Wi Fi May i know anyone of u, learn about Bill of Quantities? or have any Bill of Quantities example and reference?
Kimber Hild Finals, essays, home work and log theory math (blah) and christmas shopping and a house to clean who said being a mom was easy but by the grace of God I am never handed more than I can handle
Soggy Bottom Boys- I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow
Suresh Panda A Love Letter by a Brilliant Maths Student to his Girlfriend-
My sweet 'straight line'
yesterday,i was passing by ur 'rectangular' house in 'trigonometric' lane. There my eyes wth 'positive slope' felt 'orthogonally' on ur cute 'circular face','conical nose'&'sperical' eyes.
Before seeing u my heart was a 'null set', bt when a 'vector' from ur eyes at deviation of 'theta radians' made a 'tangent...' to my heart, i got differentiated.
My luv 4 u is 'quadratic eqn'with 'real roots'.
Now u can only 'integrate' me back to my life...
With my love
'tending to infinity'..;);-):-D:-P
CarolLee Streeter Kidd I am the kind of person that settles for the how, I want to know the why, so I can do it when and where...any time, any place...understanding all so the how becomes easier.
Billy Long Everybody listen up... stay away from me apparently i hit girls, so unless you like that stuff stay away from me, im abusive
Di Beaudoin Hi Ho Hi Ho, it's back to work I go
Royal Rajput what kisses mean!
KISS ON HAND=i adore u,
KISS ON CHEEK=lets be friends,
KISS ON NECK=i want u,
KISS ON LIPS=i love u,
KISS ANYWHERE ELSE=…lets not get carried away
Terenzo Keron Twenty Free my Bru Buck 20!
Minda Fantom My daugther Melissa's birthday is today. She is 17 yrs old. Happy Birthday to my beautiful daugther Melissa. I love you very,very much with all my heart.
Sandy Pless I wanted to say a big Thank you to Dennis Lovinggood- I had a run in with a large dog a while back and he had just repaired a friend of mines car. By her recommendation I used him for my repairs. He did an awesome job and was done faster than I expected. Which is very refreshing today !! Sometimes we have to wait weeks for repairs like this. Not this time. I think that a word of mouth recommedation is the best advertisement a person can get. And He is getting Mine.
L & L Body Shop.
With all the bad news, negative talk, and lots and lots of scams, we have to remind ourselves to thank the good ones!!!!!
Jessica Renee Smith Dear best friend,
I know you can't read this, but I don't care. You are so amazing, and I love you more than anything right now. All I have to do is look at your happy face, and all my problems seem to melt away in those brown glass-like eyes. The best thing about you is all you ask for in return is that I love you, feed you, and take you out to go potty (even though you sometimes forget that last part.) I thought I almost lost you once, and that made me really appreciate how special our bond is. I can tell you anything, and you'll never judge me, or tell anyone my secrets, or even stab me in the back. I just love you so much, and I don't know where I'd be witout you.
Jonathan Quevedo TODAY I FEEL GREAT!!! I learned in school today that there is a ratio of like 1:1.168 in which this determines beauty in the human body/face and plants and stuff. Kinda makes you think!!! It blew my mind..
Elizabeth Carpenter divorce sucks. wish i was pretty and he loved me :(
Eunice Golden'pussy Alonso too bad i got STALKERS lmao lameee.
#Virgo likes to keep their private life private.
Michael Cyrus woke up again today and sunny, amen I'm just waiting on a E tickect and my partial plate missing 1 tooth in front, yep thats humbling HR rep told me to start checking E mail Twice a day, thats really more gas money then i want to spend, no big deal, my anxieties are overwhelming you know tension,tremor,sweating and increased heart rate, OMG I thought I was IN love , just being me.u
Its payday for me so , im having a great day I cant wait for jamey to get home , no crap the kid is almost 18 , I hope he wants to go to college somewhere really warm, I had enough of this freezing weather
"I Think We're Alone Now" Off "Looking Glass". Looking Glass came out May 6th And I know you guys don't want to wait!
Josie Glover Thank You!!
In the arms of Jesus, I am safe. I love Him more than I could ever say. <3
Love Jesus? Join Us! --> http://www.facebook.com/GodVine
Ken Canning ugh, exhausted, tired and sick, but i go on, OCCUPY WILL NOT DIE!
Crystal Hodges Well working alot lately......Tired....I Love You Ricky And Brayden.....With All My Heart..... GOT MY CHRISTMAS TREE UP YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Rebecca Anne Brown Hey college...what's up? Just wondering...can you go by a little quicker...I have things to do once I'm done with you...Thanks =]
Moshood Kamildeen Olamide 2 yrs "Mummy i love you"... 12 yrs "Mum whatever ".... 16yrs" My mum is so annoying".... 18 yrs" I want to leave this house".... 25 yrs" Mum you were right"...30 yrs" I want to go to my mum's house"... 50yrs" I d on't want to lose my mum".... 70yrs "I would give up EVERYTHING for my mum to be here with me"... A mother is IRREPLACEABLE... Broadcast this. if you appreciate & Love your mom ♥ ♥ ♥my mum is tha best....
SpudLito's Way I bet anythng dat 9 times outta 10 ya patnas dat you use to fuc wit prolly dnt even kic it witcha like dey use 2 ... ppl change like da weather
Yurlil Babegurl hea in skool with nikkie ...... dont wana go to class and i hope i could see ma bestfriend xoxo
Saswata Kar Boy: Marry me.. ?
Girl: Do you have a house.. ?
Boy: No..
Girl: Do you have a BMW car.. ?
Boy: No..
... ...Girl: How much is your salary.. ?
Boy: No salary.. but,..
Girl: No but. You have nothing.. How can i marry you.?? Leave please.!!
Boy: (talk to himself) I have one villa, 3 property lands, 3 Ferrari, 2 Porsche.. Why I still need to buy BMW.?! How can I get the salary when actually I'm the BOSS..
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