Nikhil Gawde what a match........................
Barry Lacayo Alguien sabe el estatus de la Brielle,? Johanna no se a contactado conmigo todavia.
Lashonda Wlliams Wats sup fb i hate whn a men think he got u on lockdown think he ddoin sum bt the bitch got me fuk up st love me end i love thm bck so fuk what i nigga think cause umm still do me one way or other aint no stppin end me into i die
Vicki Loper Did a little online shopping and now headed to the dentist.....there goes the rest of my money
Andrew Schoengarth GOOO PACKERS!!! 12-0!!! Now if only the Seahawks can finish off their season with a winning record... See more
Aquarian Bookshop Susan, Mo, and Barbara!! What a fantastic Monday! Stop in for a Reading by one of our fabulous Psychics, Pick up some crystals, Holiday shopping, snag a good book....what ever you want to do! We're ready for Ya! See you soon :)
Coretta Bynum OMG.. The most unbelievable incedencent happened. I've never ever, ever, seen an African American working at a Pollo Tropical. Until Friday. Their she was a Petite African American Young Adult, says how may I help you. I was dumb founded. I said, wait baby. No offense but are you black; she said yes. I said HELL NAW.... and I mean FBF I was loud. I shouted wheres the mananger in my proper toned voice. So the manager comes over, and says yes is there a problem I said oh no no problem. I just wanted to congratulate this place of business for hiring someone of Color. The manager goes on to say excuse me: I went on too say Im proud of your establishment for hiring a personof Color. I tried so hard to not use the word BLACK, but apparently thats what he understoodd black oppose a person of Color, or African American. Ultimately when I finished he understood what I was saying. WellFBF I had to share the experience I had with u guys. That moment i will
Katelynn Springsteen if anyone knows where i can find an elf outfit or a rouldouph outfit, please message me.
Kevin Price Jesus Celebration tonight @ 7... with Evangelist Lynn Wheeler.... It is going to be an incredible time of intercession, worship, and a powerful Word... I hope all the Jesus Junkies out there will make it tonight to Hatfield Assembly of God church... See ya tonight!
Kristen Marie Farek Ok, random...this girl just asked me to do a survey for her class project and I had to circle how hot 20 girls are and rank them from 1-10....needless to say it took a while and I'm the worse person to ask to do this.
Sara Pasgar-caranto Pampering myself by putting petrolium jelly in my toes and cover it with the socks.massaging my hands coz tomorrow is a big day..gudnite
Joyce Lee Sangeetha Rajeesh, today’s good news is Karen de Kock has got her Visa. I even had a nightmare last week that Karen didn’t get her Visa, but somehow she still managed to stow away to see us. Oh! Yes, it is a reality now that Karen will be able to see us. :-)
Akshay Gupta There should be a better way to start a day
Than waking up every morning
Amy Van Balkom Rhn Had a great weekend with my little angel. Bobs and Lolo, Santa Claus Parade and a relaxing Sunday afternoon hottub!
Leonsito Will almost made a mill today cha! always tomo tho ;)
Nicola Benson Colangelo I guess it got cold last nite. Got a layer of ice on the pond. Enough to slow down the ducks, but a long way from being a hockey rink.
Clarissa RayvensMommy Eashmond So Rayven just woke up. I said good morning Rayray. Y did my baby ask me what u doin? Lol. I said i love you. She says i love you! I asked do u wanna go to school? She says no. Just to be sure i asked again and she says no. LMBO. Ray gave me a kiss and got out the bed!!!! Only my baby. I love being a mommy!!!!!
Steven Hallock The saying 80 degrees sitting under palm trees is how im livin today! A trip to the beach? Id have to say emmm yes
Claire Moore this cold better go away b4 the end of the week.2 n half wks is a bit much 4 a cold:-(
Kyle Fisher This video states that there's a direct correlation between watching Captain Planet and being a far leftist political dissident.
I wonder if these two know how out of touch and silly that they sound, and that this is considered news.
From the December 2 edition of Fox Business' Follow the Money...
Denzie Wright Sam-ur a piece of shit!
me- if im a piece of shit, then ur the whole damn turd.
Bvekerwa Wesley BREAKING NEWS - Just spoke to H Metro Reporter, he was confirmed the "sex-tapes" were linked by Stunner in a bid to promote his latest album, if you think am lying call the reporter on 0772355458, the lengths people will go.......
Francine Varner not in a good mood right now its been 3 years today that my lovely grand mother passed away nan we all miss u and love u u should see how big ur grand kids are getting they talk about u all the time nana so when we meet again tell pop pop 4 us in heaven we love him and miss him to rip edith varner
Brian Harrison switched up the gear today- rocking some corduroys, a fresh-out-of-the-box pair of Clarks, and a "nice" shirt looking spiffy as fuck!
Practicing my business casual attire for when I get a "real" job lol
Saranya Lakshmi check this out ... cool haha can happen to anyone! I dare you can watch this .
click here to see dad post and emma sucide letter , you will really be shocked.. :P
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