Thursday, December 1, 2011

woke up again today and sunny amen I'm just waiting on a E tickect and my partial plate missing 1 tooth in front yep thats humbling HR rep told me

Michael Cyrus
Michael Cyrus woke up again today and sunny, amen I'm just waiting on a E tickect and my partial plate missing 1 tooth in front, yep thats humbling HR rep told me to start checking E mail Twice a day, thats really more gas money then i want to spend, no big deal, my anxieties are overwhelming you know tension,tremor,sweating and increased heart rate, OMG I thought I was IN love , just being me.u Its payday for me so , im having a great day I cant wait for jamey to get home , no crap the kid is almost 18 , I hope he wants to go to college somewhere really warm, I had enough of this freezing weather
Peer Bakhsh Soomro
Capi Etheriel
HAHAHAHA adóro horóscopos e esse não é diferente! POKEMON ASTROLOGY SIGNS Vulpix – You are very energetic, courageous and quick witted! You love attention. However, you might find yourself being impulsive and impatient, and possibly be a little bit selfish. Growlithe – You are patient, reliable, loyal and very determined to achieve your goals. Be careful of becoming possessive, self-indulgent or greedy, though. Eevee – You’re very adaptive of any environment you happen to find yourself in. You’re also very intellectual and witty. However, a cunning person like you might find themselves being nervous, tense and afraid of imperfection. Mew – You’re a sympathetic person, so you may find that other people’s joys and sorrows become your own. You’re also cautious, and can be very protective of those close to you. You may have a habit of being overemotional or moody, and you probably find it hard to let go of things you love. Wigglytuff – You’re probably the most generous and warmhearted person you know. Your enthusiasm causes people to like being around you. You’re faithful, and very loving. However, you might find yourself becoming bossy and patronizing without noticing. Dragonair – You are a pretty modest person, right? And shy, as well. You’re a very good listener, and very diligent, too! You’re incredibly intelligent and analytical. On the downside, you might find yourself worrying about many things, including not being perfect. You also may come across as harsh sometimes, intentional or not. Persian – You have a lot of charm. You’re a very easy going person, and you’re very sociable. You might even be called a flirt! You’re also quite changeable, or easily influenced, so be careful who you hang out with. Try your best to make your own decisions. Pikachu – When you know what you want, you’re determined to get it and can be very forceful about it. You’re very passionate about many things. People are drawn to you because of your exciting, electric personality. You may have a habit of becoming jealous or resentful, though, and you can also be very secretive. Clefairy – You are definitely an optimist. You enjoy the feeling of being free, and don’t let heavy emotions weigh you down. You’re a very honest and straightforward person. Sometimes, though, your optimism blinds you from the truth, and causes you to be careless and irresponsible. Haunter – You’re a very practical person, and also very disciplined. People may look up to you for that. You’re also very humorous- on purpose or simply by accident! However, you may tend to be very pessimistic and judgmental. Lighten up! Bulbasaur – You are very friendly, honest and loyal. You’re very good at using your imagination, and have many original thoughts. You’re also very good at being independent- you probably prefer to be alone in a lot of your free time. You’re not very emotional, though, and you tend to be unpredictable. Don’t be afraid to show your emotions. Lapras – You’re very sensitive to the world around you. You try your best to be kind to others, and help out as much as you possibly can. You rarely worry about your own needs- you’re happy as long as the ones you care about are. However, you’re very idealistic, and feel let down when things don’t go as planned. You may also be easily led.
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Rubén De León
Rubén De León Vocabulario Cubano de Pi*** Voces o frases que se derivan de la voz "Pinga". DESPINGARSE. Romperse, desbaratarse, estropearse, malograrse. EMPINGAO, GÁ. Bueno, excelente. // 2. Enfadado, cabreado. EMPINGARSE. Enfadarse, cabrearse. EMPINGOLETEAO, TEÁ. Lo mismo que empingao en el sentido de bueno, excelente. PINGAL. Un pingal. Un montón, una enorme cantidad. Muchos dicen un repingal para reforzar la frase. PINGAZO. Golpe, tortazo. // 2. Polvo, palo. PINGUERO. Especie tropical de gigoló especializado en turistas extranjeros. Busca en particular mujeres mayores, aunque no desprecia las relaciones con hombres, tanto activas como pasivas, siempre y cuando haya dólares por delante. PINGUIDULCE. Mujeriego, hombre que tiene mucho éxito con las mujeres y es generalmente muy promiscuo. REPINGAL. Una enorme cantidad, más que un pingal. SAPINGO. Individuo que inmiscuye en asuntos que no son de su incumbencia, que importuna o molesta durante un juego, conversación, escarceo amoroso de una pareja, etc. // 2. Individuo portador de malos augurios, que se manifiesta habitualmente en sentido negativo o muy pesimista. // 3. Individuo despreciable, ruin, miserable. A PINGA LIMPIA. Con mucho esfuerzo, sacrificio, dedicación y sin recursos. // 2. Con valentía, coraje y decisión A PUNTA DE PINGA. Por la fuerza, sin contemplaciones. CON PINGA. Mucho, gran cantidad, gran número. COMEPINGA. Tonto, bobo, estúpido, comemierda. DAR PINGA. Tener relaciones sexuales y en especial cuando el acto dura un tiempo considerable. DE PINGA. Se aplica a lo que resulta extraordinario en sentido positivo o negativo, sorprendente, descomunal, relevante, peliagudo, difícil, etc. EN CASA DE LA PINGA. Muy lejos, en el quinto carajo. ESTAR ALGUIEN DE PINGA. Frase con un sinnúmero de significados en dependencia del contexto, entre ellos: Feo, deforme, espantoso. // 2. Persona impertinente, que incordia, molesta, irrita. // 3. Intransigente, terco, tozudo. // 4. Descarado, fresco, atrevido. // 5. Gracioso, simpático, etc., etc., etc. HACER ALGO CON LA CABEZA DE LA PINGA. Se aplica a lo que es muy fácil de realizar, que no conlleva mucho esfuerzo. ¡LA PINGA! Expresión de rechazo, enfado, disgusto, admiración, sorpresa, negación, inconformidad, etc. LE RETRAQUETEA LA PINGA. Se utiliza para dar más énfasis a la frase le traquetea. LLEVAR A ALGUIEN A LA PINGA DE PALO. Tratarlo con mucha severidad e inclemencia, llevar recio LLEVAR A ALGUINE A PUNTA DE PINGA. Frase con igual significado que la anterior, llevar recio. MAMAR PINGA. Realizar una felación. ¡MANDA PINGA! Expresión de contrariedad que se aplica a lo que resulta inaudito, paradójico, injusto, abusivo, desgraciado, incomprensible. MANDAR A ALGUIEN PA' LA PINGA. Frase de absoluto rechazo de otra persona, con desprecio, enfado y de malos modos. NI PINGA. No, negación rotunda. // 2. Absolutamente nada. // Pa' la pinga. Fórmula que refuerza lo dicho anteriormente. PARTIRLE A ALGUIEN LA PINGA. Destruirlo moralmente, despojarlo de un cargo, trabajo, etc., talarlo, tronarlo. ¿QUÉ PINGA ES LA QUE TE SINGA? Pregunta muy displicente que denota gran enojo y rechazo. SER DE PINGA. Ser una persona negativa en cualquier sentido. TENER ALGUIEN LA PINGA PELÁ. Agotársele la paciencia, estar harto, estar muy molesto por la insistencia de otras personas.
SoCelebrities Romney Campaign Discipline Prevents Embarrassments In New E-Book - Huffington Post
New York TimesRomney Campaign Discipline Prevents Embarrassments In New E-BookHuffington PostWASHINGTON -- In Politico's new and highly anticipated e-book about the 2012 campaign, the most notable thing may be what's not in it: much of anything damaging about Mitt Romney. For sure, there's color, so...
Luis Conde
Luis Conde Quisiera un momento olvidar el dolor que pasen las penas y sentirme feliz al lado de mi hermano con quien e batallado para poder vivir...
Hugh Hamilton
Hugh Hamilton Irony:
The science fiction novel in which firemen burn books is published as an e-book despite its author's dislike of the format.
Diane Graham
Diane Graham We are having our annual Downtown Lights the Night event on Saturday, December 3rd from 3:00 to 6:00 pm. In the Black's Building, 501 Sycamore St., bring the kids to enjoy a visit with Santa Claus and have your picture taken with the big guy for only $3.00, buy gifts from the North Pole shopping center for your relatives for only $1.00. The elves will even wrap your gifts for you. At 220 E. 4th St.... (old Classic Kitchen), there will be crafts to make, refreshments and this year we will have the story tellers, Dr. Charletta Sudduth & Tori Sudduth sharing the history and traditions of Kwanzaa. We will end the evening with a Santa Walk to Newton Park for caroling and the Community Tree lighting.
Alexander Dimitrov
Alexander Dimitrov Къде е Гоги? Не съм го виждал отдавна
Kabelo Nkabinde
Kabelo Nkabinde dijo dia thlathloga bagaetsho,somarelang madi mo nakong e ya meletlo ya kresmese,re sa lebale le bana ba bayang dikolong
Nhlanhla Mageza KaNdebele
Nhlanhla Mageza KaNdebele Goodevenin bantu?, plz do never judge e book by its cover!


Nhlanhla Mageza KaNdebele
Enkeleda Guxholli
Enkeleda Guxholli Nese shendoshesh,te gjithe mendojne se je shtatzene.Nese dobesohesh,tgjith mendojn se je e semure.Nese vishesh bukur,tgjith mendojne se je mendjemadhe.Nese vishesh keq,tgjith mendojne se nuk e mban veten.Nese qan,te gjitheve ju dhimbsesh.Nese e shpreh mendimin tend,atehere je arrogante. Nese e mbron veten,je problematike.Cfaredo qe ben,do te te kritikojne..PS: tipike 'made in albania'


Denisa Deni Cerra
Sutapa Roy
Sutapa Roy "S.L.E.E.P" S - Say thanks to the god. L - Lying on the bed. E - Eyes closed slowly. E - End of the day. P - Plan for the next day. Gud N8 Frnds :).........
Tahseen Naqvi
Tahseen Naqvi
Agnaldo Paulino da Silva
Agnaldo Paulino da Silva Mega conferencia hoje, as 15 e as21 Horas... Vai ficar de fora?
André Doria
André Doria Abasteço no armazém porque o figado é blindado, não tem nota de 100 o combustível tá barato. ♪
Gabbie McGee
Gabbie McGee It blesses my heart to know my sister touched SO many lives... It has been a breeze working with the The University of Mississippi Medical Center & the Blair E. Batson Children's Cancer Clinic staff! Everyone I've talked to has fond & FUNNY memories of Ledora the Brave! <3


JaMeyia Jefferson DavenportTéja LaniseNatasha Millionairess RolandMzFelicia Hall Jones
Ahmad Mohammed
Ahmad Mohammed اعرف شخصيتك من خلال حرفك . . . . . . . ما عليك الا تنسخ الرقم الي تحت شهرك في كومنت وتشيل علامة (+) قبل ما تظغط Enter A @+[273366566049583:0] B @+[274026209314650:0] C @+[226408964097038:0] D @+[199626663452829:0] E @+[276052779107411:0] F @+[283626205011909:0] G @+[238469619553001:0] H @+[204751859604065:0] I @+[273438329374608:0] J @+[254424347945494:0] K @+[256374714419727:0] L @+[173606249403070:0] M @+[242861742445469:0] N @+[193527347401701:0] O @+[183036205122640:0] P @+[297975063556394:0] Q @+[190320931055105:0] R @+[191007947654811:0] S @+[237799199619360:0] T @+[224362714304159:0] U @+[313669351994491:0] V @+[304457292908554:0] W @+[191007947654811:0] X @+[194282273990998:0] Y @+[321060801237413:0] Z @+[131722300271504:0]
Lasky Chhakchhuak
Lasky Chhakchhuak A vawt e daih ang


Hlupuii RokhumLalthapari Partei
Nguyen Van Dong Hai
Nguyen Van Dong Hai Cuối cùng "bánh giò" đã đi qua Chai bia ướp lạnh tỉnh hồn ta Thơ phú bỗng nhiên trào muôn nỗi Hồn sao bay bổng thoát bụi nhòa E hèm...làm thơ tiếp(uống mười mấy chai chắc chắc làm ko nổi rùi. nhâm nhi ít ít nó mới phê) bài này đặt tên là "Vườn yêu" đi..kaka Một lần lạc bước chốn vườn yêu Ấm áp tim anh một buổi chiều Đê mê ngây ngất sầu nhung nhớ Dáng em khuất bóng bỗng cô liêu Đôi mắt em cười anh ngó ngây Long lanh hồ nước liễu đôi mày Ước sao ta là đôi chim én Ríu rít bên nhau một chuỗi ngay (cái này tặng everyone) Hãy uống bia nếu bạn muốn thấy đời vàng óng, hãy uống rượu đế nếu muốn thấy cuộc đời trong sáng, hãy uống trà nếu bạn muốn trở về thực tại đầy đau khổ
Costas Goutis
Costas Goutis Ανεξαρτητος χωρος εκφρασης για την παρεα του '80. Γελαω.
Ο Ανεξάρτητος Χώρος Έκφρασης για την Παρέα του ’80, γνωστός ως ΠΑΣΠ ’80, μετονομάστηκε την Τρίτη το βράδυ σε «Κίνηση για την 4η Δημοκρατία». Στο μπαρ Baccaro, στην οδό Σοφοκλέους, κατατέθηκαν «5 + 1 θ
Ani Smbatyan
Ani Smbatyan ընդհամենը տաս վայրկյան է տևում, քվեարկեք Յուրայի օգտին:
Кто стал лучшим игроком чемпионата России в 2011-м году? - Голосования - Советский спорт
Noha Khwan Sikander Baltistani
Noha Khwan Sikander Baltistani NOha Khwan Tahir Baltistani vol 4 2012 released from Naz Production.Available at Al hassan book depo kharadar M.Ali book depo,khurasan book depo, Tahiras, Panjitan tabbaruk soldier Bazar, Askari computer AB Cinya, Payam book stal Awami colony korangi 48/A or B, Mehmood abad, Payam, Kherul amal, karvane aale imran Ancholi, Al najaf book depo bafarzone, Maktab e Hussain IRC, Baul ilm casset, mukhtar stionary Pahar gang, ahmed book depo, maktabe ulomia Rizvia Society, Jaffar tayar cd malir, Hidayat Tv stall Nashter park, Yasrab imam bargah defence, Gulzar general stor Iqbal nagar, Balti imambargah Pindi, Balti imam bargah quetta, Creative computer Skardu Baltistan, Gigit city,Mola Qadam gah Hyder abad,Masjide Mustafa Abbas Town. for Noha khwani cont:Sikander Baltistani 0345-3168056 or 0334-3997961 fwd to all momeneen.
Mohit Monga
Mohit Monga ,*,,*,,*,,*,,S" *,*,,*,,*,,W" *,*,,*,,E" *,*,,E" *,T" G" *,O" *,*,,O" *,*,,*,,D"*,*,,*,,*,,N" *,*,,*,,*,,*,,I" *,*,,*,,*,,G" *,*,,*,,H" *,* T *

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