Raj Lohar o piya re piya re singer by atif aslam i like this song
Mosunmola Mutiat Kolapo How else can u please this world?they complain abt almost evryfin u do,try satisfying dem den u're somehow wrong again.Na wa o
Kenneth Robert Currie First flu bug in two years - where did that come from... ;o(
Spike Blackheart En este momento le vengo manejando lo que viene siendo, Momentos, Reacciones, Sumatoria de Fuerzas en Y, Diagramas de Cortes, Metodo de Cross, Claros, Cantilivers y ecuaciones mas o menos como estas:
Δ Max = [ 5wL4) + P•L3 / 384EI (2.1 x 10^5) (4 (3a/b)^3/L]
Julieta Verdiguel Puedes no ser su primero, su ultimo o su único. Ella amo antes y puede amar de nuevo. Pero si ella te ama ahora, Que otra cosa importa? Ella no es perfecta, tú tampoco lo eres, y ustedes dos nunca serán perfectos. Pero si ella puede hacerte reír al menos una vez, te hace pensar dos veces, si admite ser humana y cometer errores, no la dejes ir y dale lo mejor de ti. Ella no va a recitarte poesía, no está pensando en ti en todo momento, pero te dará una parte de ella que sabe que podrías romper, su corazón.. No la lastimes, no la cambies, y no esperes de ella más de lo que puede darte. No analices. Sonríe cuando te haga feliz, grita cuando te haga enojar y extráñala cuando no esté. Ama con todo tu ser cuando recibas su amor. Porque no existen las chicas perfectas, pero siempre habrá una chica que es perfecta para ti..
Esperanza Villatoro muy buenos dias a todos tengan un buen dia, tomando mucho cafesito o champurraditos para quitarte este frillito q, esta asiendo y si acaso estas soltero casate porque biene el tiempo que nesesitas una buena cobijita,jajaja es broma no tomes ese consejo porque luego te arepientes muchas bendisiones a todos.
Aslam Ahmed Momin K Liye To Jan-E-Hasti Hay NAMAZ
Iman Ki Aghosh Me Basti Hay NAMAZ
Milti Nahi Mehshar Me Kisi B Qeemat Par
O Zindagi Walon Parh Lo Abhi Sasti Hay Namaz..
Sâmara Galvão Foda é o Corinthians Que apesar de não ter nenhuma libertadores,
Malik Sabir Gila Tujse Nahi Koi Gila Apni Majburiyon Se Karte Hai Tu Aaj Hamare Kareeb Ha Sahi Ae Dost Mohabbat To Ham Teri Dooriyon Se Bhi Karte Hai ???? DOST O...'':::!!,,,???
Isabela Souza Peraí.... Isso q o vizinho tá ouvindo é "É o TCHAN''!?!?!??!?!??!?
''Domingo ela não vai! Vai! Vai!''
Oh céus! Brigada Piracicaba, por me ajudar a não sentir tanta saudade assim =D
Horatziu Ioan Cenusa Lucrare de licenta!!
Iepurasul isi facea lucrarea de licenta .
Curioasa, vulpea, trecand prin zona, il intreaba:
- Ce faci iepurasule, despre ce scrii tu acolo?
- Am inceput lucrarea de cercetare despre cum este mancata vulpea de catre iepuras....
... - Ha, ha, ha... pai cum o sa manance un amarat de iepuras o vulpe, poate invers....
- Cercetare stiinfica, vulpeo, daca nu crezi, te astept deseara la vizuina.
Dimineata, padurea uimita de mirare.... in fata vizuinei, pielea vulpei era intinsa la uscat.
Curios lupul, apare si el la iepuras si il intreaba:
- Despre ce scrii tu acolo, iepurasule?
- Sunt la cercetarea propriu-zisa din lucrarea de licenta, studiez cum e mancat lupul de catre iepuras.
- Ha, ha, ha.... cum o sa manance un amarat ca tine un lup mare si tare ca mine?
- Asta e cercetare stiintifica serioasa, daca nu crezi ne vedem deseara la viziuna.
Dimineata, stupoare mare in toata padurea... pielea lupului era intinsa la uscat langa cea a vulpii.
Nemairezistand, ursul o apuca si el spre iepuras si il intreaba:
- Despre ce mai scrii tu acolo iepurasule?
- Sunt deja la concluziile cercetarii in care demonstrez cum e mancat ursul de catre iepuras....
- Ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho... ce tot spui pricajitule? ..... cum sa manance un mititel ca tine un urs mare ca mine?
- Nu crezi?! Aceasta este o cercetare stiintifica, nu e o gluma, vino deseara la vizuina si ai sa te convingi...
In dimineata urmatoare, toata padurea era socata.... pielea ursului era intinsa la uscat langa cea a lupului si cea a vulpii....
Dupa cateva ore, cand lighioanele padurii se raspandisera care incotro, iepurasul iesi razand din vizuina, de gat cu leul care ii spuse:
- Ai vazut iepurasule? Ce iti spuneam eu? Nu tema conteaza, ci coordonatorul !..
Celebrate Recoverytvc Even after taking the first two steps we can still be stuck in the cycle of failure: guilt... anger... fear... depression! How do we get "unstuck"? How do we get past the barriers of pride, fear, guilt, worry, and doubt that keep us from taking this step? The answer I'd action!
A= accept Jesus
C= commit to His will
T= turn it over
I= it's only the beginning
O= one day at a time
N= next
Come join us at TVC in the lodge every Friday at 6:00 to learn more! Hope to see you there!
Rusty's Farm Fresh Eatery Specials
• Burger: “The Works” $11.99
o ½ pound of grass-fed beef topped with sautéed onions and mushrooms with BBQ sauce, crispy bacon, lettuce, tomato, and onion. Comes with a side of potato salad.
• Wrap: The Tuscan $11.99
o Free-range grilled chicken with hand-fried eggplant, mozzarella, roasted red pepper, lettuce, tomato, onion, and basil mayo. Comes with a side of mac salad.
• Sub: Eggplant Parm Sub $11.99
o Hand-breaded eggplant with our own roasted garlic marinara, melted mozzarella, and fresh basil.
Comes with a side of French fries.
• Rice Bowl 1: Wild Salmon $13.99
o Grilled wild salmon served over seasoned basmati rice with grilled local vegetables.
• Rice Bowl 2: Black Bean Chicken Chili $10.99
o Our own black bean chicken chili topped with melted cheddar, chopped tomatoes, onions avocados and tortilla strips, served over basmati rice.
Cody Edge-Ahpeahtone √ Still a virgin
√ Never smoked weed
√ Never did drugs
√ Never drank alcohol
√ Never broke the law
Whoever likes status thinks you're lying! :O
Maurice Cates Hello everyone I hope all of yall is blessed..Me I'm loving life,I love my baby Sharnae..she make feel so happy..every man need a women like her in there life..she love me for me..that what make me so happy with her..o love you Sharnae..
Ciaran Duffy o my god snow like :)
Omar De La Torre Haha o well like jigga Said And I'M ON TO THE NEXT ON ON TO THE NEXT haha talking bout replacing me haha girl u been relplaced all I had to do is pick one out like they were waiting for an American idle try out haha so how's everyone doing i feel good i feel alright bout to male some breakfast and chill on this cold Ass cloudy day Chea!
Leader Rajib mon balo nai jar janno se kamon ace.nake tome o mon kharap kore bose aso karu ferar asai.bejay tome amake kadao keno.
Lucas Franklin O vice voltou! ah pula ae... vai ser vice até morrer...(8
Terry Allon Gerjits Revelation 16:4-5-6-7
4 Then the third [angel] emptied out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of water, and they turned into (became) blood. 5 And I also heard the angel of the waters say, Righteous (just) are You in these Your decisions and judgments, You Who are and were, O Holy One! 6 Because they have poured out the blood of Your people (the saints) and the prophets, and You have given them blood to drink. Such is their due [they deserve it]! 7 And [from] the altar I heard [the] cry, Yes, Lord God the Omnipotent, Your judgments (sentences, decisions) are true and just and righteous!
More to come tomarrow................
London Smith Yo my teacher funny he said o miss smith u the shit why not start your rn class next year meanin january 15 everything u need a be paid for lpn aint for u wht? I just smiled and said thanks a lot boss ill take that deal but i need this under my belt i got my paper i am done yup so happy
Mosa Molatseli Jehovah, o nkwale molomo ha leleme la ka le sa o rorise!
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