Mark Powell RIP Colonel Potter (Harry Morgan) you made me laugh for a lot of years.
Eddie Orlowicz just saw lizard king wearing a DGK hat wtf dont leave deathwish
Josh Aldcroft wayne rooney missed a tap in ahahahahahahahaha
Michael Willkomm Who thinks I should do a video for Bret Michael s Tropa Roka Camercial?
Jeepers Racing my entertainment for today is the rail road crossing in front of my shop if you been here you know it well train comes thru 2 times a day .on last trip the arms went up but lights are still flashing omg omg omg what do we do stop on the tracks and look both ways first right ...people crack me up i need to shut the door so i can get something done
Khadeejah Saleh Allah Ya agajemu, a kulun, a koyaushe!
Andre Smith That Damn Miguel always catching a nigga in the act #cheaters
Prince Kumar f'ship is not histry 2 4get. its not maths 2calculate, its nt english 2learn.
Its jst lik a kolaveri Di :D
No need 2 undrstnd.. Just Enjoy it...!!
Jesse Cole i opened up a book at half price that was explaining why it is important to not listen to other peoples ideas, and said just stick to ur own.. i closed it
Brian Robison finally done with all my finals and just woke up from a much needed nap, but still can't find where I left my brain at!
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the base,
No evil was stirring, not even a trace,
The canteens were hung by their tents with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas would whisper a prayer.
Cristian Solano FML
Last time im wearing my bordos on a rainy day
Philile Zitha jst tuk a cold showa, mmh its guuud 2 b hme,we feel gud sino'babie,& 2mrw is anada long day wid mummy & my bru*xctd* tym 2 hit da sack...
Iris Tampus Gikapoy naq ug hinulat nimo!!knus a pa kha ka moabot?:(
John David Stringfellow The Obama administration is announcing a wide-ranging effort to use U.S. Tax dollars to promote rights for gays and lesbians abroad. Just what this country needs. Spend our money in other countries promoting immortal issues when the U.S. is almost bankrupt .
Continue to pray for the U.S. of A.
Jessica Chukwueke Juliet just saw a picture of a baby and told me "My grandma and I went to walmart and that baby was at walmart too!, that baby was happy at walmart!" haha kids say some funny stuff...and damn walmart for being everywhere like mcdonalds lol
Ankit Saxena SISTER'S WEEK...
If u hv sister, whom u lov a lot....
who made u cry sometimes.... Pulled ur hair.... fought wid u.... Stood up for u... Drove u crazy.... Watched u succeed... Saw u fall... Picked u bak up.... scolded u
... on... Made u strong... & U can't do anything without her...
specially for...kopal ..parul....rupal.. n all ma luvng sis....
Sharon L Durham 'Yes, very cold', the weather officer told him.
As a result of this brief conversation the chief went back to the tribe and told his people to collect every bit of wood they could find.
A month later the chief called the National Weather Service once more and asked about the coming winter. 'Yes,' he was told, 'it is going to be one of the coldest winters ever.'
'How can you be so sure?' the chief asked.
The weatherman replied: 'Because the Native Americans of the Great Lakes are collecting wood like crazy.'
Man Kul Bee watsp pipo..m bec in are yu wth fc book..nwae hev a blessed nyt..angels in yo blankets...slip tyt..
KYM ; )
Shaun Ashton Wychwood 'Goliath' a mountain of over topped nachos, and a smiley Dees. Good times.
Vanessa Riehm Stroud This year, we're having a stress-free Christmas dinner. I am crushing up Prozac in all the food. :)
Pam Ring Wow-Menopause is a joyful tiny time warp! I hadn't noticed.
Just in case you missed it, Johnson & Johnson would like to say they're sorry. Triple sorry, in fact, that their popular o.b.
Joanna Colon Went to my doctor appt just got home omw to wash clothes get my boy from school and then go home and cook what a day!!
Abbass Chbib ا تلومن الحياة بأقدارها..........فكل مقدر من عند الله تقديرا
لا تيأسن على ما فاتك يوما..........فكل ما في دنيانا حقيرا
لا تجزعن لمصيبة حلت بك..........فالصبر أولى و هو خير نصيرا
و اذكر أبدا أن الدنيا زائلة..........فلا شيء يستحق عويلا
فإذا غالبك الهم يوما فاذكر..........الخالق و تبتل إليه تبتيلا
فما رأيت مستعينا بالله إلا..........و كان الإله له وكيلا
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