Kody Loccperinho Right ima give away a gang grime instrumentals and do you a clip of whats in there !!!
Ni'nique Marie Leslie And Asia need quit hugging a book and come around and kalisa need to get out her feelings and come around with my Becky Sally
Jean Churchill Thomas A women needs only two tools in her life and its WD 40 and duct tape .If it doesn't move and it should use WD 40. If it moves and shouldn't use the duct tape.
Joycelyn Jay Davis Say a wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leave before she is left.
Barabra Alwaysbymyself Crawford in the house....cooking for my bay to come in...gotta keep him happy....cause he sho do keep a gorgeous smile on my face......I put the niggas behind him.....cause in my eyes he belongs in front.....fuck the past...I'm on him.....
Lidy Souza Em função da decorrente chuva, as cidades de Além Paraíba MG e Sapucaia RJ está passando por uma situação difícil e precisamos ajudar urgente.
A Tecline Rio de Janeiro em solidariedade, convoca toda a rede Sky a doar..
Nos ajudem
Lordmichael Odejayi The Nigerian youth attacked 4 senators on their way to Abuja! Sincerely we are ready to fight our right. The Song of Men by lordmicheal is out. This cabar has to stop. Our leaders needs a lunatic asylum because this is a symbol of madness. NON VIOLENCE WE MUST EMBRACE. Aluta continua!victoria asata.
Really heart touching......... I was walking around in a Big Bazar store making shopping, when I saw a Cashier talking to a boy couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old.. TheCashier said, 'I...
Palma Wright HighKicks TONIGHT
I feel like tonight is gonna be a REALLY glamorous highschool/monsterball/LA reunion at HighKicks with all the amazing people that are coming! Are you? rsvp at skybarla@morganshotelgroup.com
Angel Luis Illuminati youh can talk about me cause im a HOT TOPiC i see you watching me &&` i know you want it ;)
Steve West The first song on 91X....
Feel the fire, feel my love inside you it's so right
There's the sound and the smell of love in my mind
I'm a toy, come and play with me, say the word now
Wrap your legs around mine and ride me tonight
Lyrics Below: Feel the fire, feel my love inside you it's so right There's the sound and the smell of love in my mind I'm a toy, come and play with me, say t...
Brenna McReaken funny how a few small details left out of a story can change a whole entire situation. glad we got the facts right cuz i dont feel so bad anymore : )
Monica Siqueiros Really y u always want me to have a bad day :-\
Rodney Tucker Whutz up just wakn up from a lngs nite wrk ready to do it again tonite.Mr. Im on my shyt.N sayn fuk da wrld n everybody n it ,giving a shout out to all my real niggs
Tanya Lenoir Cooper Conway I've started a new chapter in my life and its filled with “love” in every since of the word<3<3<3 :D
Jarid Quarles Lmao, my teacher had a Camel-Toe today!!! Hahaha
It was like.... )(
Stefan Donath Rabi Iankl avea un cîine de rasă.
Intr-o zi citeste-n ziar ca la Paris, pentru €5000 cîinele poate fi
invatat intr-o saptamana sa vorbească.
Imediat il cheama pe fiul sau Moishole, ii da €5000 ca sa plece cu
cîinele la Paris.
Băiatul ia banii si pleacă cu cainele la Paris. Acolo in doua zile
face praf toti banii pe curve si distractii.
Toata noaptea nu doarme ingrozit ca rabinul o sa-l omoare c-a prapadit banii.
In ziua urmatoare Rabi Iankl telefoneaza ca sa afle cum progreseaza cainele.
Moishole ii spune ca totul merge strună.
_ cum adică, a început deja sa vorbească ?
_ Turuie ca o morisca. Apropos tată, tu te mai culci cu secretara?
_ cine ti-a spus asta?
_ cîinele!!?
_Da-i una-n cap, lasă-l la Paris si vino acasă!!!
Nabajyoti Talukdar Nav Life Smokes Through a Keyhole..............Folks!!!!!!!!!!!
Andrew Marshall Disney remaking all movies in 3D way to milk it guys... Fun fact Disney/Pixar have never put out a movie that has done bad at the box office
Miguel Yrs Pumba my uncle is crazy as fuck xD but i understand that nigga aha. we on a mission ;p
Victor Giovanni e ainda pode ter a continuação com os funkeiros!!! UHULLLL
Isso sim seria um filme perfeito!!!
Soh na graça uahsuahsua
Tarike Paulos Come in Today and Get a New Year [2012] Loan up to $500!!! Bring A Friend Receive up to $50!!! Call For Free Estimate... Ready Refunds Tax Service... Two Locations, 1637 W. Howard Chicago, IL 60626 (773-262-1172) [Howard Red Line] 4805 W. Madison Chicago, IL 60644 [Madison & Cicero] (773-287-9352)
Preye Seth "A person without self-control is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out." -Proverbs 25:28 goodnit friends
Leesa McCann I might not be someone's first choice, but I am a great choice. I may not be rich but I am valuable. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not, because I'm good at being me. I might not be proud of some of the things I've done in the past, but I am proud of who I am today. I may not be perfect but I don't need to be. Take me as I am, or watch me as I walk away
Corderall Wilcox Listening too sum boosie, making me wanna pour up... Dis weekend I'm on one for my nigga... Free a real nigga boosie.... Real recognize real...
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