Cheyenne Cassidy Wheeler I wanna Love Like This. Won't You show me a Love Like That? They say that Love's a b!tch, read my lips. I've waited all my life for a b!tch like this. ♥
Jenna Von Elm I love the way people say there going to do something then they dont...
Ha. It makes me laugh...
Terrie Hudson Hall A person that loses a partner is called a widow. A child who loses a parent is called an orphan. But there is no word to describe a parent that loses a child, because the loss is like no other. So will you put this as your status for just one hour?? I'm pretty sure I know the ones that will. Think of someone you know or love who has lost a baby or child & take a few minutes to remember and honor their beautiful angel!.. ..
Cortney Willis Praying I don't lose my mind today.
Charmaine Kucks WOAH! my profile was viewed 73 times JUST TODAY, and I can see that I have quite a few stalkers LOL! Find out yours here
Euphimia Mukwevho eix I'm confused I dnt knw if I wna go or sty*thnkng*
Samantha Diaz So I have to be out of my place in a month and find a way to get to work... but I might just pack up and get a one way to Hollywood like I always planned, that sounds like a much better plan:)
Jesika Andrews My beautiful baby girl is going to be 2 year's old tomorrow!!!! I can't wait, she is getting mickey mouse pancakes for breakfest and then it will be party time at 4 tomorrow!!! YAY!!!! My baby girl is getting so big!!! :) Then I get my phone tomorrow to yay!!!
Martha Marti Johnson Two women were playing golf. One teed off and watched in horror as her ball headed directly toward a foursome of men playing the next hole. The ball hit one of the men. He immediately clasped his hands together at his groin, fell to the ground and proceeded to roll around in agony.
The woman rushed down to the man, and immediately began to apologize. "Please allow me to help. I'm a Physical Therapist and I know I could relieve your pain if you'd allow me," she told him.
"Oh, no, I'll be all right. I'll be fine in a few minutes," the man replied.
He was in obvious agony, lying in the fetal position, still clasping his hands there at his groin. At her persistence, however, he finally allowed her to help. She gently took his hands away and laid them to the side, loosened his pants and put her hands inside. She administered tender and artful massage for several long moments and asked, "How does that feel?"
"Feels great," he replied but I still think my thumb's broken."
Zena Carr WOAH! my profile was viewed 96 times JUST TODAY, and I can see that I have quite a few stalkers LOL! Find out yours here
Makhosazane Nqobile Ngubane cela ongithandayo angifakele I aircon ekamelweni lami*ebinyoza ukushisa*
Nick Begay 'Every Chance i Get' T.I
Bad ass song!;)
John Snook Well Boys and Girls -- I am going to have to leave for now -- This pain is sending me to bed for awhile -- Keep me in your prayers and may God bless you all real good!
Jennifer Caubat Bad trip" sheeeedaaaaa! I hate uuuuu"""""
Briana Webb Happy that my mommy came to visit me ! <3 I was excited to see her . Now to my last class for today , i go . (: So much work and studying to do later ! -__-
Flii Guy Drama musikk makkin time wish ii had partner but i guess ii dnt.....
Consuela Lucy I wish i went to school,Well at least i get to see my Papa mack. I love u Papa
Nicky Peterson Crazy but I was in #10!! Well I was in Phoenix during that Haboob!!
The 45 Most Powerful Images Of 2011: What a year! Here's to 2012 being a more quiet and less destructive year...
Siri Rosengren Wow! Profilen min ble besøk 18 ganger - KUN I DAG, og jeg kan se at jeg har en god del stalkers - HAHA! Finn dine her
Fred Woodward Is it wrong to be soft harted and strong welled people puts me down but i dont let that stop me ever.
Devin Latroy Hester I don't know what the hell takes this dentist SO long!! Don't nobody but me be in the waiting area but yet I still wait 30min+!!!UGHHHhhhh.....
Ntando Dlamini I hate gays and les itz against my bible
We Na Back Down the lord is my sherped I have every thing I need
Andre Washington Man I got that transmission out my car .Time for the new one .
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