Orikkalum marakkaruth e ammayude kannuneer .....
Oro bharatheeyanteyum ullil mayathe kidakkanam aa mugam ....
The great WARRIOUR.....
Namuk vendi nammude nadinu vendi swantham jeevan balikodutha e dheeranaya poralikku aadaranjalikalode........
Bách Võ "Tình yêu lạ kì - hiền thục vs Khương ngọc", đó là cái bài hát, là kí ức đẹp nhất của tôi về e lúc này, nghe lại vẫn vui lắm..mặc dù unfriend , xóa nick, nhưng tôi vẫn còn nhớ em lắm. Ích kỉ ko tha thứ, k chấp nhận là lỗi của tôi. Nhưng k có niềm tin thì t.y vs tôi chả là gì !
Gabriela Brambilla "Olhe, tenho uma alma muito prolixa e uso poucas palavras.
Sou irritável e firo facilmente.
Também sou muito calmo e perdôo logo.
Não esqueço nunca.
Mas há poucas coisas de que eu me lembre."
Clarice Lispector
Vernon Clark Now, you're from Colorado if: You eat ice cream in the winter. It snows 5 inches and you don't expect school to be cancelled. You live above 5,000 feet, sometimes Summer comes on Sunday and you can go fishing! You'll wear flip flops every day of the year, regardless of temperature. You have no accent at all, but can hear other people's. And then you make fun of them. "Humid" is over 25%. Your sens...e of direction is: Toward the mountains and Away from the mountains. You say "the interstate" and everybody knows which one. You think that May is a totally normal month for a blizzard. You buy your flowers to set out on Mother's day, but try and hold off planting them until just before Father's day. You grew up planning your Halloween costumes around your coat. You know what the Continental Divide is. You don't think Coors beer is that big a deal. You went to Casa Bonita as a kid, AND as an adult. You've gone off-roading in a vehicle that was never intended for such activities. You always know the elevation of where you are. You wake up to a beautiful, 80 degree day and you wonder if it's gonna snow later. You don't care that some company renamed it, the Broncos still play at Mile High Stadium!!! Every movie theater has military and student discounts. You actually know that ** South Park ** is a real place, not just a dumb show on TV. You know what a 'trust fund hippy' is, and you know its natural habitat is Boulder, Aspen, Crested Butte, Paonia, and Telluride. You know you're talking to a fellow Coloradan when they call it "Elitches," not ""Six Flags." A bear on your front porch doesn't bother you. Your two favorite teams are the Broncos and whoever is beating the crap out of the Raiders. When people back East tell you they have mountains in their state too, you just laugh. You go anywhere else on the planet and the air feels "sticky" and you notice the sky is no longer blue. Repost if your proud of being a Coloradan.
Maria Lelaka E re di pitsi di itukishetse go ya kosheng *preperation* ha e duma ya tsamaya koloi ya Eliya e lebile le panteng
Munyaradzi Gadzai No jobbing,No sleeping,living up life its e holidays we going 2 drink nd party all day long
Alberto Montesso E ancora una volta ... Ho ragione...!!!
Lethícia Barros Talvez eu tenha sido a pessoa mais desesperada do mundo para que o ensino médio acabasse, só porque eu não sabia quanta falta essas pessoas tão especiais fariam na minha vida. Mas já que acabou só espero que a amizade fique mais forte e mais intensa e que a cada encontro possamos compartilhar nossas vitórias. Assim continuar acrescentando uns aos outros na sua própria história.
Baah Diniz Beatriz Almeida de Brito Camila Gualiato Jenny Batista Jéssica Souza Mariana Marques Jorge Toledo Elisa Scaramussa Fernanda Luna Fernanda Chialastri
Alehk Koy Saber da vida de alguém e fácil,faça um Facebook e descubra TUDO!
Ele mostra coisas antes mesmo da própria pessoa postar ;)
Elsa Quintas E pronto sou mestra :) Com a bela nota de 18
Time to rest and celebrate
Juanica Alberts al ooit i chonki hoor afrikaans praat?wel e het vandag haha
Sheikh Muhammad Qaisar Abbas R.O South Panjab Youthwing Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf
Mob# 03008595872
Join PTI to make strong Pakistan as well as you can.May Allah accept Youth to bring Change & Revolution for Islam & Pakistan!
Skhumbuzo Sk Kutwana ai mojolo wafela kgweding e yao hosane tjo lol ai...Paballo Egotistic Bapela na bua nnete di couple ditla bo nana ka february LMAO
Sara Sayed http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=umlJJFVgYVI
ؤCairokee featuring Aida El Ayoubi
Tee Canthelpthat Rivers (U) can hate me on(L)y f(O)r wat i did in the past but ul lo(V)e me in the futur(E) remember (ME)...
Ranveer Thakur Dubo dy APni kashti ko kinara dhoondne wale......
Ye darya-e-mohabbet hai,yaha sahil nahi milta.....!!!
Hobby Pro Inc. Well our phone lines are down. :( So if you need to reach us, message us here or e-mail us at info@HobbyProInc.com.
Bruna Medeiros Adriana Almeida e Aline Rocha esse almoço vai rolar mesmo amanhã? HUAHAIUHAUIAHIUAHIUAHIAUHAIUA to perando voces aqui! lol
Anabel Sanchez Omg con el dolor de mi alma tendre k kortar mis linda unitas tanto k las e kuidado para k ahora me salga mi maestra k no podemos tener la unas grandes x k podemos arranar un paciente..............:(
Aldo Spaziani Mi è piaciuto un video di YouTube http://lnk.ms/WWWbw
Gabi Fernandes "Desejo que você:
Não tenha medo da vida, tenha medo de não vivê-la.
Não há céu sem tempestades, nem caminhos sem acidentes.
Só é digno do pódio quem usa as derrotas para alcançá-lo.
Só é digno da sabedoria quem usa as lágrimas para irrigá-la.
Os frágeis usam a força; os fortes, a inteligência.
Seja um sonhador, mas una seus sonhos com disciplina,
Pois sonhos sem disciplina produzem pessoas frustradas.
Seja um debatedor de idéias. Lute pelo que você ama."
Augusto Cury
Doug Holbrook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWymzMHL8-E&feature=related
Jazz Festival, Viersen, Germany, 27/28th September 1997 Ralph Towner - Guitar Gary Peacock - Bass
Dipu Dipu Raviram F . R . I . E . N . D.
F : Full of LOVE !
R : ROOT of JOY !
E : END of SADness !
D : DEAR its YOU
Bhupesh Sharma Meri Mohabbat ko mere haalat ke Taraju se mat tol e Dost,
meine aksar vo Jakhm bi Khaye he,jo Meri Kismat mein nei the...
Anthony Chavez I wonder what the average amount of time we do have power up here is ?
But we all have fucking smart meters we should be happy I guess , thank you S D G & E
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