Branco Valdinei Cunha Lendo o Livro: Batismo e Plenitude do ESPÍRITO SANTO (Autor-John Stott) =D
Lele Garbelini E hje? Só bebendo pque o dia foi foda né? =//
Lorena Nunes medo '-' do nada começou tocar Bob Marley aqe e está tocando ainda '-'
Diana Ewald It is the perfect weather for Christmas in the Park! Please join us tonight at 6:15 p.m. as the Bach Festival Choir, Brass Ensemble, and Children's Choir perform a program of holiday favorites in the glow of nine century-old Tiffany windows in Central Park.
This Tiffany window was designed by the artist son of the famous Harper’s Weekly political cartoonist Thomas Nast for the Westchester County home of his sister, Mable Nast Crawford. It was installed in the grand foyer not far from a rendering above the fireplace of St. Nicholas by Thomas Nast Sr. (1...
Amanda Fadzai Munyikwa Jus got home frm wrk ryt nw n I hav a new level of respect 4 guys in suits high up thre callin e shots. Us e lil guys @ e bottom of e foodchain r e 1s slavin away n dat guy is doin manice tym wit his wyf (or smallhouse)......*motivates 1 2 do betta in lyf*
Albert Williams If you are familiar with wordfeud send me your E-mail. Let's battle!
Kajoo Reall Ahmed Sayed Ahmed E. Adam
المخدرات هاه علمتنى ابقى هااااااادى
لما بطلتها :)
Little EzioGhost Cand dragostea e mare,nu mai conteaza nici macar speciile =))
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet.
Lizzy Solos E mi o ma oo.......E mi o mo oooo....... ogangan, ogangan ibi ti ba ti beere ope mi wa e mi o mo oo...... From JAN 2 DEC 'o lord' I'm very,very hpy oo......O lord my God 'Thanks' Baba mi lorun o ma se o. I & my family olorun o jowo pawa mo d blood of jesus ll shall c d end of dis year IJN Ami a se edumare oo..........
Jeff Countess Tyler just got an e-mail from Lycoming College telling him to keep an eye on the mailbox. It says there will be good news coming. Hmmm, I wonder what that means....Oh, and in the same e-mail it welcomed him to join the Lycoming Class of 2016 Facebook page.
Loretto Academy The Christmas edition of the Loretto Academy E-News is Here! Click on the link to view it.
Christmas time at Loretto is magical and full of traditions that have been carried on for years and years. Service to others in time of need is a tradition that we cherish.
Get Bucc WCMG Industry Networking Mixer: Tonight @ 6pm @ Xclusive Ultra Lounge Located 953 E. Sahara Ave. Las Vegas, NV... 89104... Lookin foward to seeing u There!
Vanessa Orozco Comment w/ the first letter of your first & last name :)
A : To Be Honest
B : Truth Is,
C : Paragraph
D : Best Feature
E : Rate
F : I'll Admit
G : One Word
H : First Impression
I : Favorite Memory
J : How We Met
K : We Should ..
L : Rate Personality
M : What i Dislike about you
N : What i Like About You
O :Would i Care If i Lost You?
P : Do i Trust You?
Q : Random Wall Post
R : What Song Reminds Me Of You
S : Mean Or Nice?
T : Dear ________
U : Who Are You To Me
V : Who You Would Look Good With
W : Guess Your Favorite Color
X : Fan Sign
Y : Do i Need You In My Life?
Z : Dedicate a Status To You.
Luca Muricy Uma vez flamengo,
Sempre flamengo.
Flamengo sempre, eu hei de ser.
É meu maior prazer vê-lo brilhar,
Seja na terra, seja no mar.
Vencer, vencer, vencer!
Uma vez flamengo,
Flamengo até, morrer!
Na regata, ele me mata,
Me maltrata, me arrebata.
Que emoção no coração!
Consagrado no gramado;
Sempre amado;
O mais cotado nos fla-flus é o 'ai, Jesus!'
Eu teria um desgosto profundo,
Se faltasse o flamengo no mundo.
Ele vibra, ele é fibra,
Muita libra já pesou.
Flamengo até morrer eu sou!
Guilherme Pinheiro aprender a fazer essays à maneira inglesa é de cortar os pulsos!!!
Mario Burgundy Chavez "E=MC2"- Mario Chavez
Ripped off and made famous by that bastard Albert Einstein
Esmir Ikra-e Kur shpirti im të jetë nisur drejt Qiellit
Eja ti me lotët e krejt syve të të dashuruarve të Tokës dhe laje trupin tim
Që ta ndjej edhe një herë se në botë lashë njerëz më të dashuruar se vetja
Që shpirti im t’i thotë gjithë botës se nuk ka ndarje që s’na e kujton takimin,
Nuk ka pendim që s’na e kujton gabimin,
Nuk ka ikje që s’na e kujton kthimin.
Raheel Mirza
Samy Lee L=love in vain
O=ocean of tears
V=vain in war
E=end of life 3
Anna Lydia Angel Θα θελα να μουν καρδια σοκολατενια
να μ εσκιζες
να μ εγλειφες
κ να λιωνα για σενα!
να αγγιζα τα χειλη ,
τη γλωσσα ,
το κορμι σου
και η γευση να γλυκαινει την ζωη σου.
Claire Bear Phoenix Try your name in Japanese! A=ka, B=tu, C=mi, D= te, E=ku, F=lu, G=ji, H=ri, I=ki, J=zu, K=me, L=ta, M=rin, N=to, O=mo, P=no, Q=ke, R=shi, S=ari, T=chi, U=do, V=ru, W=mei, X=na, Y=fu, Z=zi. Post your Japanese name below! Copy and paste for a giggle
Sean Durrin 5 Likes & I'll Do The ABC'S
A- Available: Yeahhh...
B- Birthday: may 9th
C- Crushing On: people message me and ill tell you
D- Drink you last had: cool aid nigga
F- Favorite song: lighters eminem
E- Easiest Person to talk to: kassidy towne
G- Grossest memory: ummmmmm during 8th period
H- Hometown: Gloversville
I- In love with: smomeone message me ill tell you
J- Jealous of: No one
K- Killed someone: Nope
L- Longest friendship: mason hoye
M- Milkshake flavor: Vanilla
N- Number of siblings: 1 anoyying sisster
O- One wish: to date somone message me ill tell you
P- Person who you last called: i think my mommy
Q- Question you're always asked: whats up
R- Reason to smile: friends and family
S- Song you last sang: lighters eminem :(
T- Time you woke up: 5:00
U- Underwear color: orange and black
V- Violent moment you had: None
W- Worst habit: talking to kassidy towne
X- X-rays you had: wrist and thats it
Y- Your last time you cried: like a two weeks ago
Z- Zodiac sign: i honestly dont know
Bruna Pereira Mello ###E cada vez que eu fujo eu me aproximo mais... e te perder de vista assim é ruim demais###
Alessandro Cecci Na pastelaria jk com minha irmanzinha Taty! Ja comi 4 pasteis e 1 coxinha e ainda tenho fome! #medo! Ja ja kdmia!
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