Kimberly Sliter-Hawkins You and I are at a Christmas Party and there is only 1 glass of alcohol left. Using ONLY 4 words, what would u say to me?? Note: If you comment you must copy n paste this as your status so I can comment back. Be a good sport play along.... 4 words is hard
Arthur Chipungare Luv iz blind bt smetyms u must close1 & open another, coz othrwyze u gonna be blind 4reva wth lv.
Landis Hester its funny wen someone u dont wanna talk 2 blow u up wit txts and u havent replied 2 a single one wat does tht tell u. I DONT WANNA TALK 2 U!!! hahaha
Motse Mogatusi Yah in this world I'm nthn, m no good, I dnt meet certain standards, I suck, m boring, m a doormat, bt m all that in th Lord's eyes, n his opinion is th only one tht matters,so u nd ur material stuff will burn in hell. Tell me hu aint nthn now! M just sayin!
Okuhle Thando Ngwabe U can neva make a person happy u can neva give a human enuf coz they dnt hve a limit gosh sumtyms i wonda does lyf eva get fair
Gerty Ryan . . ,*,. ,*@*,,*@*@*,""""II"""! Hope that I'm the first person to put a christmas tree on your phone.If luck is a raindrop i'd send you a shower, if hope is a minute i'd send you an hour, if happiness is a leaf i'd give you a tree and if YOU need a FRIEND you will ALWAYS have ME XXX this is to all my Fam nd friends...!!!luv u all...!!!
Naledi'dj Hypeman' Matshaba u cn buy 2 much beer @ da club but if u dnt hv style,swagga it das nt count
Desire Tshobeni smtymz its hrd 2 make a woman happy whn u nt part of her lif, n doeznt tl u her planz.
Mathokoza Djcloudnyn Shongwe Guys we hav 2 evri tym u fil lyk prayn, nat 2 pray da tym sekunyiwa pliz noma u pray nasewbona kudla datz rude *trust me tz rilli rude*
C'mphiwe Cebekhulu have u ever tried sleeping wth a broken heart well u cud try sleepng in my bed*_candy dreams 2 all.
Tammie Thomas This is wats on my mind Asher Why him and I now there will be noe real meaning to why they killed him. WAtch ya friends ya smoke with and run joke with Cuz dem same ones help kill u off
Shaniqua Jones it's not the chicks it's u.
Thandi Maqhina UMadzana uthi busuku benzolo baratiwa love u al
Damien Todd Here u go Eliza-Luis Lebron.
Nicki Minaj - Roman In Moscow Nicki Minaj - Roman In Moscow Nicki Minaj - Roman In Moscow Nicki Minaj - Roman In Moscow Nicki Minaj - Roman In Moscow
William Torpey Right on schedule the F.E.M.A. death camps are a go:
Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones | Email reveals KBR call for bids to add services to internment camps.
Oloto Muiz If u saw me in a police van.... What crime wld u think I got arrested 4? Reply & pass on & see hw many crime pple think u can commi
Amantle Masoloko Q:whneva i thnk bwt u i thnk of è day u slpd hr,y did u slap hr?A:tht ws nthn coz tse dikgolo di eta.i wana beat hr a le sober.....o ne a nthoga,she crosd è lyn so i had 2 do sumthn..
Eti-ini Anthony hey! Beluv pple! Wat Is Dat story,wat is dat ur case dat is makin u feel sad! Cheer up an knw dat Ur case dat ur story is nt a new case in Heaven!such cases ave been solve already so y are u so dwn cheer up an smile cos u dnt ave a case or Problem!
Jo-Elle Warhurst WOW I cant believe that u can check vvho is vievving your proffile I just saw my TOP profile visitors and I am trully SHOCKED at vvho ls seeing my profflle You can also see WHO SEES YOUR PROFlLE
Ahmor Tanaca No need to poke me,just send me mesage or add me so that we cn talk.darrk angel ur the 1 of my fans.friends god bls u,
Michelle Tweeddale-Haitana like if u think im dumb
Gemma McQuade New phone tomo woohoo
Bye blackberry u done me well lol
Fingers crossed I can work my new one lol
Clarence Dyer if u never met me and saw me on the streets...would u think i was a gang member?
Thabisile Ntlahla Yhoo nc nc nc zange ndafila kanje uphathwa kakubi oluhlobo ngokungathi ikhona into endiyicengayo, ako niks ndiyicengayo f*k*f u cn go 2 hell*sad*
Danielle Wilds check out my pics tell me what u think
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