Emelie Rose Fougere gee a hole lot boys have no heart when it comes to girls. for exaple u are dating a boy and u make a status and the boy asks your best friend on the commenting spot to go out with him and your best friend says no and he keps saying i wont to go out with u plz say yes but the boys does not realise that the girl he is dating is reading this convo and next thing u know BOOM! You just got dumped! IF U SAY THAT MOST OF THE BOYS ASK'S A GIRL OUT JUST TO BE POPULARS LIKE THIS IS SO WRONG OF THEM AND HAF OF THEM DONT EVEN BOTHER TO SAY SORRY WHAT JERKS
Ricky Vig Love is dat ocean in which even if u get drown u wont call 4 help..
coz itz d suicide which u have committed 2 begin another new beautiful life
Daniel Griffin At my job listening to gospel music i feel bless i feel geart i ask my heavenly farther for forgivness for my sin my bad thought my worng . I thank him on this day in forever. U my center of my joy. Amen
Aizoba Kelly Kabbasa i am not d type to scope, u can't tell me it's over and after a long time u start asking 4 me back.
Adeyinka Abiodun Gzuz If U No Send Me Guy I No Send U Oh!
Shawn Perez Gm.. Thank u jesus for anotha day n allowin my n my family n everyone dat got up dis morning of life such a beautiful thing i cnt stop thankin God.. i just ask u to continue to walk beside me n c me thru anula wrong Doin in my life i try not to do wrong but satan can b busy.. Well about to b on my way to get my baby gurl in a little ughhh. So enjoy YALL day.
Karan Sharma a neutron walks into a bar and orders a beer...
"How much for the beer?" the neutron asks the bartender
"For u ?" replies the bartender ,"NO CHARGE.".......:-P
Nathan Cruz mom and jose rearange my room, was cracking up love it and now have another tv... cool.... wonder what Santa Claus got for me (Nael, Rich and Moyo) my brothers...miss u guys..
Mary-Elizabeth Vincent DNA don't make u FAMILY.. the people who make you smile when hurt, make u laugh when u wanna cry, and love with all they have makes a FAMILY <3 I love my family
Lovey Leblanc Christmas Daddies is on at 12 noon. It always gives me the Christmas spirit. I wish it was like the olden days tho....when u watched it u may have seen someone up the road on it singing or dancing and it would make u laugh...now its all professionals and its not the same anymore.
Priyanka Redkar hey friendssss what is most most important in life=its eduacation,money,friends,family,love,PRIORITY TO WHAT U WILL GIVE???
Adelinee Thelalakiddo Again !
1st to like : I will text you ~
2nd to like : Will put a r/s with u for 1 week .
3rd to like : I will write a short note for u ^~^
4th to like : Slack with u one day .
5th to like : Answer a question by u honestly ><
6th to like : Choose one above ! (;
Zion Smallz It Having Are Hold Heep Are Things U Could Say Or Do To Make Someone Happy ..... But Is If Dem Want ........ What U Doing ....... For Themselves .....
Cristal Avon New Event ....2021 Willow Brook....woodstock il 60098 a las 10:30AM I hope to see you guys there....... go...u have nothing to loose...... Il be there :)
Theediva Freebands Pacino When u miss somebody u miss somebody....woke up missing a couple unforgettable faces fuck happen to the old days?
#RIP Tiphany aka tee tee miss u sis <3
Mohit Gupta Deaf SChallenging quest 4 u
I am= fantastic boy
U r=so funny
Life is=challenge
Love is=god gift
Best relation=friendship
Girls r=beautiful
Boys r=cute
u wnt m
Alofe Oluwole Emmanuel When u close ur mouth u closed ur destiny. Fwedz, don't stop asking God 4 ur xmas gift as God is distributing xmas gift.
Thapelo Tzozo Foromane Moloi i ned u 2dy by my side babe
Rijul Arora Not only pray wen u see a Temple Masjid Church or Gurudwara But also pray wen you see an AMBULANCE........
Your prayers and wishes may save a LIFE........ :)
Himanshu Sharma If u love some 1 so please listnd this song ..Gft frm me to all of my friends
http://www.facebook.com/I.LOVE.YoU.0o0oo0 join our facebook page. Kaisi yeh Judai hai ankh bar meri aye hai,,,.... Pakistan Boy falak song.
Juedisha Atkins luv n respect yourself. In order to get respect u have to give respect. just because your old doesnt mean u deserve respect from me. Im glad that I dont have alot of people in my life cause people are so fake. Just live your life to the fullest and serve Jehovah and things will all work out for ya. up north del in its cold cant wait to go back to fla were its still 70 degrees.stop talking about what u want to do n just do it.
Armaan Anjum If people r trying 2 bring u down,it alwyz means u r above them... ... ...
Kolawole Ayoola D person disturbing u frm being blessed is urself. You say why! Well, d rules is clearly stated in Bible dat if u want blessing,pay ur tithe. If u pay n nothin happen, is it intact,if intact @ wot mood do u do it.
Chek ursef very well for u to know that encumberance to ur blessing n rememba dat God is not a man that he will deny wot He said bcos Bible can't b broken.
Rehan Khan Don't trust 2 much, Don't love 2 much, Cuz that 2 much will hurt U so much
Ladymay Vargas It's almost Christmas!
press @ and put the letter next to each sentence & click on the first person who comes up & let’s see what happens.
C - Burns the Christmas tree down: Crismark Bayta Etom
H - Eats all the cookies that are for Santa: Jayr Halasan
R - Tells every little kid that Santa isn't real: Rex Rynold Yashamaru Fuyuki
I - Steals all the candy: Irene Pearl Lumasag Lanipa
S - Tries to kill Santa: Stenelle Grace R Padua
T - Leaves the fireplace lit : Christine Tarranza Ü
M - Still believes in Santa: Richie Ross Muharjo
A - Kills Santa's reindeer: Alrose Lumicay Duterte
S - Ruins Christmas dinner: Shengmae Saga Urbina
hahaha..LOLZ... merry christmas to all ^_^
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