Awudu Razak Ibrahim psalm24;1 says "the earth is the lords and the fullness thereof;the world, and they that dwell therein".. i stand upon this word and decree as a child of God that every coven,grove and high place in this territory should cease to operate from this night by fire and by thunder in jesus name!
Andrew Gay Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank, give a man a bank and he can rob the world.
Tessa Marie WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP..... We can't say Merry Christmas now we have to say Happy Holidays. We can't call it a Christmas tree, it's now called a Holiday tree? Because it might offend someone. If you don't like our "Customs" and it offends you so much then LEAVE I will help you pack. They are called customs and we have our traditions If you agree with this...please post this as your status!! I AM A PROUD AMERICAN... MERRY CHRISTMAS! ♥
Do you have what it takes to repost this?
Kayla Charley haha jay jay is bein a dummy as always kiddin lol
A year ago A girl named Kathy was hated by everyone. Everyone made fun of her. She was ignored. Even by messages.
One day she decided to kill herself. Beca......use..................... even her parents ignored her. She jumed out her window. No one noticed utill people started dissapearing. Kathy haunted them. She made them suffer like the way she did. She hung them slowly and stabed them over and over very slowly so they could suffer like she did.
If you don't send this message to 15 diffrent comments you will die tonight by Kathy. Because she considers it ignooring her.
Example 1:
Dave looked at the first sentece and said, "Spam" And the next day the neighbors found him in his backyard, dead.
Example 2:
Joane was alone. She didn't have kids or a husband. She had alot of friends. When She had a sleepover with them she quickly had to check her e-mail.She saw this message and sent it to only 6 people because she thought she couldn't die that night beacuse she was surounded by people. The next morning Joane's friends found her in her bathtub, dead.
If you don't send this, Kathy WILL find you
Brandy Willis I normally am a positive upbeat person, but truth is I am only human, and today is one of those days where I feel like I just can't do it anymore. I really need God.
Jayson Paul Haessler So ready for a new semester with a new start to everything!
Joey Kopcinski On average, homeowners pay around $1.40 a day for a full-time Fire Dept including salaries & benefits. If you own a smart phone, you pay $3.40 on average a day for it. That cell phone WON'T die FOR you, protect your property, save your life, perform CPR or drive you to the hospital in an emergency. Copy and paste if you agree and encourage everyone to support their local Firefighters. ♥
Merissa Lynn Coffman Soo, I really need a job...
Monday Jamez Okwori nw i knw d differences betwin a normal human being and an unconsious 1.
Paul Harris Time to go to work...have a great day everyone!
Laura Benson If you haven't already... Please take the Thunder Roads Magazine Texas Reader Survey... tell us what you want to see in the future. OPTIONAL... at the end of the survey (page 2), provide your email & phone to enter for a chance win a weekend stay at Koyote Ranch in the Texas Hill Country. Survey closes @ Midnight, December 10th. Winner will be notified by Dec 15th and announced in the January 2012 issue! BE SURE TO GO TO PAGE TWO TO COMPLETE THE SURVEY & ENTER THE DRAWING!
Survey Software, Enterprise Survey software for enterprise feedback management and CRM solutions. Enables high-quality data collection, panel management and results analysis. Perfect for market research or CRM solution (Customer Relationship Management) integration. Free trial and consultation.
Dante Powell Just realized I've listened to Eric Church the entire way from Memphis to Little Rock. Couple things: 1. I think he may have a drinking problem. 2. He's albums, from start to finish, are really easy to listen to. Between his music, and the TV show "Son's of Anatchy" that Stephany introduced me to, I'm starting to think she has pretty good taste!
Cristian Baide Sin is fun! Sin is pleasurable and even gratifying for a season. It's prize is costly though, it equals death. Is it worth it??
The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. - Galations 6:8
ChynaChainsaw Joclynn Legacy If you were a triangle, you'd be an acute one. <3
Sam Keller Kevin sumlin is a badass... If asu gets him ill start going to games. Havent set foot over there since 06
Hustle Cash Loyalty i kn0 ther arnt n0 guarntee n love will take ur chancez bt sum how it seems unfair 2 me look at the circumstances threw b/s till death do us part those wer the w0rdz we said 4m the start .i was a l0ver.
Derrick Bain Time is a valuable thing. Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings. Watch it count down to the end of the day. The clock ticks life away.
Precious Theophilus Who wrote d Bible n Quran? Can u read d signs of stars n moon? Wat abt d mistick of light n sound,,do u knw d language of d egyptian mummies? Wat abt d law of of karma? Wat a world.
Zipporah Drake I just witnessed PDA Overkill!! A quick kiss or hug goodbye, holding hands and love looks are acceptable in moderation but the full mouth and tongue kiss while slightly bending her over the car and rubbing her butt lime it's the Apollo good luck log is doing the absolute most. Take all that to the house..... please!
Harlly Quensel so why is it that 99% of pepal it tacks giting dronck to act like an edeat dance and sing. I say triy it a cupal of times not giting drunc and you mite find that you rily we're supos to be an american idel.
Ross Desborough Thanks for all the birthday messages had a great day x
Erik Little You know a lecture is boring when the person next to you starts to snore for the third time in the last 30 mins! Goodness....
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