Patrick John Dipasquale I need to catch up on how I met your mother does anyone know a site
Jesse Guerrero Man, I dont wanna go to work today all i wanna do is sit and play batman!!
Roland Edmonds Boo Hoo for the cowpaddies !! You beat us and still get screwed in the bcs , thats because in the words of steff osu is and will always be nada , i love it -stanford new favorite team !!!!!!!!!!!
Lilibeth Beriso gotta sleep..thank you "LORD" 4 always leading me to where i should be..night people!
Lovindaron Ruckerforever Thompson I den thought do much! I cnt think NOMORE!!
Torn Ham Thanks dad for turning on the heater and warming up the house before I woke up! Now I don't have to come out of the shower all cold! Appreciate it!
Hafiz Zain Yr i am boring
i have nothing to do!
Anthony SoupZone Watson Thank GOD 4 the rain...wash away our sin but i gotta do better...
Abdon Purumeri Thank you sweet people u hav made my day above all praise b 2 God who is taking me to Greater heights....yes this my season this my time... I am CROSSING OVER
Nicole Howell Not doing well. Going to the doctor to see if I need surgery!
Ratnesh Kumar A guy sitting with his girlfriend, drinking beer says,
"I love you".
Girl asks "Is it you or the beer talking?".
Boy replies, "Its me. Talking to my beer,
Jhey Gandecila even i, am not worthy to tie the lace of His sandals - John the Baptist
to God be the Glory! gudnyt folks :)
miss u
Kimberly Mccaskill lol u gotta love them mccaskills,buchananas,jacksons,glispys,gilmores,tysons,halls n anybody i real
Barakath Ahmed this is an impotent think !! dont think this as an jock r comedy !! u r my l(W)ife !! i think u r matured enough 2 think about it !! i dont feel any thing whether u call me r not !! ( MY STATEMENT IS TRUE )!
Noor Hussain Busy life,
Around the corner I h've a friend
In this city that has no end
The days go by & weeks rush on
And before i know, a year has gone
I never see my old friend's face
Now we are busy ,tired men
Tired of playing a foolish game
Tired of trying to become a name
Tomprrow i say I w'll call on my friend
Just to show that i AM thinking of him
But tomorrw comes & tomorrow goes
And distance between us grows & grows
Around the corner,yet miles away
Here's is an e-mail sir
He died today
That is what we get & deseve in the end
Around the corner
A vanished friend
Jose Medina i won 700 dlls on a scratch off ticket
Laura Pierce cuz im thinkin i can B naughty and nice @ the same time but I.D.K. If santas gonna buy it
Syaz Rock i love joining NIE ....CAUSE that day i went to google to search my NAME"nursyazliyana" and i saw me and frenz were in the picture i CLICK it N i read wat they wrote below there I FEEL proud oF my self .....i wrote this to post to adelya,ku anis ,hng shu eem,and jesether.....just to remind them of our experince joining NIE .....anjust to remind them we are goin to hong kong .....this 20 december ....i cant wait to go there evendo i had gone there before:)
Brad Youngcannibas Smith Im lil papa cuz fuck who u thought i wuz
Thanh Thao T. Pham I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do, about you now
Lyrics: Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you By now you shoulda, somehow, realized what you gotta do I don't believe that anybod...
Denise Berumen I dnt feel good :( poor me!!!!
Michael F Cervasio If I grew a beard I'd look like the "Geezer bandit!
John Quincy Pearce 21 songs for welcome to the darkside..... ughh i think im going to make some cuts -_-
Fänø MiLånø And in another life I would be your man
We keep all our promises, be us against the world
And in other life I would make you stay with me
So I don't have to say you were the one that got away
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