Thursday, December 8, 2011

appsfacebookcom 所謂正常和不正常,有時不過是看角度的問題不同噢不,是看問題的角度不同!! XDD appsfacebookcom 小妹妹,下次玩食物要不要先通知!單獨看小圖嚇死人哦!!! Y si eres gordo o flaca todo eso no importa me y tampoco soy perfecto solo se que yo te quiero asi El corazon

King Liang
所謂正常和不正常,有時不過是看角度的問題不同....噢不,是看問題的角度不同!! XDD
Days Cloud
Brunnie Castillo
Brunnie Castillo Y si eres gordo o flaca, todo eso no importa me, y tampoco soy perfecto solo se que yo te quiero asi, El corazon no tiene cara <3 Roycee


Christabel MarreroNiszie Marie Cintron
Jacob SceneKing Pesta
Jacob SceneKing Pesta Algebra 1: Me: *just chillin' in my seat, waiting for my test to come back* Me: FUDGE !!!!!!!!! 7 OUT OF FRICKEN 8 >:O!!!!! *pencil goes flying* Girl: OW ! .. tht hit me in the vagina.. :c Me: sorry.. ._.


Celess SchartzerJessica ArnoldDaquaria BeardJack Paulsen
Ogunwo Adebimpe
Ogunwo Adebimpe I still dey wonder,why fins are like this omo I tire o
Michelle Nash
Michelle Nash Major S/O to my Stink, Courtney Hopper. She has had the most amazing 24 hrs. She has been accepted to TWU and won her wrestling match yesterday. Today she got her drivers licence,a nd last but never least, she has an awesome Nannie. {{{CHEESE}}}


Sheena MiltonJessica NashCourtney HopperEricka Powell
Angelika Izmailova
Angelika Izmailova Вопрос, а возможна ли вообще власть, пекущаяся о стране и ее народе. Если не ЕдРосы то, другие лучше будут?
Россия на первом месте!!!! участвует в конкурсе статистика взята с сайта скач...
Karol Martins
Karol Martins Eu sou o brilho nos teus olhos a me olhar...
Michael Benedetto
Michael Benedetto My #2 favorite Christmas song sung by the best Phantom of the Opera Ever, Michael Crawford, and backed by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Raducu Andrei
Raducu Andrei E nevoie de o schimbare urgent altfel nu se mai poate...!!!:p


Cosmina CosmiRafaela TamasDeea Deiutsa
Jocelyn Garcia
Jocelyn Garcia I MADE HONOR ROLL!! YAY :-O


Bianka Ortiz
Claudio Gomes
Aceitamos o desafio. Vamos compartilhar galera!
Chris Hindal-Steele
Chris Hindal-Steele Tolerance-This Is Brilliant I am truly perplexed that so many of my friends are against a mosque being built at Ground Zero. I think it should be the goal of every American to be tolerant. Thus, the Mosque should be allowed, in an effort to promote tolerance. That is why I also propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque, thereby promoting tolerance from within the mosque. We could call one of the clubs, which would be gay, "The Turban Cowboy," and the other a topless bar called "You Mecca Me Hot." Next door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork, and adjacent to that an open-pit barbecue pork restaurant, called " Iraq o' Ribs." Across the street there could be a lingerie store called "Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret," with sexy mannequins in the window modeling the goods. Next door to the lingerie shop there would be room for an adult sex toy shop, "Koranal Knowledge," its name in flashing neon lights, and on the other side a liquor store called "Morehammered." All of this would encourage the Muslims to demonstrate the tolerance they demand of us, so the mosque problem would be solved. If you agree with promoting tolerance, and you think this is a good plan, please pass it on.
Wellington Pereira
Wellington Pereira Meu na boa, eu tenho que rir mesmo Kkkkkk o cara é tipo aquela mãe desconfiada e confusa :P que liga na propria casa e pergunta para o filho onde ele está :@ a tenha dó kkkkkkk
IRespect Davis
IRespect Davis S/O to Cha'Vonne Lovin Lifee Hightower Turn around babygurl, damn ya cute lol
女人為什麼願意男人抱著睡覺? (一定要看哦!)
Alvin Gitamondoc
Alvin Gitamondoc Alvin Gitamondoc "Hey wretched man!..beware that thou shalt not touch a womans body without the express permission of thy God..for thou knoweth not what misfortunes lies ahead..and thou o lustful woman!..beware that thou shalt not touch a man's body..for God only hath ordained you to a single man..and beware of what misfortunes thou hath in store for yourself in the coming days..many hath not heeded this call..and fared miserably..i exhort you men and women! marry wisely and love truly or suffer the wrath of the Almighty God!..General Alvin Gitamondoc of RDM page bids you all frends here gudnyt,,Godbless!--- Instrumental Unlike · · Share · 3 minutes ago near Cebu City Instrumental


Chona SumayaJovelyn S. DizonGior GiaLalang Codilla
Arturo Servin Pahua
Arturo Servin Pahua Estoy enamorado d mis dos amores d mi novia ana y mi hija(o)
Angie Hensley
Angie Hensley Well nap time didn't go as planned lol o well.. clean up time.
Stephanie Marie Muthana
Stephanie Marie Muthana O Dang the boss brought us smoothies!!! She is a good mood Lol


Amanda Moreno
Xico Aires
Xico Aires Tou com um número novo do TIM! Agora é (81) 9701-1366. O vivo ainda continuo usando (8239-8993)
Sekie Maiketso Gracious-gal
Sekie Maiketso Gracious-gal Fridae eish! Result iyo! Bt at least motho o tla decide after dipholo tsa sekamarematlou.
Douglas Vilarinho
Douglas Vilarinho que burocracia....paga plano de saude particular mais de 20 anos, quando mais precisa pra fazer uma cirurgia urgente, fazem um monte de exigencia, pedem relatorio do medico o por que de material, se ta explicando q vai fazer uma cirurgia e pq precisa do material. fazem de tudo para nao pagarem aos medicos e aos hospitais...calcula ai + de 20 anos vezes uns 500,00 por base....sera q esse tempo e dinheiro nao dava.
Nikki Woods
Nikki Woods Hot chocolate and Christmas o what a day....


Travis Woods
Osawaru Valeta

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