and all this otha chick do iis treat him like a child .... Oh No ma'am !! fall back he aiinn goin baqk dwn that road
Haley Renee' -had a kind of a good day today.....everybody thinks i look good with braces,on the other hand someone called me brace-face and they got punched>:l becuz nobody calls me tht!!
Isaiah Alpha Look thru d last 11 month and say a very big thank u 2 baba God ,4 all he as done 4 us and expect more of his goodness in 2012.
Tyler Joseph Malcolm Imma write letter from day 1 when i first liked you till today. Its gonna be LONGGGG. That will be a lot of writing for me oh well, Late night Parties :D
Lawton Minnieweather LORD before i die,i hope i have a chance to make a change! everybody need to change before its to late! p didnt bother nobody why him? LORD we need more of you and less of us! help us!
Julia Benschop I don't know what to do about life seems the harder I try to make things right, the harder it is thrown right back into my face saying "you will never get things right and your a failure".....wish some things were the way they were; plain and simple with no bullshit in between.
Jamar Pootie Finch Sum Situations Can Turn Ur Best Friends Into Ur Worst Enemy Bt O Well I Guest Yhu Lose Sum Nd Win...#Finna Start At Dis New Skool So Dat Means A New Start Bt Mad I Gotta Leave Ha At A Different Skool I Knw Its Gonna Wrk Out Cuz I Got Faith In God
Jessica Mack when girls think theyre swagged out... with a knock off purse, showin that $20 shit off like its a damn car<<<<
Ana Granados Its has been scientificaly proven that Leslie Chavez pulls the hoes: its a known fact:D
But i still love you that way xD !!!!!!!!!!!!
Ibrahim Godwin D year 20eleven movs on to an exist.20twelv is waitn right dere at d cornr.Av got to mov on co's i ain't got no time waste.Am a movn train.Clear.......
lovin my life..(Sent via GO SMS)
Jessica Cruz Aryanna screams after a hard toy hits the ground.
Me: " Brandon! what happend?"
Brandon: " oh no sisser! you ok? "
Me: " Brandon! did you hit sister with the ball?"
Brandon: " yep "
Jayme Matic Art repeat this after me,
if i dont know my hiv status by now...
am stupid.,
and a mistake to my fellow countrymen.
Michael Guarnieri Really disappointed that Kanye's MBDTF wasn't nominated for Album of the Year at the Grammys, especially since a bunch of completely forgettable albums were nominated instead. Not that the Grammys matter at all.
Ali Alfarwie --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
تجربة وجودية عميقة تنتزع الإنسان من وحدته القاسية الباردة
لكي تقدم له حرارة الحياة المشتركة الدافئة
تجربة إنسانية معقدة … وهو أخطر وأهم حدث يمر في حياة الإنسان
لأنه يمس صميم شخصيته وجوهره ووجوده … فيجعله يشعر وكأنه ولد من جديد
هو الذي ينقل الإنسان إلى تلك الواحات الضائعة
من الطهارة والنظارة والشعر والموسيقى لكي يستمتع
بعذوبة تلك الذكريات الجميلة التائهة في بيداء الروتين اليومي الفضيع
وكأنما هي جنات من الجمال والبراءة والصفاء في وسط صحراء الكذب والتصنع والكبرياء.
وهو كالبحر حين تكون على شاطئه يقذفك بأمواجه بكرم
فائق يستدرجك بلونه وصفائه وروعته
ولكن حين تلقي بنفسك بين أحضانه لتبحث عن درره يغدر بك ويقذفك في أعماقه
ثم يقذف بك وأنت فاقد لإحساسك
لا ينطق عن الهوى وإنما هو شعور وإحساس يتغلغل في أعماقنـا
الحب مرآة الإنسان يعكس ما بداخلنا من عمق الوصف والخيال
كأحلام على ارض خرافية يلهينا عن الحاضر يشدنا ويجذبنا
فيعجبنا جبروته بالحب نحيا فهو الروح للجسد فلا حياة بدونه
وهو الأمل الذي يسكن أنفاسنا ويخاطب أفكارنا ليحقق آمالنا
هو سفينة بلا شراع تسير بنا إلى شاطئ الأمـان،
سماء صافيه وبحراً هادئ وبسمة حانية، يزلزل الروح والكيان ويفجر ثورة البركان
أخيراً الحب أسطـورة تعجـز البشريـة عـن إدراكهــا
إلا لمن صــدق في نطقهــا ومعناهـــا
الحب يقراء والحب يسمــع والحب يخاطبنــا ونخاطبــهويسعدنــا ونسعــده
وهو عطـراً وهمساً نشعـر بسعادتـه إذا صدقنـاه في أقوالنـاوأفعالنــا
بالحب تصبح ا لحياة جميلة لكي نحقق أهدافــاً قـد رسمناهــا
ولكن ما يقلق العاشقين فقط هـــو
احتمال أن تكـون الأقـدار تخبئ لهـم فراقـاً لم يكن في حسبــان أي
Modise Phakoane Home is were da heart is! Nearly messed up a gud thing cos of doubts, lust nd trust. Thank u Miss Tlholoe 4 bringin me back 2 my senses nd most importantly 4 da love, patience & hope u shown towards me... I will mos def bcum a better man*nomorecheating* :)
Jan Stariha "Every blind decision is an invitations to trust the unseen hands that answered chaos with creation....God has a wild imagination at work in ordinary lives."
Sharon Stone I think its freaking hilarious when i see someone who thinks they all that and a bag of chips and they really aint nothing but some fat ass hoes tryin to be cute.
Naa Nunoo 2dy bus ride dei a smal boi stood behind me n wantd wat z his dad's foolish boi dey r now childn in gh nw o
Tayce Sonichsen Ok so here's the deal y'all I'm puttin the mic down for now man I gotta a lot of shit I need to focus on and I just can't focus on 2 thhings at once so until I get my shit straightened out I'm not gunna be doin anymore music I got too much food on my plate right now and I just can't do it y'all I appreciate those who have been there for me and I got nothin but love and respect for y'all and I hope y'all will have the same for me and to those who supported me in my music id appreciate it if you'd support me in my decision now one love I'm out
Mark Roberts If a nursing mother had her nipples pierced would the milk come out of all three holes?
JimBaby Todorovitch On the way back to the job. with- A Load
Bongani Xaba Its bn a while since i did pump action awu goba Tubong nguwe lo Mxm.
Austin Staley just got done with a hardcore workout
Adebiyi Ibraheem $ A cock was saying "E ma kirun" (Be performing Salat).
$ A Cow was shouting Allah,Allah,Allah.
$ Allah was written on the sky in Arabic.
$ A tree gree in the shape "La ilaha ila llahu Muhammad Rasulullahi"
$ The word "Allah" was written in an intestine in Arabic.
$ A stone was hung in the air,not touching the floor.
"Melo ni a fe ka ninu eyin adipele?"
After more than enough evidences,pple still deny Allah(SWT).
Allah(SWT) pls dont help the believers on us,help them to know the true way and make our hearts firm on this Your right path.
You need the DVD that shows the evidences above? Contact me.
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