Mohammad Mazhar A simple thought to be happy and stressless in life "U cant have all that what u desire but ALLAH will give u definetely all that what u require in life.
Peter Nwali It really feel good to be a graduate after a successful CONVOCATION. I give GOD all the glory.
Karen Saraña Cabatingan Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success.
Comedian Latrell Snipes We say sin all day. Sin me a text, sin me money,sin me a pic now its sunday n i cant sin at all! please understand.......
Pleshna Prajapati Everyday many strangers passes through me dats makes me realized life would be borinr without a true fren........................
Jessica Jones How did i get so lucky with such a good, happy, handsome baby? He's pretty amazing. I don't understand how anyone could ever do him wrong. /: oh well, their lost.
Cathal O Miochain In light of having watched Santa's Slay yesterday, it got me thinking about Rare Exports. The two short films, and theatrical movie that was released last year. They are a twisted Finnish take on Santa. Check out the first short movie below, and the second at the other place.
Rick Sigsby overheard in a mixed marriage household (Spartan/Wolverine) - Wolverine husband: "39 pts. should have been enough to win." Spartan wife: "That's true, right up until the other team scored 42!" Congrats to the Spartans for a great season anyway.
Veeresh Bangera Film ko hit karane ke lie 3 chiz chahiye............VIDYA BALAN..VIDYA BALAN...VIDYA BALAN....
100% marks to VIDYA and 200% marks to the Dialogues. A good "DIRTY PICTURE". Vidya is the soul of the movie. If Vidya is HEROINE then Dialogues are HERO of the movie.A raunchy and spicy dialogues and its all situational and not a single dialogue is repeated even at once except Entertainment, Entertainment and Entertainment.
"Zindagi jab mayus hoti hai tab mahus hoti "
Blessed Andstress Freesora THANK YU LORD FOR A NOTHER DAY!!
Jason Lynn Wishing my Brothers of the Oldest, Coldest and Boldest Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc a Happy 105th Founders Day!!!! I Love my Frat!!!! CCJKMOT. Onward & Upward!!!!
Robert Gau Have a good Sunday everyone.
Michelle Russo well i got a new phone still tryin to figure it out
Mugga Fitch IF You Think Im A Stranger Den Inbox Me And Dat Can Change .
Chris Finney Its easy to become a father but it is hard as hell to be a dad but if you truly love a kid you can almost with stand anything to raise them been there done that
Robin Robins Good Morning Facebook friends, sorry about yesterday- the word was Goodness! and todays fruit of the Spirit word is JOY. we are getting that one a lot lately... JOY to the world, the LORD is come, let earth receive her KING!!
Michelle Dervish Williams We should all say a little prayer for Baby Max, the 1 month old baby who has a broken arm, collerbone & every rib in his tiny body broken by his sick parents. He is in kings college hostpital after suffering a heart attack after also being raped by his dad. Shockinly, these sick bastards have been given bail & police protection!! My thoughts are with you Baby Max x
Craig Taylor dinner ate now time for a few pints n a game of darts seen as im not at work while 2 tomoz
Paris Saunders Life has a way of surprising you with unexpected things that can make you happier than you originally planned.
Nichola Fraser Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living, the other helps you make a life. -Sandra Carey
Susan Berryman Good morning friends! Wishing you all a most blessed Sunday!
Aaron Watts Spiderman just drove a Honda?!?!
Nancy Slinkman Osinga I have a sick husband. Cold and fever.
Terri Smogonovich God Morn' all my facebook friends and family...esp..Wally........on my way yo work the first of six in a row.....wish me luck..ugh....have a blessed day....:)
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