Zanangely Borrero Bueno nos fuimos a trabajar! No todo en la vida es cm tu kieres o deseas pero ay k acceptar lo k tienes ;D bby grax x tus bells palabras <3
Jerry Langley Gabriela Gonzalez Nap time....0-o
Oke Abiola Tolulope Adupe lowo oluwa, december o soju emi wa.....
(一定要轉寄喔) 暗戀者心聲大坦白 暗戀是件要命的事。不過,或許,看著別人暗戀是件開心的事?!嘿嘿…… xiaonian:愛她,是為了她幸福;而她的快樂卻不是因為我愛她;因為,我所喜歡的人說她有男朋友(差不多)我不知該怎麼辦?我只有———暗戀著她。暗戀是自己的脆弱,還是為你愛的人?暗戀,痛了自己,快樂了別人?暗戀,是一種美麗嗎? spice:暗戀是一種美,一種悽慘
Meggie Cousin Becca im so going to kick your ass in skip O again hahahaha LOL :) love ya xoxox
Carlosmartinez Martinez GANATE UN VIAJE A LAS VEGAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VEN HOY JUEVES A LA APERTURA DE CLUB ONE A CORTESIA DE CARLOS MARTINEZ Y LATINOS 106.1 FM SUBSCRIBETE ESTA NOCHE EN CLUB ONE 180W 400S S.L.C UTAH! text club1 al 96362 para tu access VIP entrada gratis antes de las 10:30pm o llama al (801)673-9895 TE ESPERO ESTA NOCHE!!!
Manganyi T Luxer Morena boloka setshaba sa geso, o fedise dintwa le matshwenyego.Amen!
Nyt people
Chuku Kingsley Can we stil c virtuous women in dc rud,insincr,unfaith,n ungreatful new generatxnal gals dey r all blackberry frik,n highly materialistic.i weep ova d daughters of sodom. W.O..O
Núbia Lima 'Hoje eu acordei mais cedo
Procurei a noite na memória... procurei em vão
Hoje eu acordei mais leve (nem li o jornal)
Tudo deve estar suspenso... nada deve pesar
Já vivi tanta coisa, tenho tantas a viver
Tô no meio da estrada e nenhuma derrota vai me vencer
Hoje eu acordei livre: não devo nada a ninguém
Não há nada que me prenda'
Jackie Akana I am old enough to know better, but young enough to do it again, and wise enough to know how not to get caught ;o)
Emiah Fennell LMS
What if there was no
() No presents for me :O
() I hate It
... ()I'd Be fine
What if You didnt have a Family?
()No rules
()i'd miss em' to much
()No nagging Sibblings :)
(x)I'd die
What if you got a car for
()Road Trip
What do you want
for X-mas
()Love Of my life
(x)Credit Card
If I
could have anything it would be....
()You ♥
()To have more friends
()A life
Nuhu Gadoh Hei guyz api nu mnth play safe o.
Raphael Mueller Carneiro "O Vasco vai perguntar aos Universitarios o que fazer para não ser vice no Brasileirão."
Hailey Doxtator That awkward moment when; you realize SpongeBob's Pants are rectangle not square o.0
Charlotte Hahne O Claire....
Me:R we still hanging out tomorrow??
Melody M Santiaqo Watchen Friend Zone :o
Rachel Cooke Mark Wright & Dougie Poynter Are BEAUTES :o <3
Jesus Cervantes That Bitch Fuckd Up My Fade! O:< L M A O!
Linda Racey In today's modern world isn't this called stalking ?
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
O! You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why...
Maxwell Look I officially remove any support I had left for you Barry O...I may have been one of the few friends the you had left...Learn what the words "passion" and "loyalty" mean
Jade Osborne Wut a beautiful o my..enjoyed my sleep i tell ya...another day we r all thankful for..waking up to ppl u love n will always have a wonderful day everyone that sees this post..enjoy ur day.!!!
Gerina Mulla O Zot,me jep fuqi te duroj ate qe nuk mund ta ndryshoj!
Shot from a fantastic show at the Plaza Theatre in Orlando, FL.
Rebecca Holland o ALL my fb family and friends: I have a bit of a dilemma here. I have noticed that VERY few of you EVER read, like or share my posts. While I don't expect you to do every one, and every thing, a note, like or share once in a while would be GREATLY appreciated. I know it shouldn't be a tit for tat, but I do that for a lot of you, and would appreciate the same inkind. Thanks.
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