Teri Goschie I have 2 tickets to the Duck game tomorrow ~ sec 33, row 26, seats 14 & 15 for $80 each! Anyone want them, please let me know! They're great seats and well below what the U of O charged for them!
Aarav Patel I love you sona.i cant live without u.......
John Maina Oh Lord d master over d world u no our desires so gud God may ur grace rest wit us 2nite.gud nite frnds.
Ant Samuel God has blessed Everyone on this list. I hope u know him and at least said Thanks. Regardless of ur situations someone elses is worse than yours. Hope u said Thank u For seeing this Day. How would u feel if u didnt adknowledge u and wake u up tomorrow?? Time to build a relationship with him before u build one with another human being... Advice n word of today:)
Pustinjski Cvijet “Dobar čovjek vidi dobrotu u svakome,a loš vidi u svemu zlo.Nemoj svoj duševni mir narušavati tako što ćeš razmišljati o nedostacima drugih.Ako te neko povrijedi,pređi preko toga.I budi kao ruža koja daje miris svima,a ne samo dobrima,ili drvo koje daje hlad i onome koji želi da ga sasječe.”
Tae Nitty We going in 2morrow at club heat shottas hunnid gang day day Montana mouth piece if u fuck wit us fuck wit us
Kia Alwayshustlin Smith ATTENTION: I lost my sister at a very young age to AIDS (acquired immune defency syndrome) speakin that today is world AIDS day I encourage us as young people to rap it up n get tested I did so can you!... IJS It can happen to anybody R.I.P Veda I love u <3
Jonika Lynn U buy car insurane because u MIGHT get in a wreck you buy health insurance becuse you MIGHT get sick.... You KNOW for a fact that one day your going to die.... So y dont you have life insurance?..... Smh
Zackary Wolfe if u could buy one person how would it be http://yearbook.com/answer/this/1zhbgu?ref=nf&24
Shanice Holdnhimdown Sims-braswell I did u wrong, u did me wrong, i take u back, u take me back. pleasure p. Love dat song
Lilej Bout Dat Blood Its tha first of tha month im on diz fuck everybody type shit take how u wanna take it blood dnt get mad its juz a money thang............
Boys betta stop playin n bumppin ya lips blood I aint seen nuthin get cha money up fuckin wit me
EXcentricstylez Foru Random Question# is it possible as a human to b IN love with two people @ the same time?? Or r u in love wit one and just love the other??? I mean u can love more than one child just the same right? O_o I tend to see Men falling into this category lately.......@excentric1 #twitter
Erin James Fuck dis I had it I aint dealin wit no niggaz or bitches shit u go ur way n ill go mine I learned from u niggaz on da choppn block bye
Leonardo Pava …taty ,mami por todo lo que me han dado ur are very importante to me ... <3 u I'm so happyyyy!!!!
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Latonja Living LearningLife LMS: If U Got A Car
Newman Hunter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7PquKazYH4
my GOODNESS this why u don't fuck with them old people wannabe thug as ghetto as ignorant ass people...swear...
Jamesia Williams hmu if u got da num bord
Roda Molina Blaza M,thnk u...:)
Thanks to You is one of my favorite song and its been pleasure to share to everyone. thanks to all who who take time to view and post comment. we all have a ...
Ayo Taliat For fans of fela & fans of real music we will be on afro_funk patrol at d first local african film festival australia, showcase on dec 27th u must b dear
Duey Canada Swear there aint no winning wit u shorty
Jessica Banton had a great day today the only thing missing is my babies....i miss my lil William sooo bad...makes me cry cant wait to squeezzzzzzzzz u in my arms..n lil emmy, momma misses u too,.... n i hope u feel better aww so sad for u..n i hope yall r having fun with daddy!!!!!
Nessa Strange Lookin through tha pics n my camera & n my phone tha pics on my wall the sweet ass texts n my phone fathers day cards mothers day card....u cant tell me dis ish ain real#les just start over baby damn
Lakes Chuck-e U too good to be true.....but I hope I'm wrong lol
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