Lawanna Mikell Good mornin fb, let me start off by sayn thank u lord for allowin me and my family to c another blessed day.....keep us all safe in your arms. That bein said have a great day everybody.
Dion Green Sr. Dont let da time pass u by do sumthing productive with yur life time will cum n go b4 u no it u wud b to old to do anything
Kerline Noel Can u imagine life without the love of god how dealing with trials and tribulations would be so very hard.
Kingman Campbell to all my good friends on fb i did not win the lottery as promist so dont look 4 jack crap crom me this year lol but not to worry cause i will get u all the same as i get u lost year/ nothing just nothing ok lmao
Muskan Arya mmmmmmmmuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh my friendz how are u
Nicolette Magdelene i hate u!!!!!!!!!!
Jennifer Lynn Agatucci All right lets get my day started! Lets go STEELERS! to my girls im planning a night out for some good clean fun if u would like to join in let me know! Not sure when but def this week sometime. Hit me up!
Ay Runky Thank u lord 4 ur protection and kindness over me frm jan 2 dec. Infact i really apperciate ur mercy over me throughout d journey. God! u are so good, and kind may ur name be exaulted 4 everlasting.
Amaan Khan
Sandeep Kadam Hiii fb how r u....!!!!
Hiii friends how r u.2.all...?
Emmanuel Childlike Majority do thins b/c they saw others doin it without thinkin about d side effects....frnz think 2wice b4 U act, leap b4 U say, reject b4 U accept, hesitate b4 U agree,lyf z like a train ' cnt turn until it reaches itz destination' añy mistake U make nw cud nt b corrected den......... take note, I love U fwendz happy sunday!
Debra Guidry Good morning friends. This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. I thank God for allowing me to see another day and giving me another chance to get it right. U see when u look at me u r seeing one of God's miracles. I could have been dead but God stepped I'm and healed me. Thank u Jesus. Now I got to go give Him some praise this morning.
James Bommbo I always knew she was nt meant for me but, my luv 4 her its too strong, but theres no point in luving sm1 who does nt luv u *HEART BROKEN*
Navjot Sodhi My heart's like an open book, it depends on how u read me.Don"t judge me by my cover.. Look in and discover.. i will be ur True friend for ever...
Roque Perez Jr. thank u fag and numnuts I realy like the shirt love u guys
The one who runs around topless singing Jingle Bells: Meredith Creager
Spiked the Punch then drank most of it: Steve Coil
Dances on the desk singing U cant touch this: Amanda Sutton
... ... Has the bosses Rolodex out making prank calls: Brittany Wethington
Spinning around in their office chair screaming: Amber Lynn
locked in the bathroom hugging the toilet: Pam Sarah Coil
Passed out under their desk:Krystle Tweet Feathers
Making Photo copier bum prints: Amy Cross Durbin
Throwing Xmas cake at people outside: Tyler Dobson
Playing Spin the Bottle with the office cleaners: Daniel Dickens
Joshua Stealurgurl Moore 00.00.11
LMS if u think ur date is better than mines
Eugene Robinson Jacobs well haterz,truth tellaz,or dream sellaz u got wat u wanted finally look like shit is done smhbvs
Demarco CB Garner just want to shout out to my kids if it want for them ain't no telln where I'd be or even be here u youngn...
Vanessa Ann Perez Np: By chance <3
i xüper love dis song :)
ahi.goødnytx .ü
Sandile Peter it realy hurts to find out later that the most gal u love s having an underground affair w someone.some ppl cmt suicide n some cn even commt murder .all thse things are caused by sorrow n pain in e hrt'.it realy hrt ,it realy hurt bt boys n girls whn mch thngs are hpnng or t hs spnd to u dnt wry or kill ur slf or cmt mder just give thnks to god for he hs alrdy bled u w mre dan wud u desired.he Ws e witnes of ur rltnshp so since ur ptner hs brkd e vow u vowed n promises u brkd n being un faithful god hs gvng hm or hr e rwd he or she deserve n blsd u w mre .it realy hurts to discover t n see e rib u care n loved disapprng.
Clint S Geyshick if she never had lunch at Stedmans...shes too young for u!!
Hlomza Mpetsheni Loverz Yhaa nhe mic u Mphela,Moriri,Mokoena ndibala ntoni na nanku mvudla umingenyawo phambi kwethu.
Kevin Cooper dan cnt believe ya fela shockd an gutted dnt even cum close.. gona mis u more than words can say always remember u my mucka..r.i.p.xxxx
DrSanjay Rastogi G`nite buddies, shubh raatri, shabba khair, buenos noches.........C U 2moro...<3
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