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Yuri Coelho Sou Flamengo, hoje to torcendo pro Flamengo e Corintians vlw. \õ
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wenn es ums Geld verdienen im Internet geht ! http://moe.
Thales Matheus Araújo Bom dia povoantes do meu tweeter. Que dia lindo para acordar terminando de fazer um projeto e ajeitando todos os slides de uma apresentação.
Mishie Changenaffect Johnson getting ready for a powerful word! If u need it too join me@faith joy outreach ministries in laurinburg,nc downtown north street! Bishop john e. Davis!
Qaqamba Sibango Wat a sunny dae 2dea kokuya e beach qha ke wat woriez me ngomso isenotshintsha eya lapha ekapa i weada*eyonwabele kodwa le yana mhlanje i weada*
Eric Stuart Time for Gang Green to kick the ass of the team with the most racist name in the NFL. Repeat after me: J-E-T-S! Jets! Jets! Jets!!!!! (Redskins???? Really????)
Nova Chance, nova música do novo Cd do ministerio Peterson Ribeiro e Mag Ribeiro PRM.
Ajila Olayinka Johnson This month of DECEMBER is month of
R-RESTORATION, for me and my love ones.
Carme Araujo Eita q eu estou anciosa. E bom v vascaino torcendo pela vitoria dos palmeirense. Kkkk e eu torcendo por 3 empates por vaga na libertadores. Vai São Paulo força.
Marieli Schäfer Marcel Stürmer estamos todos torcendo por ti! Não esquece que o teu maior diferencial é tua garra e tenho certeza que unido ao teu talento te faz um verdaderio herói. Muita força para ti!
**রকমারি**--মিললো বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে বড়ো পতঙ্গ
ওজনের দিক থেকে বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে বড়ো আকারের পতঙ্গের সন্ধান পেয়েছেন গবেষকরা। নিউজিল্যান্ড-এর লিটল ব্যারিয়ার আইল্যান্ডে খুঁজে পাওয়া এ পতঙ্গটির নাম ওয়েটা। খবর ডেইলি মেইল-এর।
ওয়েটা’র খোঁজ প্রথম পেয়েছেন মার্ক মফেট নামের একজন মার্কিন প্রকৃতিবিদ। বিশালাকার এ পতঙ্গটি দেখতে ‘ঝিঁঝিঁ’ পোকার মতো। পতঙ্গটির ওজন ৭১ গ্রাম যা ওজনের হিসেবে এখন পর্যন্ত খোঁজ পাওয়া পতঙ্গের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে বেশি এবং সবচেয়ে বড়ো পতঙ্গ।
পতঙ্গটির পাখার বিস্তার ৭ ইঞ্চি পর্যন্ত হয়। লিটল ব্যারিয়ার আইল্যান্ডে ওয়েটা’র ৭০টিরও বেশি প্রজাতি দেখতে পাওয়া গেছে।
খোঁজ পাওয়া এ পতঙ্গটি স্ত্রী প্রজাতির আর এ পতঙ্গটির প্রিয় খাবার হচ্ছে গাজর।
Raghuveer Makadia Do U Know wht's College means ??????????
O = ON
So every boy goes to college.................
Eladio Moreida Tengo insomnio me acosté alas 10 fe la noche y son las 6 de la mañana y no e podido dormir...
Chana Livingston Just getting up and going to work to babysit the lit'le ones. If I didn't have to work, I'd be going to Beaumont to hear My dad preach! x3 But nonetheless, I just wanted to of course thank God for this day that He hath made and to give a shout out to all of the 12.4.11 birthday buddies of Mine +2 being family to Me :D Happy Birthday Michelle Jiskra -a wonderful friend that I have known for quite a bit but unfortunately unable to meet in person as of yet; Meagan Steward -My lit'le cousin who only being a year younger than Me, that I have seen grow up and mature into a beautiful young woman; Luke McKelvy -My dapper lit'le buddy from back in the high school days of Sulphur High School who always kept the atmosphere fun and never dull!; and last but most certainly not least!, to Lauren Everett -even when W/we don't try to, W/we act and even sometimes dress like twins! Lol Truly a wonderful woman of God that I am grateful to call My sister both spiritually and in the real. I am honored to know E/everyone here on My facebook page and though I am not always here to notice when birthdays pop up, 'tis truly a wonderful thing to be able to say 'Happy Birthday' to T/them knowing that without the gift of T/their birth from Our Heavenly Father above, My life would indeed be different without E/everyone that has passed in My life and it might not have turned out as interesting as it is now. Thank Y/you A/all! Sending much love Y/your way <3 Take care and Be blessed always
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