Jennifer PrettyPrincess Brown I tried to make it a good morning.....i guess i asked to many questions :-/
Jeetu Pandit Dedicated to rocking singles-
The longer you stay single,the longer you become a public temptation and a threat to other's relationships...!!
Van Der TeBza I neva thot sexual sin is a major sin of al sins. LORD I REPENT! PURIFY MY LYF. I ws decieved bt nw im sober. *sigh*.
Adekusibe Samuel de biggest risk in life....not to tak a risk!!!!!!!
Redgie Tangcoy I still have a photograph of you i kepted all this years i guess it was make your laugh to know still bring back the tears from another place and time when your love was mine maybe im jst a sntimentalful bringing back memories from a photograph of you.........i miss you .....i love you more ...........:(
Monta Collins Knippa Post Fire Day #19: Just woke up from our first night in the toy box. Coffee is brewing. It almost felt like we were on vacation until I walked outside to see the charred remains of my home. Reality is a Bitch! JW had a dog door installed in the back door of the toy box. Dougie had no problem using it right away but Douley being causcious refuses to use it even after JW showed him how. LOL! I'm sure he will adapt. Today we will be trying to get the toy box in some kind of order in an effort to prepare for the routine of living in the toy box and getting dressed for work starting tomorrow. God Bless You All!
Brandi Parrott Mason Much better now... Coffee down and headed to the shower! Praying for a blessed day!
Johnny Gray Getting the car packed and getting ready to head to Giants Stadium to watch the Packers unleash a fuckin ass whoopin!! With Kieth Crosby,
GerardMoney BagsQuicksey Think I'll have a coffee 2 dai wit 6 sugars
Ashley Madisyne Work..9am-8pm. :/ that ssuucckkksss, but I'll make a lot of tips:D
David Johnston Skrillex exceded all expectations and more wat an awesome night, hav a long day of work 2 get thru but with last nites music stil playin in ma head i think il b ok:-D
Elizabeth Turner Starley A young guy asks "Granny have you seen my pills they were marked LSD?" Granny says " screw them pills have you seen the f___ing dragon in the kitchen!?"lmao
Laura Friend Yesterday was an incredible day! May we not live in our past, but the PRESENT! Make today just as wonderful as your memories of yesterday, and then plan for the future - a PLAN that is Tangible! Set your sights on your goals, and then put a plan in place to achieve them. Whatever you decide to do today, do it with an open heart, open mind, and the desire to excel! Have an AMAZING Day! ~Blessings~
Myrka Menjivar Took a shower , got dressed , going to my mom job to pick her up & then off to the county to see my stink :) free my baby <3
Karen Mayton Getting ready to go spend some much needed time with Jesus. So much to be thankful for.The best family in the world,health and so much more.Hope all my family and friends have a blessed day.
Debra Bourque Might be going to this thing i got invited to if only i could find a babysitter.
Trace Kirkwood On our way to Louisville yesterday afternoon we saw a long line of cars with their headlights on and a police escort. We thought it was a funeral procession on the interstate. In a way it was. It was Anderson County's fans headed to their football game against Bowling Green.
Leia Tiar Y bother bein ther 4 ppl when all they do is treat u like a mug and turn everyfin against u hmmmmmm
Enikő Komócsin A gyerekek kegyetlenül csalnak a társasban. És néznek rám a nagy kék szemükkel, hogy ők nem csináltak semmit rosszat:D imádnivalóak
Lazar Čovs Ma, ko kaže da baš uvek moramo da dobijemo sve što mislimo da bismo trebali?
Koliko samo iščekivanje nečega, uz čežnju još i maštu može bit fantastično...
A, naročito kada posledice stvarnih događaja ne moraju biti isključivo dobri. xD
Elizabeth Desta
YEAR: 2011 SYNOPSIS A short documentary that explores several small villages within the city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and four projects that strive to improv...
Ernest Okoye God has two dwelling places, one in heaven and d other in a thankful heart.
Shynetrica Kierrasister Davis 5 likes and I'll do my ABC's
A- Available:
B- Birthday:
C- Crushing On:
D- Drink you last had:
E- Easiest person to talk too:
F- Favorite song:
G- Grossest memory:
H- Hometown :
I- In love with:
J- Jealous of:
K- Killed someone:
L- Longest friendship:
M- Middle Name:
N- Number of siblings:
O- One wish:
P- Person who called you last:
Q- Question you're always asked:
R- Reason to smile:
S- Song you last sang:
T- Time you woke up:
U- Underwear color:
V- Violent moment you had:
W- Worst habit:
X- # of x-rays you had:
Y- Your last kiss:
Z- Zodiac sign:
Cv' Boii Dread Smh i need a "REAL" ol lady..wtbs finna go smoke dis joint to da face "cus ikan burn it all by maself" (iceberg voice) # fwm metro
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