Sajeev Ogg «sick» overfed,i feel sick.... «blabla»
Kev Quatermass Wow, a final last Movember gasp & I'm up to £128. Brilliant & so much more than I was hoping. I'm filling' up:
Darren Smith Custom unique e card by napali - I want to create a IPhone App that the user to be able to choo...
Nick La Mela I got "5 months" on the How long would you last if zombies attacked quiz!
Jaipas Pius ffuuuuucccckkkkeeen......shewt i fucken hate thiss shewt,...............fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck......firininom!!!!!!!man fuck facebook.....full of shewt........fucken shewt..........
Vishnu Vardhan Reddy V lovely music...but i didn't understand the lyrics....
Here's a cover of 'Munbe Va' by the Iyer Sisters as featured on MTV Roots. Music composed by AR Rahman.
Georgy Tharakan "A"
"Heart Say
"I Breath You"
"Mind Say
"I Belive You"
"Smile Say"
"I Like You"
"My Small SMS"
"I Can't Forget"
Good evg...
Cindy Blando I have know idea why I am up so damn early. My dog is still asleep. But the good news is my favorite christmas movie is on TCM at this god awfull hour. Fitzwilly. There is a christmas eve department store heist in my future about 6:30am, with Dick Van Dyke leading the way.
Donnie Don Purp I guess some shit just dont last forever and im bout ready to call it #Quits smh!!!
Jessica O'Neal Hopefully its exactly 21 days until I meet my niece!! I hope she catches the flight on that day, and doesnt come too early or late. ;-) wink wink
Quentin Mantee i need a smoke
Becky Griffin Stauffer For my neighbors in northern Utah who wonder, like I do, where our governor has been for three days now.
Tasued Dfn In an interview,a member of d board asked a man;Tell d diff btw COMPLET&FINISH. The man replied, I am clarifying wit ex.
Whn u marry d rite person u're COMPLETE bt whn u marry d wrng 1 u're FINISH &whn u marry wrng1 frm wrng family u're COMPLETLY FINISHED
Nesa Maxted I visited five churches today with my cousin and friends. It was a very nice experience. We traveled so far from Bacolod-St John Parish to Vito-St Vincent Ferrer Parish in Sagay.
Theresa Franklin I don't want much for Christmas, I just want the person reading this to be happy. Friends are the fruitcake of life--some nutty,some soaked in alcohol,some sweet, but mix them together and they're my friends. At Christmas you always hear people talking about what they want & bought. This is what I want: I want people who are sick with no cure to be cured. I want children with no families to be adopted. I want people to never have to worry about food,shelter, heat. I want Peace and Love for everyone!
Jaap Meng played the last match of the year and in the rain somemore!! Alas 2nd half I got injured, my ankle caught in the pitch while i made a tackle and i immediately heard a crack sound.
Totally freak out coz thought I will end up like the infamous Damien Tay Woei Ann "grek grok" incident!!! Wah lao i really got scared stiff man, then i slowly got up and rotate my ankle, still can move and the fear lessens. Put abit of weight and felt some pain and I ask to sub out. All the while kept moving my ankle to make sure everything is ok then i begin to relax abit. Still can walk normally but gingerly though... Match ended and we won 2-1.
Everybody changed and went off when the heavy rain subsided slightly, I stayed behind coz still afraid I will break down halfway while walking so watch the next match between other teams. Funnily, it was SG vs PRC.... One team full of heavy smokers uncles against a team of PRC and surprisingly, they also got heavy smokers!! Talk about integration man... (sidetrack abit, this way gov sure earn lotsa money through taxes, no wonder they push for integration lar....)
PRC won the match 2-0. What gave them the edge was fitness and youth (can tell they are younger team). Then I suddenly dwell on myself, my fitness is really like shit man. How can I expect to do better?
A friend's question appeared in my thought: What do i want for myself? Now i got the reply: I want to be better every day and happy in my endeavours. Just like what another fren said: "I lose weight not becoz someone else told me to. I do it just becoz I'm song"
"Just do it, coz I'm song" hahahha...
Ishow Tsai I must be stronger and go from strength to strength!!
Oscar Shivo Shivo Shivoga I luv u GOD .
Scott Wisner well it is a beautiful sunny sunday here in upstate new york and i am drinking coffee and enjoying that we dont have snow yet yay
ReBecca Philpott Frost so thick this morning, still hasn't burned off. looks like a dusting of snow! Brrrr!
~~Big Day for us as this time tomorrow morning, Risa and I will be almost to Toronto, then on, eastward to Tokyo. Very excited!!! Whoo-Hooooo!!!!
Sara Robles iv'e been up all night thinking about shit. i feel to tired of everyone no one has anything to say to me that i could pick up the phone and call never do anything for anyone they take shit for granted, people know who they are i have a big list to kill off this year my wish is to become a millionaire move out of nb somewhere cold were no one will visit me n mine and write a book, i pray that everyone have a safe new year n that they wishes come true im not selfish,mean, or that i dont love only my kids, n family, n my true friends. which ain't many what for so they can stab you in the back
Peri Hackett Going to be totally cliche and say that I wish i was cuddling on the couch watching romantic christmas movies instead of working. But on the bright side, I am listening to romantic christmas music while i work ;)
Sheila Jewell Well, here I go, off to work. Ugh! And it is only 38 degrees out. Double Ugh!
Zukiswa Duze This is starting 2 confuse m nw kanti kwenzakalani bengithi uJesu uthi u .................. n nw i guess Im d one who is intepreting ds message I've heard ngendlela e wrng.
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