Utami Dyah Syafitri Melihat iklan ini jadi ingat almarhum bapak,apapun akan dilakukan buat anaknya...maafkan anakmu yang kadang tidak mampu memahami apa yang kau lakukan. padahal engkau sudah berkorban sedemikian banyak buat anakmu. I love you,Bapak. Biarkan air mata ini mengalir untuk mengenangmu.....
Iklan Thailand Yang Bisa Meruntun Jiwa Sesiapa Yang Menontonnya
Jennifer Rehome Frame Why did I stay up so late when I promised my little guys cinnamon rolls for breakfast!? On a good note, the house smells yummy!
Kirsty Loulabelle Abell Just been shopping and couldnt believe my eyes in tescos wen I saw a man trying to have sexual intercourse with a toilet roll!!! Fuckin charmin!
Dylan Munson so 3 years ago today i was laying in a hospital bed half dead. hard to believe sometimes. I wake up every morning and i thank god for what most people take for granted a breathe of fresh air
Diana Redd I have my outside lights done and on a timer. The tree is done and house decorated. That's it I guess. The rest of the time I will listen to Christmas music and enjoy the reason for the season.
Kwamé Buddah Holley Lmaooo its crazii how I peep shit lol soooo fuqqin mixy uugghhhh
Angela Kowalczyk ...and i would walk 500 miles and i would walk 500 more.....
Rose Boykin Gm to my wife I love her so very much she is my world
Shawn Jesseman Guy is hooking up the internet at 1 so I will finally have my laptop back and can stop using my phone.
Lucrecia Lofton Up this a.m. feeling great thanks to my many blessings from god, and the sis tierra she is always there and I appreciate her!!! Have a safe blessed day fb
Brian Elmore The blessings just keep a comin' Found out this weekend that I have a another 13 yr old daughter......Rachael Chandler......Dana's kiddo......well DUH!!!!
Nick Nomal-boy TescocrewJones I am so glad i finally get the opportunity to do all the christmas shopping next week, why is everything so god dam expensive, why alcohol is always the most perfect gift haha
Jeremy Oates I want to give shout out to delorise freeman my grandma a special very happpy birthday love ya
Chassity Rentas I am stuck
Moriya Bayha hot pinkk and sparklehh basketball shoes??? I THINK YEEESS!!!!:)
Jamar Redmon how in the hell did i sleep from 6pm to 8am...
Ramiro Andy Chavez When i gave'em my bottle of urine i said "now thats some HIGH quality piss right there" lmfao
Ganksta Clyde Dog. I seen my nigga in the club lastnight. He home from doing a 8 piece. He went ham at the sight of me. He scared me the club and the security. He was like clyde ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! My muthafuckin nigga clyde ill kill anybody in this bitch right now i kill niggas thats what i do with the for real face. Real hood niggaz. Be strong my baby.
Shayla Robinson I just wanna get some sleep..
Cameron Mosley I wanna go to the Christmas parade tonight but there's only two problems, Imma be working when it starts and I have nobody to go with me -__-
Ted Bohland "i guess we never really moved on" :'(♥♥♥♥♥♥ ily K.C.
Ashley Murphree Hart I dont have time to get sick. Ugh!
Sue Larson Accetta My grandson, Matthew, is headed back to surgery this morning. May I please ask for your prayers for him today. Thank you all so very much.
Daxy Dawellah zvakapera zvakapera eish i dnt wnt u bek.f...k all da ksss u gv mi.bek off i ve fnd ma cindrela,ma juliet,s plz stp bek wena lier...
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