Thursday, January 12, 2012

appsfacebookcom 男的:你看有鱷魚ㄟ 鱷魚:你在過來哇丟豁哩死 How precious time is When you ar e young it seems forever 'til Christmas summer vacation etc BUT when we have a few

男的:你看有鱷魚ㄟ 鱷魚:你在過來哇丟豁哩死
John Crawford
John Crawford How precious "time" is !!!When you ar e young, it seems "forever" 'til Christmas, summer vacation, etc. BUT, when we have a few Christmases under our belt, they just seem to fly. What you soon discover is that TIME is life's most precious commodity. Whether we be King or pauper, we are each given the same 24 hours in each day. How are we treating this most precious gift. Handle with extreme caution....exert every moment. Squeeze every second.Even when life seems trivial, it is is YOUR time. Scripture addresses it, even the Greek philosopher,“ Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. ” Even the Greek philosopher, Theophrastus (372 BC – 287 BC) , said:“ Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. ” Use with care , my friend....use with care!
Edward Bocanegra
Edward Bocanegra 1021. AFFIRMATION OF AUTHORITY OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES TO DETAIN COVERED PERSONS PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF MILITARY FORCE. (a) IN GENERAL.—Congress affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note) includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons (as defined in subsection (b)) pending disposition under the law of war. (b) COVERED PERSONS.—A covered person under this section is any person as follows: (1) A person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for those attacks. (2) A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces. (c) DISPOSITION UNDER LAW OF WAR.—The disposition of a person under the law of war as described in subsection (a) may include the following: (1) Detention under the law of war without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force. (2) Trial under chapter 47A of title 10, United States Code (as amended by the Military Commissions Act of 2009 (title XVIII of Public Law 111–84)). (3) Transfer for trial by an alternative court or competent tribunal having lawful jurisdiction. (4) Transfer to the custody or control of the person’s country of origin, any other foreign country, or any other foreign entity. (d) CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this section is intended to limit or expand the authority of the President or the scope of the Authorization for Use of Military Force. (e) AUTHORITIES.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States, or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States. (f) REQUIREMENT FOR BRIEFINGS OF CONGRESS.—The Secretary of Defense shall regularly brief Congress regarding the application of the authority described in this section, including the organizations, entities, and individuals considered to be ‘‘covered persons’’ for purposes of subsection (b)(2).
Jonas Jaymax Fatz Baumake
Jonas Jaymax Fatz Baumake Um jst watchn nigerian movie è guy z chetin other.eish.......
Marlene Dantas
Marlene Dantas E ainda tem gente que reclama da vida...olhem para esta criança....Feliz nos seus limites....
Simbolo de Perseverancia
Purity Nyabubugame Nyawira
Purity Nyabubugame Nyawira I guess i will be the coolest parent for my kids,mbona mtoto ajinyonge juu amepata E au 52mks.ata kama ni E leta tutaongea,sitaki kupressure mtoto a commit suicide.wazazi hebu fikiri E,52mks au kifo.fanya hiyo hesabu.
Charlie Morel Johnson
Charlie Morel Johnson la vita e' Bella <3!!1
Anil Bisht
बस से उतरकर.. जेब में हाथ डाला, मैं चौंक पड़ा.., जेब कट चुकी थी..। जेब में.. था भी क्या..? कुल 150 रुपए और एक खत..!! जो मैंने अपनी माँ को लिखा था कि - मेरी नौकरी छूट गई है; अभी पैसे नहीं भेज पाऊँगा…। तीन दिनों से.. वह पोस्टकार्ड मेरी जेब में पड़ा था। पोस्ट.. करने को.. मन ही.. नहीं कर रहा था। 150 रुपए जा चुके थे..। यूँ ......150 रुपए ..कोई बड़ी रकम नहीं थी., लेकिन.. जिसकी नौकरी छूट चुकी हो, उसके लि...ए.. 150 रुपए.. 1500 सौ से कम.. नहीं होते..!! कुछ दिन गुजरे...। माँ का खत मिला..। पढ़ने से पूर्व.. मैं सहम गया..। जरूर.. पैसे भेजने.. को लिखा होगा..। …लेकिन, खत पढ़कर.. मैं हैरान.. रह गया। माँ ने लिखा था — “बेटा, तेरा 500 रुपए का.. भेजा हुआ मनीआर्डर.. मिल गया है। तू कितना अच्छा है रे ! …पैसे भेजने में.. कभी लापरवाही.. नहीं बरतता..।” मैं इसी.. उधेड़- बुन में लग गया.. कि आखिर.. माँ को मनीआर्डर.. किसने भेजा होगा..? कुछ दिन बाद., एक और पत्र मिला..। चंद लाइनें.. लिखी थीं—आड़ी- तिरछी..। बड़ी मुश्किल से खत पढ़ पाया..। लिखा था — “भाई, 150 रुपए तुम्हारे.. और 350 रुपए अपनी ओर से मिलाकर मैंने तुम्हारी माँ को.. मनीआर्डर.. भेज दिया है..। फिकर.. न करना। माँ तो सबकी.. एक- जैसी ही होती है न..!! वह क्यों भूखी रहे...?? तुम्हारा— जेबकतरा भाई..!!! दुनियां में.. आज भी.. माँ को प्यार.. करने वाले.. ऐसे इन्सान.. हैं..!!! यदि आप भी.. अपनी माँ.. को इतना ही प्यार.. करते हैं...!! तो भावुकता में.. आंसू.. वाहने के वजाय.. इस कहानी को Share करो
Rafael De Amo Calore
Rafael De Amo Calore Time: Não torço pra nenhum time de futebol Nasc. : 26/03/1991 Namorar ou Ficar: namorar Comida: Brownies, trufas, pizza de pepperoni, yakisoba, bifun Vício: Minecraft Apelido: Muralha, Muh, Rafa, Calore Ídolo(s): Judith Poulgar, Beethoven, Mania Akbari Cinema ou Festa: Cinema Fruta: Maracujá Ciumeto(a): Só quando tenho motivo Bebida: chá gelado Um número: 256 Duas pessoas que sente saudades: Minha mãe e alguém que não merece citação Uma data que marco: meu aniversário, duh Odeio: falso moralismo e mente fechada Amor ou Amizade: Amor Coca ou Fanta: Soda Abraço ou Sorriso : Os dois
Fausto Silva
Fausto Silva Eu amo a Desciclopedia!! "Se Bourdieu fosse brasileiro, seria da Igreja Universal, petista e torcedor do Corinthias." Sérgio Micele sobre sobre sua relação com seu orientador
Se Bourdieu fosse brasileiro, seria da Igreja Universal, petista e torcedor do Corinthias. Sérgio Micele sobre sobre sua relação com seu orientador
Joseph Mokwena Kgalaps-finest Mailola
Joseph Mokwena Kgalaps-finest Mailola mokgotsi waka o ntshisa ka batho hle! He asked me so nice gore ke monyake cherry coz tse tsa go fereya or go shela di pala sebaka se setelle so ka bolela le cherry ya nxtdoor n ka mo tshaela die whole story ka die autie so cherry ya dumela gore etla dibetha die ou,phela die he ws charmer yoh, ka vaya ke botsa die ou gore late after mohvango die cherry e tlo swakala hierso, cherry ere ga sa nka a bo robala Boroko miks,bosego kaofela die autie tseka tseka le mpete e bolela gore* Mo e mongwe o kare o tlo jewa mo! Go jewa motho lehono! Mme o tlile tlala o nyele! E mo tlo jewa mo,c'rus e mongwe otlo jewa. A bolela so until go esa. Bjale phoso kea mang gona mo? Go ithuta go fereya re sa ba bannyane majika go a nyakega tog.. Gud nyt bangani
Rafael Fortunato
Rafael Fortunato Jogar CS e ao final de cada round ter que escutar Adele, Rihana e Britney é de fuder o cu do papagaioooo...
Silvio Conchon
Silvio Conchon Frankie Knuckles e Jamie Principle no reveillon em Sidney.
Who: Frankie Knuckles Feat; Jamie Principle- Your Love Were: Sydney Opera House When 01.01.12
Kakazinho Code
Kakazinho Code Thierry Henry postigao svoj 12. pogodak u 12. utakmici protiv Leedsa, 12 minuta prije kraja, noseći dres s brojem 12,zbir njegovih slova u imenu i prezimenu je 12 T+H+I+E+R+R+Y H+E+N+R+Y=12,i sve to u 2012. godini. :D
Maria Leandra Lia Manhica
Maria Leandra Lia Manhica A Vida sem Amor é um Ano sem Verão
Hera Lucian
Hera Lucian e si fratele meu acolo...dai bataie nicu!!!!esti un HERA ce naiba!!!!!bravo fra sunt mandru


Hera Lucian
Liliana Burcea
Puiul asta mic are cancer.Hai sa ajutam si noi, trimitand mai departe.Va rog mult de tot.. Pt. fiecare e-mail primeste 32 de euro. Dati mai Departe, VA ROG!!!!
Marcos Holanda
Marcos Holanda tu e louco, cinco competidores dentro do carro disputando a liderança do BBB 12.
Giisa Mattos
Giisa Mattos Eo naum sou relogiio pra da tempo pra niinguem ja estou em outra e to indo muiito bem !
Gazi Nipo
পৃথিবীর সব থেকে সুন্দর টাকা হিসেবে নির্বাচিত হলো বাংলাদেশের দুই টাকা. ↓ নিচে 'SHARE" অপসন এ ক্লিক করে পোস্টটি আপনার ওয়ালে "SHARE" করুন ও তথ্যটি জানিয়ে দিন সব বন্ধুদের ↓ মোবাইল থেকে শেয়ার করতে এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুনঃ সংবাদটি নেয়া হয়েছে:
Zulqarnain Shah
Zulqarnain Shah zameen e hasrat main kahan phool khilla koi ae zindagi tujhe ab bhi he gilla koi
Raphael Barbosa
Raphael Barbosa Lua vai iluminar os pensamentos dela, faaa pra ela qe sem ela eu nao vivo, vever sem ela e meu pior castigo.
Sara Fonseca
Sara Fonseca Muito sabio......
Descubra o que é ética e moral de um modo simples, engraçado e dinâmico, por Mario Sergio Cortella
Drica Pinotti
Drica Pinotti Administrar e organizar o Facebook eh uma tarefa chata :o/ Agenda, eventos, requisicoes... notes... subscriptions... afff.... as vezes tem tanta coisa pra fazer que fico cansada so de pensar em organizar isso. Socorro!

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