Giuseppe Martella Siamo nelle mani dell' ultimo padrone...E quelle sediacce da stabilimento balneare nella nuova sala stampa antiberlusconiana?!?
Il governo dei secchioni perso tra gaffe, lapsus e figuracce - mario monti, governo, fornero, passer
Tecnici sì, ma non certo della comunicazione. Elsa Fornero che piange nel momento di rendere conto della manovra, il...
Syed Murtaza Mohiuddin Quadri Zara jo Dil se yeh Kaha Bata ke Kya Hussain hai,
Sada yeh aayi jaan le Sada sada Hussain hai,
Bashar Se Chal Basheer tak,Bata main Kitne Naam Loon.
Bade Bade Yeh Keh gaye,Bohot Bada Hussain hai....
"Among the believers are Men, who delivered their promise to Allah" ( Ayah 23/Surat Al-Ahzab).
If history has taught us anything, it has certainly delivered a message with unequivocal resonance;
Haqq and freedom are not something that is given. Haqq and Freedom are things people take, and people are as free and on the Haqq as they want to be.
Islam, the religion of Haqq, justice and freedom came ito a place and time where oppression was the rule, slavery was a tool to humiliate the weak, killings a way to solve problems. A society fueled by feuds, raging by violence, and merely being born in the wrong family could mean eternal slavery, oppression, and stripping of any and all rights. The Beloved Prophet Sallalla Hu Alaihi Wa Sallam, emerged as the voice denouncing those ways while striving to ensure justice and equality.
By endangering himself, he – Sallalla Hu Alaihi Wa Sallam gave us one of the most precious monotheistic gifts, namely the collective duty of self criticism.
Speak the truth though against yourself. Support the Haqq, denounce the Batel. Stand with the Haqq, abandon the Batel.
Stand up to oppressors and tyrants, no matter of the price.
The Seerah of the Beloved Prophet, Sallalla Hu Alaihi Wa Sallam, taken as a whole, may be summarized as a succession of victories of Haqq over Batel, of Justice over Tyranny, of Freedom over Slavery.
If the Beloved Prophet Sallalla Hu Alaihi Wa Sallam has taught us anything, then among the many, he taught us an important lesson. One that the Qur’an amplified numerously: It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather a profoundly faithful few, who are keen to uphold the truth and sacrifice for it.
To be the example of a candle that burns itself illuminating the way for others, to give the ultimate sacrifice to enlighten the path of the truth, as the truth and only the truth shall set you free.
In a very famous Hadith, the Beloved Prophet Sallalla Hu Alaihi Wa Sallam, said
“ Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain”.
The meaning entailed by this Hadith is not that I am Hussain’s grandfather, as this is an obvious fact. The meaning sheds light that Hussain is like me, Hussain’s line is similar to my line, Hussain’s message is my message, Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain.
The Ayahs and Ahadith about Ahlul Bayt including their Master Al-Imam Al-Husayn are numerous, that most of you know.
We are already in Muharram and tomorrow is the day of Ashura . A day where the Beloved of the Beloved demonstrated the highest level of nobility, and offered the ultimate of sacrifices Shadat-e-Uzma. It is no wonder, knowing that he is the grandson of our Beloved Prophet Sallalla Hu Alaihi Wa Sallam , the son of Amirul-Muminin Maula Ali Alaihi Salaam , brother of Al-Imam Al-Hasan Alaihi Salaam , and a beloved son to Master, the Lady of Ahlul Jannah Sayyidatina wa Mawlatuna Fatimah-Azzahra, sallallahu ala sayyidina Muhammad wa aalihi wa sallam.
There was a noble reason that demanded the martyrdom of Imam Hussain Alaihi Salaam. The simple and obvious reason is simply to preserve Islam. Islam, Haqq, Truth, Justice, Equality and Freedom are all precious values that demanded precious sacrifice. That, to my mind, is the supreme significance of martyrdom. But the highest honor must still lie with the symbol, who faced fearful odds and refused to surrender to evil. Rather than allow a stigma to attach to sacred things, they paid with their own lives the penalty of honor and Haqq. The begining of the batter offered by our beloved Imam Hussain Alaihi Salaam was when he went from city to city, hunted about from place to place, but making no compromise with evil. Then was offered the choice of an effectual but dangerous attempt at clearing the house of God, or living at ease for himself while closing an eye on the ongoing destruction of Islam and its values. He chose the path of danger with duty and honor, and never swerved from it giving up his life freely in the absolute bravest of ways ever known to Mankind.
That briefly is the story. What is the lesson? There is of course the physical suffering in martyrdom, and all sorrow and suffering claim our sympathy, ---- the dearest, nearest, purest, closest to our hearts, souls and minds. The one who the Beloved Prophet Sallalla Hu Alaihi Wa Sallam himself used to interrupt his speeches to pick him up, delay his prostration to honor and not bother him, the one whose face not only is honorable, but it is the face where The Prophet’s honorable lips, face, and body touched, loved, and valued. It is that very same honorable face, that Yazid bin Mu’awiyah humiliated, slaughtered, put on the spears.There are no words that can describe the pain profoundly felt in every Free Human’s mind, soul, and heart.
But there is a greater suffering than physical suffering. That is when a valiant soul seems to stand against the world; when the noblest motives of Islam are reviled and mocked; when truth seems to suffer an eclipse. It may even seem that the martyr has but to say a word of compliance, do a little deed of non-resistance; and much sorrow and suffering would be saved; and the insidious whisper comes: "Truth after all will never die."
But the whole battle is for man's keeping hold of Haqq and Freedom. And that can only be done by the highest examples of man's conduct - spiritual striving and suffering enduring firmness of faith and purpose, patience and courage where ordinary mortals would give in or be cowed down, the sacrifice of ordinary motives to supreme truth in scorn of consequence. The martyr bears witness, and the witness redeems what would otherwise be called failure. It so happened with Al-Imam Al-Hussain, the Master of the youth of Ahlul Jannah. For all were touched by the story of his martyrdom and it gave the deathblow to the tyrant politics of Yazid bin Mu’awiyah and all the oppression it stood for. And Imam Al-Hussain Alaihi Salaam being alive, more alive than ever, not only externally but living profoundly deep in our hearts, in our souls, and in our minds, has still the power to ignite the light of truth in the heart of all free, to send a message to the courageous not to bow down to evil, and to teach people not to surrender to tyranny.
There are those who until today believe that forgeries, fancy words, and booklets can mask the shining truth. Persistent attempts to distance Al-Imam Al-Hussain Alaihi Salaam and his Sirah away from Ahlus Sunnah are ongoing, and more intense, and serious than ever. This Yazidi line, regardless of what banner or name they choose to brand themselves with, can no longer fool the intellectual Muslim. Their scare tactics, labeling, and "intellectual terrorism" are weapons of the past, and no longer effective for those who see. While we must pray for their guidance, we shall never fall as victims to their misguidance.
In the upcoming very sad days in our lives, and the life of every free human being, I urge myself and you to:
1. Express sadness and show sorrow for the massacre of the dearest and purest of the Family of the Beloved Prophet Sallalla Hu Alaihi Wa Sallam. It is customary to many families of Ahlul bayt to show sadness during this month.
2. Expressing sorrow should be manifested by sincere intentions of repentance, and believing that if you were with them, you would have been on the side of Imam Hussain Alaihi Salaam, even if it costs you any and everything.
3. Increasing the recitation of Qur’an, and try to teach your fellow family, friends, and non-Muslims about the revolution of Imam Hussain Alaihi Salaam.
4. Increase your Istigfaar per day, and increase your Durud on the Beloved Prophet Sallalla Hu Alaihi Wa Sallam
5. Learn the Sirah of Imam Hussain Alaihi Salaam try to benefit from it, love it, live it.
6. Be generous to your family: bring them water ( and remember on this day Yazid’s army prevented Imam Hussain Alaihi Salaam from drinking water), bring them food and remember the things that happened.
7. Be thankful to Allah, and ask Him to gather you with the supporters of Imam Hussain Alaihi Salaam in this Dunya, and with his supporters and companions in the Akhira.
8. Be on the Haqq. Just, Freedom side,and check yourself..
9.. This is your chance to abandon the rest and follow the best. This is your chance to connect with Al-Imam Al-Hussain Alaihi Salaam.
His story purifies our emotions. We can best honor his memory by allowing it to teach us courage and constancy.
The sacrifice of Imam Husayn comes after the Sacrifice of his father, Sayyiduna Amirul’Muminin Ali bin Abi Taleb Alaihi Salaam and the sacrifice of Imam Hasan Alaihi Salaam and the line of sacrifice and martyrs among Ahlul Bayt Rizwanullahi Taala Ajmaeen is still a line enlightening the way for generations to come. They are like stars; you will not succeed in reaching them with your hands. But like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them you will reach your destiny.
Imam Al-Hussain Alaihi Salaam’s message was simple and clear:
Is life so dear or so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
Forbid it, Almighty Allah! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me Haqq, or give me death!
It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
Claudia Rezende "Se pudéssemos ter consciência do quanto nossa vida é passageira, talvez pensássemos duas vezes antes de jogar fora as oportunidades que temos de ser e de fazer os outros felizes!! "
Damanpreet Muna ਰੱਬਾ ਤੇਰੀ ਹੀ ਬਣਾਈ ਏ ਵੇਖ ਦੁਨਿਆ______ ਤੇਨੂੰ ਹੀ ਭੁਲੀ ਫਿਰਦੀ ਏ_______
Tzvika Gottlieb YJ South-East Eli S. Adi G., Victor H., Daniel L, Amanda S., Tamar F., Alex R., Tali A., Benjamin S., Abby G., Joseph A., Yoav S., Jacob C., Jeremy W., Danielle E. & Robert S.,
16 teens from the South-East Merchav that already signed up for Young Judaea Year Course 12/13, proudly representing S. Florida, Puerto Rico, Tenessee, Alabama, Georgia & South Carolina.
Next year in Jerusalem!
Angela Rogers Angela Rogers, I’m thrilled that you’re hosting a party. We’ll have a great time!
To get ready for your party, you’ll want to start by creating your guest list. It’s best to over-invite, as some will not be able to attend.
You can go to the Evite Manager by clicking on the link at right. From there you can access all of the email templates you’ll need for your party. And don’t forget out-of-town guests, since they’ll be able to order online! You’ll receive Hostess Rewards for their orders, too!
Send out email reminders at least two to three days before your party (if you have their email address); otherwise, be sure to call everyone the day before the party and remind them. And if they’re not able to attend, send them another email to let them know they can shop your online store.
I’m really looking forward to your party. Please don’t hesitate to call me in the meantime, if you should have any questions.
Thank you!
Your Scentsy Consultant,
Gina Villano
Party Date & Time:
Thursday, December 08, 2011
7:00 PM
436 Prospect Ave
Neptune, NJ 07753
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Hafsa Quadri Pocho ye shimer Se K Tera Raaj Kahan Hai,
Wo Khoon Se Aaluda Tera Taaj Kahan Hai,
Zinda Hai HUSSAIN Ibn-e-ALI Zinda Rahega
Lanat K Siwa Zikr Tera Aaj Kahan Hai.
Ibnu Ruslan Aurat n Hijab
Some people has misconception that word (AURAT) is an urdu language word, infact it is a Arabic lnguage word Linguistic scientist tells us that people hasbeen using the word (AURAT) before the Revelation Of Quran for many centuries, its means the Word (AURAT) hasnot been invented by Quran. Actually word (AURAT)means; Unsafe thing, Open thing or open place, Empty, The private part of body, From these meanings we come to know that whatever thing has been called (AURAT) then COVERING or HIDING has become the nature of the thing so we may not get the loss. In urdu we say "Sinf e Nazuk" n "Khatoon" to AURAT In the same manner in Arabic we say "Mur a tun" "Im ra tun" N "Nisa" "Mur a tun" n "Im ra tun" means attractive or loveable thing or the thing which may cause for Peace of Heart. Nisa means the thing which may leave behind, The Arabs used to say Nisa to woman because the Arabs used to go to battlefield n left their women behind at home so that they may lose their lives but their women may not get any harm, that why they called their women " Nisa"
Jibran Hashmi Har Simth Har Soo Ye Udasi hai Chayi,
Naya Saal Shru Hua Ye Sada Hai Ayi,
Bich Gaya Har Ghar Mein Saf-e-Matam Logo,
SHABBIR (A.S.) Par Ronay Khud Us Ki MAA (S.A.) Hai Ayi…….
Kaisay Karun Bayan AZHAR Karbala K Is Manzar Ko,
Larazta Hai Qalam Kapkapatay Hein Haath Likhna Jo Chahun Is Manzar Ko……!!!
R.k. Pardesi Udaas Jaagti Aankhoon k khawab laya
hun,, Main pathroon mein chupa kar Gulab
laya hun., Jo ho sakay to Tanhaiyon mein parh
laina.? Tumhare wastay dil ki kitab laya hun.! Wo ik sawal jo tum ne kabhi nahi
pocha.? Saja k palkoon pe is ka Jawab laya
hun.! Tujh ko mujh se nahi meri mohbat Say
Gila ho ga.? Lay daikh main khulasa-e-ahbab laya
hun.! Dil pe lagay zakham to sub mita chuka
hun "WASI" Yeh to rooh k zakhmo ka Hisab laya
Fabricio Silva Minhas lágrimas não caem mais,
Eu já me transformei em pó
E os meus gritos não se escutam mais
Estão na direção do Sol
Meu futuro não me assusta ou faz
Correr pra desprender o nó
Que me amarra a garganta e traz
O vazio de viver só...
Se alguém encontrou um sentido para a vida, chorou
Por aumentar a perda que se tem ao fim de tudo transformando o silencio que até então é mudo
Naquela canção,
que parece encontrar a razão
Mas que ao final se cala frente ao tempo que não para frente a nossa lucidez.
Ali Rehman ?”Mein Ne Dushman Ko Bhi Ehsaas-E-Muhabbat Bakhshaa
Mere Apney Mujhey Nafrat Ki Saza Detay Hein ……
Fjala Jezusit Ai i jep forcë të lodhurit dhe rrit fuqinë e të këputurit.
Të rinjtë mundohen dhe lodhen, të rinjtë e zgjedhur me siguri pengohen dhe rrëzohen,
por ata që shpresojnë te Zoti fitojnë forca të reja, ngrihen me krahë si shqiponja, vrapojnë pa u lodhur dhe ecin pa u lodhur. Isaia 40:29-31
Andres Escobar Grande bezerra ja dizia: "Olha aí, quem pergunta quer sempre a resposta
E quem tem boca responde o que quer"
Doctor Tahir ul Qadri answer: Imam e Hussain A.S ki yaad mey rona kahan likha hai? (Must Watch)
Aline Magalhaes Caráter VEM de Berço e Criação.!!!!! e por isso que tem muitas pessaos neste mundo falsas e mentirosas....que se passam de cordeiros mas na verdade, são lobos com pele de*
Gabriel Portugal Os recordes abaixo se referem ao período entre 1971 e 2011. As estatísticas e recordes relativos ao Campeonato Brasileiro Unificado (1959-2011) ainda são objeto de estudo dos pesquisadores do assunto.
Loretta Mawusi Roamin de whole dc witut a bath 2day eh e hard ooh
Vee Cantiek -:¦:-_-:¦:-_-:¦:-_@"v"@
(¨`•.•´¨). ×'___( *♥* )
'`•.¸.•´×.-:¦:-_(♥,) - (♥,)
¸.•´(_¸.¤ ¤´¯) ¤(♥,)(♥,)
ѕααтηソα вυвυк..
gσσ∂ ηιgнт ∂υ∂є..
נαηgαη ηgσяσк ρℓєαѕє..
♥♠ кαѕιαη тєтαηggα ♥♠
Motaung Fusi P-raise
dat is what it means, dey r true godsends (ANGELS) When u in trouble dey r alwayz dere to help. When u done wrong dey punish lyk de way God does to sinners. Watch out ke TSHITWE, b on da gud syd on dis Angels.
must see this beautiful dua writen by great mohsin naqvi marhoom
Carmen Rockwell LAST FRIDAY NIGHT!!! No Cheating.
Stranger in my bed: Les Middleton Karnof
Danced on table tops: Chris Frederick
Took too many shots: Chris Kreider
Think we kissed but I forgot: Matt McNeeley
Got kicked out of the bar: Tori E. Simpson
Stripping in the park: Ashley Rowland Slone
Skinny dipping in the dark: Steve Hutchinson
Ripped favorite partysuit: Melissa French
Warrants out for their arrest: Codi Hutchinson
DJ who passed out in the yard: Rachel Penrod
Ellis Taylor lil e aka lil ether bka slezy
Emm Ishaq ""KhooN Se Chiraag Deen
Ka Jalaya "HUSSAIN" Ne""....
""Rasm-E-W afa Ko Khoob
Nibhaya"HUSSAIN" Ne""....
""Khud Ko To 1 Bond B Pani
Na Mil Saka""....
""Karb-O-B ala Ko Khoon
Pilaya"HUSSAIN" Ne""....
""Aisi Namaz Kon ParhayE
Ga JahaN Me""....
""Sajdaa Kia To Sar Na
Uthaya"HUSSAIN" Ne""....
""Sab Kuch" KHUDA" Ki
Raah Me Qurban Kar Dia""....
""Asghar" Sa Phool B Na
Bachaya"HUSSAIN" Ne""
Mani Raj bihan uthna bitiki himal dakhana paeyos e hath la sadhai sadhai napal ..
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