4€ Είσοδος για την έναρξη του Global Battle of the Bands, του μοναδικού ανεξάρτητου Παγκόσμιου Μουσικού Πρωταθλήματος, στις 15/1 στο Passport!
Има мала, но значителна корекција во текстот на песната, во делот кога тој носи, а Симо си го мафта :) Инаку дечките се потпишани како „Џимиринки продукција“.
Videoclip C.I.A. - Unde e ea Single extras de pe albumul C.I.A. - "Universal" (in curand) Regia: whoisrikk http://www.cia-online.ro Rugam sa nu re-uploadati ...
109104 Friendly 10-mo-old boy is super sweet. He enjoys people and does nicely with other dogs. He weighs about 35-40 lbs.
Must be saved ASAP or PTS pre-dawn Friday morning. We must know by 2AM 12/29 who has rescue.
Males $115
Females $125
*Fee includes vetting: Spay, Neuter, HW, Rabies
**Fee for rescues is $35, health certificate only
Murray Shelter is located in Chatsworth, Georgia, which is just north of Atlanta and just south of Chattanooga, TN.
Transport to Atlanta provided! Transport to the North East and Mid West is available, based on the adorable puppy's ability to travel.
Contact Information:
Please e-mail or call ASAP!! Your rescue help is very much appreciated!
Lisa Hester, volunteer
- and –
706-260-5251 (daytime M,W,F)(Text or call)
- and –
Pauline Davis
706-463-2194, Text messages only
Sponsorship and Donations:
NOTE: If you are not able to provide rescue but can donate sponsor money, please go to www.paypal.com, click on the "send money" tab on the home page and enter the shelter's account, murrayshelter@bellsouth.net. IMPORTANT: Be sure to designate the payment as a "gift" or PayPal will take part of it.
FOSTER INFO: Murray Shelter does not allow individuals to pull animals to foster. But, if you work through an approved rescue, you can foster!
If you are able to foster in Georgia, here are a few of the rescue groups that Murray Shelter works with: Angels Among Us http://angelsrescue.org/, Mitts and Mutts http://www.adoptapet.com/adoption_rescue/81419.html, and Tender Heart Rescue http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/GA667.html
Please network our dogs!
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Dicas de programas que removem os tweets e atualizações relacionados ao Big Brother Brasil, programa da Rede Globo, no Twitter e Facebook.
Loulé - Algarve
Loulé é uma cidade vibrante e típica, situada em sopés cobertos de amendoeiras. É uma cidade antiga, apesar de só encontrarem vestígios das muralhas do castelo mouro. Estas muralhas encontram-se na área central, que é mais conhecida entre os visitantes pelo seu artesanato, pelo seu encanto e pela sua predisposição para o divertimento.
À medida que for passeando nas estreitas ruas encontrará pequenas lojas pouco iluminadas. Espreite através da escuridão e encontrará artesãos a moldar betão, a cozer cabedal ou a vender peças em latão ou bordados.
É bom viver no Algarve!
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