Ellen Antwi Kessie As today been annual harvest were u able 2 fulfil de promise u made to God if not obey de voice of God nd be faithful to him cause He have done alot 4 u nd ur families.show ur appreciation pls brenther in christ
Carmelita Tyrell Before u talk about others,u need to take a good look at your self
Cvikramkennedy Shanker hi all friens h r u??????????????????????????????????????
Chris Fox Rip grandpaw hennry will miss u
Kerri Ducky Taylor You are my first thought when I wake up and my last thought when I go to sleep.... Wish u felt the same way about me :( Still love you anyways <3
Yanela Valdez Good morninq everyone how r u?
Abdulakeem Olubode Which kind country is dis 9ja? Our leader rember D last day of jugment.. Why you av been doing everything you wish you tamper peopls right,still we are not cmplanig but u think of another way of making things worst........is just to ban OKADA witout ALT no consideration for peopl using it as there way of making money........u invite boko haram ur self....... What pains me most is dose theif dey will not come to ur house......
Prince Tunde Rooney Odusanya Iv been with my granee for over an hour, i realy realy enjoyed her company, talking of life n some good old days. Thk U Lord for giving me d Best Granee in d world. Home sweet home... Afternoon pals...
David Gale James Kelleher i am going 2 kill u now.u r die
Jeymeld Rivera Pileña Bakit p kc kita nkilala... we both like each other but!u dont understand at all...
Teeny Bop If it aint one fuckin thang its another. First u talk shit then wen i ignore it u mad cuz i aint respondin. Now u mad cuz u aint roun me. Maybe cuz u was talkin shit. This aint burger king u wont get shit yur way here. Stop talkin shit wen u dont know wat tha fuck u talkin bout
Amya Hardiny what w!LL u do when s0meb0dy keep c0mpla!n!ng the same th!ng to u..?
Pra!s!ng oTher infRont oF u...?
Will u feeL sad..?
FeeL doWn...?
FeeL LiKe cRIyin9...?
! Feel lke cRy mY Heart out....
Sylvester Wong Nowaday got a lot of ppl negative thinking..but i knw 1day u all wil see my prove..
Sammy Mwangi Just feel it good when u say THANK YOU to me
Onasanya Oluwafunmilayo Opeyemi Hope u enjoyed d service bcos im blessed today.
Anna Joseph Hey...admit it. Every1 has a lil of racism in em. When u do laundry, i bet u all separate th colored 4rm th whites!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ravi Ranjan Students Kolaveri D Version.:
Hand-la book-u, book la stuff-u, eyes full aa tear-u..
empty mind-u, exam come-u, life reverse gear-u..
God 'm dyin nau, prof is happy how-u..
this-u song-u 4 students-u, we dont hav a choice-u..
Why dis kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di.!!
Nakitto Leilah Musa I dnt care who u r where yo frm wht u did as lng as u lve me kalibe essanyu oba naku njagala gwe olikya bugaga omuntu kyatamala gazula mumutima muno ninamu essubi lingi akawowo ko lyeddagala nga ndi mulwadde ndiguuma nga sikuraba nesikowa njagala omanye obuzito bwolina gyendi olimu bulikimu ejjinja erisinga omuwendo njagala gwe nfakugwe newebaliba bayekera nkakasa tujakuba bulungi
Steven Mcquillar If you ain't talking about no money,how to get some more $,or how to hold on to$ what's the conversation about nothing,if u healthy in strong in your family is as well u should feel bless. Love life in live it to the fullest. I'm bigtyme in I approve of this message
Scott Coltzau Why the fuck do i bother you have changed it all use to be about us now its like u bearly want to know me
Shanette Austin come on in the room. I said jesus is my doctor he writes out all my scriptures. He gives me all my medicine in the room. Come on in the room. Lol some of you might be too young to remember that georgia mass choir. That.s gma type gospel. :-) thank u heavenly father for waking me up this mrnin. Love u facebook fam and friends. Continuin to pray for jaliesa strength in the lord.
Claire Apolo http://www.youtube.com/user/edisonvskate?feature=mhee#p/a/u/0/4f6-ItoTMoE
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Md Shahidul Hasan Shahin i miss u MOM
Khayeh Ngema Elihle When a lady make a mistake "no,no u dnt understand". when a guy make a mistake a world war III start
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